"The offline-site generator allows to generate representations of the resources described in the content graph for offline usage of for deployment on a traditional file-based webserver."^^ . . "An offline site can be retrieved at /admin/offline/download with the following query parameters:\n\t
  • 1 baseUri: for all resources with a URI starting with this Uri\n\t creation of the specified target fomats is attempted
  • \n
  • 1 targetUri: where base-uri appears in the representations it is replaces with target-uri
  • \n
  • 0 or 1 rootLinkPrefix: prefix to be prepended to links with Uri reference starting with a slash
  • \n
  • 1 - n formatExtension: the file- extensions represing the different formats to be produced, the extensions are added to the generated files where the file would not otherwise end with the extension.
  • \n
"^^ . . "Example: http://localhost:8080/admin/offline/download?baseUri=http://localhost:8080/&targetUri=http://incubator.apache.org/clerezza/test&formatExtension=xhtml&formatExtension=rdf&formatExtension=png&formatExtension=html&formatExtension=js&rootLinkPrefix=/clerezza/test"^^ . . _:029c4d64955c82e59691aae5b1309ff51 . _:1b0636249474bcd2765ae5c9853a35851 . _:1e27a3b4f21eada7ec61fd7c55f2bd221 . . "Offline-Site generator"^^ . . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 . _:ccd6d577f99d82c53d5323fdbe4b6ba31 . . _:029c4d64955c82e59691aae5b1309ff51 . _:029c4d64955c82e59691aae5b1309ff51 "2" . _:029c4d64955c82e59691aae5b1309ff51 . _:1b0636249474bcd2765ae5c9853a35851 . _:1b0636249474bcd2765ae5c9853a35851 "1" . _:1b0636249474bcd2765ae5c9853a35851 . _:1e27a3b4f21eada7ec61fd7c55f2bd221 . _:1e27a3b4f21eada7ec61fd7c55f2bd221 "0" . _:1e27a3b4f21eada7ec61fd7c55f2bd221 . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 "1" . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 . _:ccd6d577f99d82c53d5323fdbe4b6ba31 . _:ccd6d577f99d82c53d5323fdbe4b6ba31 "0" . _:ccd6d577f99d82c53d5323fdbe4b6ba31 .