Click Online

Online Resources


Click home page


Click downloads

Click Examples

Click Examples application

Bugs and Issues

JIRA bug and issue tracking


Click community Wiki

Click Blog

For the latest news and gossip

Maven Repository

Click JARs registered with Maven repository

Browse SVN Repository

Browse Subversion repository


FishEye SVN repository project view

Mailing Lists


Here you can ask questions on how to use Click, have discussions around best practices and inquire about new features you would like to see.


This list focuses on development issues such as the future direction, prioritization of issues, design issues and release schedules.


Let us know of any Click related blog entries on the web so we can add them here. Send us a mail to one of our Mailing Lists, or directly to "sabob1 at".

Sites Using Click

Below are some of the sites and organizations that use Click.

If you would like to add your own site to this list, please send us a mail to one of our Mailing Lists, or directly to "sabob1 at".

Avoka FormCenter

FormCenter is a powerful customer self service electronic forms delivery platform designed to fully leverage Adobe LiveCycle. It is a web based customer facing solution that manages the complete life cycle of electronic forms and their associated services and data, and delivery.

FormCenter provides the foundation of the whole of Australian Federal Government SmartForms solution.

This site was created for Val d'Oise, a French department which has responsibilities in the areas of welfare, culture, environment, roads, health and schools.

Piggydb is web application for building personal knowledge base systems. It allows one to write knowledge in the same manner as blogging, and classify it by tagging. Piggydb also supports hierarchical tagging for creating highly structural knowledge.

This online store provides Delaney locks with product management, credit card processing, UPS real time lookup, quartz based email processing and notification system, order status tracking and more.

Microshop is a generic online shopping portal for purchasing products from different vendors. Microshop supports localization, customization and branding on a per vendor basis.

The site has not yet officially launched and still under active development. is a site testing hands-on Java skills. The test is very different from traditional multiple-choice question tests. The site asks to solve several short programming tasks and then compiles and evaluates them online.

Good programmers will enjoy taking this test; it really is a programming test, not a language test.

Telstra OOT

Telstra OOT provides a Business Broadband Online Ordering Tool (OOT) for Telstra.


Below are some of the testimonies we have received from Click users.
The combination of simplicity, flexibility and freedom from restrictions has made this the only framework we can currently consider.
"At Sabinet we chose the Click framework because, simply put, it is the framework that places the least amount of restrictions on your application and it's development. While having features that really boost productivity and make for really really simple code, those features are never forced. They are available for use, but not compulsory, and not the only way in which things can be done. You are always able to fall back to a more basic, rudimentary approach if so desired.

It is also an easy framework to learn and to get productive in. If a new developer should join the team, they won't have to go on a month course or work through a 900 page manual before being productive.

It is also a simple matter to create custom components for the framework and to extend it in ways that are meaningful to you. It is one of a very few frameworks (in our experience) in which we did *not* struggle to do any kind of thing we wanted to (especially on the interface and client side).

The combination of simplicity, flexibility and freedom from restrictions has made this the only framework we can currently consider. There are a few who come close, but none resounds as much with our philosophy and way of doing things as Click does."

Willie Krause - lead developer and architect at Sabinet Online

Commercial Sponsors


Atlassian kindly provide the Confluence WIKI, JIRA bug and issue tracking and Fisheye repository perspective service.

Avoka Techologies

Avoka kindly host the Click Examples.


Sparx Systems kindly provide the Enterprise Architect UML modelling tool.


YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler