/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * Kind, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ using PortCMIS.Binding; using PortCMIS.Binding.Browser.Json; using PortCMIS.Binding.Http; using PortCMIS.Binding.Impl; using PortCMIS.Binding.Services; using PortCMIS.Client; using PortCMIS.Data; using PortCMIS.Data.Extensions; using PortCMIS.Enums; using PortCMIS.Exceptions; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Numerics; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace PortCMIS.Binding.Browser { /// /// Extended Repository Info for the Browser Binding. /// public class RepositoryInfoBrowserBinding : RepositoryInfo { /// /// The base repository URL for non-object related calls. /// public string RepositoryUrl { get; set; } /// /// The base root URL for object related calls. /// public string RootUrl { get; set; } } /// /// Browser binding SPI. /// internal class CmisBrowserSpi : ICmisSpi { public const string RepositoryUrlCache = "org.apache.chemistry.portcmis.binding.browser.repositoryurls"; private BindingSession session; private RepositoryService repositoryService; private NavigationService navigationService; private ObjectService objectService; private VersioningService versioningService; private DiscoveryService discoveryService; private MultiFilingService multiFilingService; private RelationshipService relationshipService; private PolicyService policyService; private AclService aclService; /// public void Initialize(IBindingSession session) { this.session = session as BindingSession; if (this.session == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid binding session!"); } repositoryService = new RepositoryService(this.session); navigationService = new NavigationService(this.session); objectService = new ObjectService(this.session); versioningService = new VersioningService(this.session); discoveryService = new DiscoveryService(this.session); multiFilingService = new MultiFilingService(this.session); relationshipService = new RelationshipService(this.session); policyService = new PolicyService(this.session); aclService = new AclService(this.session); } /// public IRepositoryService GetRepositoryService() { return repositoryService; } /// public INavigationService GetNavigationService() { return navigationService; } /// public IObjectService GetObjectService() { return objectService; } /// public IVersioningService GetVersioningService() { return versioningService; } /// public IRelationshipService GetRelationshipService() { return relationshipService; } /// public IDiscoveryService GetDiscoveryService() { return discoveryService; } /// public IMultiFilingService GetMultiFilingService() { return multiFilingService; } /// public IAclService GetAclService() { return aclService; } /// public IPolicyService GetPolicyService() { return policyService; } /// public void ClearAllCaches() { session.RemoveValue(RepositoryUrlCache); } /// public void ClearRepositoryCache(string repositoryId) { RepositoryUrlCache repUrlCache = session.GetValue(RepositoryUrlCache) as RepositoryUrlCache; if (repUrlCache != null) { repUrlCache.RemoveRepository(repositoryId); } } /// public void Dispose() { // nothing to do } } internal class ClientTypeCache : ITypeCache { private string RepositoryId { get; set; } private AbstractBrowserBindingService Service { get; set; } public ClientTypeCache(string repositoryId, AbstractBrowserBindingService service) { this.RepositoryId = repositoryId; this.Service = service; } public ITypeDefinition GetTypeDefinition(string typeId) { TypeDefinitionCache cache = Service.Session.GetTypeDefinitionCache(); ITypeDefinition type = cache.Get(RepositoryId, typeId); if (type == null) { type = Service.GetTypeDefinitionInternal(RepositoryId, typeId); if (type != null) { cache.Put(RepositoryId, type); } } return type; } public ITypeDefinition ReloadTypeDefinition(string typeId) { TypeDefinitionCache cache = Service.Session.GetTypeDefinitionCache(); ITypeDefinition type = Service.GetTypeDefinitionInternal(RepositoryId, typeId); if (type != null) { cache.Put(RepositoryId, type); } return type; } public ITypeDefinition GetTypeDefinitionForObject(string objectId) { return null; } public IPropertyDefinition GetPropertyDefinition(string propId) { return null; } } internal class FormDataComposer { public string CmisAction { get; private set; } public IContentStream Stream { get; set; } public IProperties Properties { get; set; } public bool Succinct { get; set; } public DateTimeFormat DateTimeFormat { get; set; } public IAcl AddAces { get; set; } public IAcl RemoveAces { get; set; } public IList Policies { get; set; } public string PolicyId { get; set; } public IList AddSecondaryTypeIds { get; set; } public IList RemoveSecondaryTypeIds { get; set; } public IList ObjectIdsAndChangeTokens { get; set; } private IDictionary parameters; public IDictionary Parameters { get { if (parameters == null) { parameters = new Dictionary(); } return parameters; } set { parameters = value; } } public FormDataComposer(string cmisAction) { CmisAction = cmisAction; } public HttpContent CreateHttpContent() { if (Stream == null) { return CreateFormUrlEncodedContent(); } else { return CreateMultipartFormDataContent(); } } protected FormUrlEncodedContent CreateFormUrlEncodedContent() { return new FormUrlEncodedContent(CreateContent()); } protected MultipartFormDataContent CreateMultipartFormDataContent() { MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); IList> parameters = CreateContent(); foreach (KeyValuePair p in parameters) { content.Add(new StringContent(p.Value, Encoding.UTF8), p.Key); } if (Stream.Stream != null) { StreamContent streamContent = new StreamContent(Stream.Stream); streamContent.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse(Stream.MimeType ?? "application/octet-stream"); content.Add(streamContent, "content", Stream.FileName ?? "content"); } return content; } protected IList> CreateContent() { IList> result = new List>(); // set cmisaction result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlCmisAction, CmisAction)); // set parameters if (parameters != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair p in parameters) { if (p.Value != null) { result.Add(new KeyValuePair(p.Key, UrlBuilder.NormalizeParameter(p.Value))); } } } // set succinct if (Succinct) { result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlSuccinct, "true")); } // set properties AddPropertiesParameters(Properties, result); // set Aces AddAcesParameters(AddAces, BindingConstants.ControlAddAcePrincipal, BindingConstants.ControlRemoveAcePermission, result); AddAcesParameters(RemoveAces, BindingConstants.ControlRemoveAcePrincipal, BindingConstants.ControlRemoveAcePermission, result); // set policies AddPoliciesParameters(Policies, result); AddPolicyIdParameter(PolicyId, result); // set secondary type IDs AddSecondaryTypeIdParameters(AddSecondaryTypeIds, BindingConstants.ControlAddSecondaryType, result); AddSecondaryTypeIdParameters(RemoveSecondaryTypeIds, BindingConstants.ControlRemoveSecondaryType, result); // set bulk update values AddObjectIdsAndChangeTokens(ObjectIdsAndChangeTokens, result); return result; } private void AddPropertiesParameters(IProperties properties, IList> result) { if (properties == null || properties.PropertyList == null) { return; } int idx = 0; foreach (PropertyData prop in properties.PropertyList) { if (prop == null) { continue; } string idxStr = "[" + idx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlPropId + idxStr, prop.Id)); if (prop.Values != null && prop.Values.Count > 0) { if (prop.Values.Count == 1) { result.Add(new KeyValuePair( BindingConstants.ControlPropValue + idxStr, ConvertPropertyValue(prop.FirstValue, DateTimeFormat))); } else { int vidx = 0; foreach (object obj in prop.Values) { string vidxStr = "[" + vidx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair( BindingConstants.ControlPropValue + idxStr + vidxStr, ConvertPropertyValue(obj, DateTimeFormat))); vidx++; } } } idx++; } } private void AddAcesParameters(IAcl acl, string principalControl, string permissionControl, IList> result) { if (acl == null || acl.Aces == null) { return; } int idx = 0; foreach (IAce ace in acl.Aces) { if (ace.PrincipalId != null && ace.Permissions != null && ace.Permissions.Count > 0) { string idxStr = "[" + idx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair(principalControl + idxStr, ace.PrincipalId)); int permIdx = 0; foreach (string perm in ace.Permissions) { if (perm != null) { string permIdxStr = "[" + permIdx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair(permissionControl + idxStr + permIdxStr, perm)); permIdx++; } } idx++; } } } private void AddPoliciesParameters(IList policies, IList> result) { if (policies == null) { return; } int idx = 0; foreach (string policy in policies) { if (policy != null) { string idxStr = "[" + idx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlPolicy + idxStr, policy)); idx++; } } } private void AddPolicyIdParameter(string policyId, IList> result) { if (policyId == null) { return; } result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlPolicyId, policyId)); } private void AddSecondaryTypeIdParameters(IList secondaryTypeIds, string secondaryTypeIdControl, IList> result) { if (secondaryTypeIds == null || secondaryTypeIds.Count == 0) { return; } int idx = 0; foreach (string typeId in secondaryTypeIds) { if (typeId == null || typeId.Length == 0) { continue; } string idxStr = "[" + idx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair(secondaryTypeIdControl + idxStr, typeId)); idx++; } } public void AddObjectIdsAndChangeTokens(IList objectIdsAndChangeTokens, IList> result) { if (objectIdsAndChangeTokens == null || objectIdsAndChangeTokens.Count == 0) { return; } int idx = 0; foreach (IBulkUpdateObjectIdAndChangeToken oc in objectIdsAndChangeTokens) { if (oc == null || oc.Id == null || oc.Id.Length == 0) { continue; } string idxStr = "[" + idx + "]"; result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlObjectId + idxStr, oc.Id)); result.Add(new KeyValuePair(BindingConstants.ControlChangeToken + idxStr, oc.ChangeToken ?? "")); idx++; } } private string ConvertPropertyValue(object value, DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormat) { if (value == null) { return null; } else if (value is DateTime) { if (DateTimeFormat == DateTimeFormat.Extended) { return DateTimeHelper.FormatISO8601((DateTime)value); } else { return DateTimeHelper.ConvertDateTimeToMillis((DateTime)value).ToString(); } } else if (value is decimal) { return ((decimal)value).ToString("#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (value is BigInteger) { return ((BigInteger)value).ToString("#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { return value.ToString(); } } } /// /// Common service data and operations. /// internal abstract class AbstractBrowserBindingService { private BindingSession session; public BindingSession Session { get { return session; } protected set { session = value; Succinct = true; object succintObj = session.GetValue(SessionParameter.BrowserSuccinct); if (succintObj is string) { Succinct = Convert.ToBoolean((string)succintObj); } DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.Simple; object dateTimeFormatObj = session.GetValue(SessionParameter.BrowserDateTimeFormat); if (dateTimeFormatObj is string) { DateTimeFormat? dtf = ((string)dateTimeFormatObj).GetCmisEnum(); DateTimeFormat = dtf ?? DateTimeFormat.Simple; } } } protected bool Succinct { get; private set; } protected string SuccinctParameter { get { return Succinct ? "true" : null; } } protected DateTimeFormat DateTimeFormat { get; private set; } protected string DateTimeFormatParameter { get { return DateTimeFormat == DateTimeFormat.Simple ? null : DateTimeFormat.GetCmisValue(); } } protected string GetServiceUrl() { return Session.GetValue(SessionParameter.BrowserUrl) as string; } protected UrlBuilder GetRepositoryUrl(string repositoryId, string selector) { UrlBuilder result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, selector); if (result == null) { GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId); result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, selector); } if (result == null) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!"); } return result; } protected UrlBuilder GetRepositoryUrl(string repositoryId) { UrlBuilder result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); if (result == null) { GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId); result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); } if (result == null) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!"); } return result; } protected UrlBuilder GetObjectUrl(string repositoryId, string objectId, string selector) { UrlBuilder result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, selector); if (result == null) { GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId); result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, selector); } if (result == null) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!"); } return result; } protected UrlBuilder GetObjectUrl(string repositoryId, string objectId) { UrlBuilder result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); if (result == null) { GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId); result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); } if (result == null) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!"); } return result; } protected UrlBuilder GetPathUrl(string repositoryId, string path, string selector) { UrlBuilder result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetPathUrl(repositoryId, path, selector); if (result == null) { GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId); result = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetPathUrl(repositoryId, path, selector); } if (result == null) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!"); } return result; } protected RepositoryUrlCache GetRepositoryUrlCache() { RepositoryUrlCache repositoryUrlCache = Session.GetValue(CmisBrowserSpi.RepositoryUrlCache) as RepositoryUrlCache; if (repositoryUrlCache == null) { repositoryUrlCache = new RepositoryUrlCache(); Session.PutValue(CmisBrowserSpi.RepositoryUrlCache, repositoryUrlCache); } return repositoryUrlCache; } protected void SetChangeToken(ref string changeToken, IObjectData obj) { if (changeToken == null) { return; } changeToken = null; if (obj == null || obj.Properties == null) { return; } IPropertyData ct = obj.Properties[PropertyIds.ChangeToken]; if (ct != null && ct.PropertyType == PropertyType.String) { changeToken = (string)ct.FirstValue; } } // ---- exceptions ---- /// /// Converts an error message or a HTTP status code into an Exception. /// protected CmisBaseException ConvertStatusCode(int code, string message, string errorContent, Exception e) { object obj = null; try { if (errorContent != null) { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); obj = parser.Parse(new StringReader(errorContent)); } } catch (JsonParseException) { // error content is not valid JSON -> ignore } if (obj is JsonObject) { JsonObject json = (JsonObject)obj; object jsonError = json[BrowserConstants.ErrorException]; if (jsonError is string) { object jsonMessage = json[BrowserConstants.ErrorMessage]; if (jsonMessage != null) { message = jsonMessage.ToString(); } if (CmisConstraintException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisConstraintException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisContentAlreadyExistsException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisContentAlreadyExistsException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisFilterNotValidException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisFilterNotValidException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisInvalidArgumentException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisInvalidArgumentException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisNameConstraintViolationException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisNameConstraintViolationException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisNotSupportedException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisNotSupportedException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisObjectNotFoundException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisObjectNotFoundException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisPermissionDeniedException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisPermissionDeniedException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisStorageException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisStorageException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisStreamNotSupportedException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisStreamNotSupportedException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisUpdateConflictException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisUpdateConflictException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (CmisVersioningException.ExceptionName.Equals((string)jsonError, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new CmisVersioningException(message, errorContent, e); } else if (code == 503) { return new CmisServiceUnavailableException(message, errorContent, e); } } } // fall back to status code switch (code) { case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: return new CmisConnectionException("Redirects are not supported (HTTP status code " + code + "): " + message, errorContent, e); case 400: return new CmisInvalidArgumentException(message, errorContent, e); case 401: return new CmisUnauthorizedException(message, errorContent, e); case 403: return new CmisPermissionDeniedException(message, errorContent, e); case 404: return new CmisObjectNotFoundException(message, errorContent, e); case 405: return new CmisNotSupportedException(message, errorContent, e); case 407: return new CmisProxyAuthenticationException(message, errorContent, e); case 409: return new CmisConstraintException(message, errorContent, e); case 503: return new CmisServiceUnavailableException(message, errorContent, e); default: return new CmisRuntimeException(message, errorContent, e); } } // ---- helpers ---- /// /// Parses an object from an input stream. /// protected JsonObject ParseObject(Stream stream, string charset) { object obj = Parse(stream, charset); if (obj is JsonObject) { return (JsonObject)obj; } throw new CmisConnectionException("Unexpected object!"); } /// /// Parses an array from an input stream. /// protected JsonArray ParseArray(Stream stream, string charset) { object obj = Parse(stream, charset); if (obj is JsonArray) { return (JsonArray)obj; } throw new CmisConnectionException("Unexpected object!"); } /// /// Parses an input stream. /// protected object Parse(Stream stream, string charset) { Encoding enc; if (charset == null) { enc = Encoding.UTF8; } else { try { enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(charset); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CmisConnectionException("Unsupported charset: " + charset, e); } } StreamReader reader = null; object obj = null; try { reader = new StreamReader(stream, enc); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); obj = parser.Parse(reader); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CmisConnectionException("Parsing exception!", e); } finally { IOUtils.ConsumeAndClose(reader); if (reader == null) { stream.Dispose(); } } return obj; } /// /// Performs a GET on an URL, checks the response code and returns the /// result. /// protected IResponse Read(UrlBuilder url) { // make the call IResponse resp = Session.GetHttpInvoker().InvokeGET(url, session); // check response code if (resp.StatusCode != 200) { throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null); } return resp; } /// /// Performs a POST on an URL, checks the response code and returns the /// result. /// protected IResponse Post(UrlBuilder url, HttpContent content) { // make the call IResponse resp = Session.GetHttpInvoker().InvokePOST(url, content, session); // check response code if (resp.StatusCode != 200 && resp.StatusCode != 201) { throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null); } return resp; } /// /// Performs a POST on an URL, checks the response code and returns the /// result. /// protected void PostAndConsume(UrlBuilder url, HttpContent content) { IResponse resp = Post(url, content); IOUtils.ConsumeAndClose(resp.Stream); } // ----- protected IList GetRepositoriesInternal(string repositoryId) { UrlBuilder url = null; if (repositoryId == null) { // no repository id provided -> get all url = new UrlBuilder(GetServiceUrl()); } else { // use URL of the specified repository url = GetRepositoryUrlCache().GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, BindingConstants.SelectorRepositoryInfo); if (url == null) { // repository infos haven't been fetched yet -> get them all url = new UrlBuilder(GetServiceUrl()); } } // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); IList repInfos = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair jri in json) { if (jri.Value is JsonObject) { IRepositoryInfo ri = JsonConverter.ConvertRepositoryInfo((JsonObject)jri.Value); string id = ri.Id; if (ri is RepositoryInfoBrowserBinding) { string repositoryUrl = ((RepositoryInfoBrowserBinding)ri).RepositoryUrl; string rootUrl = ((RepositoryInfoBrowserBinding)ri).RootUrl; if (id == null || repositoryUrl == null || rootUrl == null) { throw new CmisConnectionException("Found invalid Repository Info! (id: " + id + ")"); } GetRepositoryUrlCache().AddRepository(id, repositoryUrl, rootUrl); } repInfos.Add(ri); } else { throw new CmisConnectionException("Found invalid Repository Info!"); } } return repInfos; } /// /// Retrieves a type definition. /// public ITypeDefinition GetTypeDefinitionInternal(string repositoryId, string typeId) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, BindingConstants.SelectorTypeDefinition); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertTypeDefinition(json); } } internal class RepositoryService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IRepositoryService { public RepositoryService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public IList GetRepositoryInfos(IExtensionsData extension) { return GetRepositoriesInternal(null); } public IRepositoryInfo GetRepositoryInfo(string repositoryId, IExtensionsData extension) { IList repositoryInfos = GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId); if (repositoryInfos.Count == 0) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Repository '" + repositoryId + "'not found!"); } if (repositoryInfos.Count == 1) { return repositoryInfos[0]; } // find the repository foreach (IRepositoryInfo info in repositoryInfos) { if (info.Id == null) { continue; } if (info.Id == repositoryId) { return info; } } throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Repository '" + repositoryId + "'not found!"); } public ITypeDefinitionList GetTypeChildren(string repositoryId, string typeId, bool? includePropertyDefinitions, BigInteger? maxItems, BigInteger? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, BindingConstants.SelectorTypeChildren); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPropertyDefinitions, includePropertyDefinitions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertTypeChildren(json); } public IList GetTypeDescendants(string repositoryId, string typeId, BigInteger? depth, bool? includePropertyDefinitions, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, BindingConstants.SelectorTypeDecendants); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDepth, depth); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPropertyDefinitions, includePropertyDefinitions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertTypeDescendants(json); } public ITypeDefinition GetTypeDefinition(string repositoryId, string typeId, IExtensionsData extension) { return GetTypeDefinitionInternal(repositoryId, typeId); } public ITypeDefinition CreateType(string repositoryId, ITypeDefinition type, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreateType); if (type != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonConverter.Convert(type, DateTimeFormat).WriteJsonString(sw); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ControlType] = sw.ToString(); } // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertTypeDefinition(json); } public ITypeDefinition UpdateType(string repositoryId, ITypeDefinition type, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionUpdateType); if (type != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonConverter.Convert(type, DateTimeFormat).WriteJsonString(sw); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ControlType] = sw.ToString(); } // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertTypeDefinition(json); } public void DeleteType(string repositoryId, string typeId, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionDeleteType); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ControlTypeId] = typeId; // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } } internal class NavigationService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, INavigationService { public NavigationService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public IObjectInFolderList GetChildren(string repositoryId, string folderId, string filter, string orderBy, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePathSegment, BigInteger? maxItems, BigInteger? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId, BindingConstants.SelectorChildren); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamOrderBy, orderBy); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPathSegment, includePathSegment); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjectInFolderList(json, typeCache); } public IList GetDescendants(string repositoryId, string folderId, BigInteger? depth, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePathSegment, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId, BindingConstants.SelectorDecendants); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDepth, depth); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPathSegment, includePathSegment); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertDescendants(json, typeCache); } public IList GetFolderTree(string repositoryId, string folderId, BigInteger? depth, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePathSegment, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId, BindingConstants.SelectorFolderTree); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDepth, depth); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPathSegment, includePathSegment); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertDescendants(json, typeCache); } public IList GetObjectParents(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includeRelativePathSegment, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorParents); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelativePathSegment, includeRelativePathSegment); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjectParents(json, typeCache); } public IObjectData GetFolderParent(string repositoryId, string folderId, string filter, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId, BindingConstants.SelectorParent); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); } public IObjectList GetCheckedOutDocs(string repositoryId, string folderId, string filter, string orderBy, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, BigInteger? maxItems, BigInteger? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = (folderId != null ? GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId, BindingConstants.SelectorCheckedout) : GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, BindingConstants.SelectorCheckedout)); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamOrderBy, orderBy); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjectList(json, typeCache, false); } } internal class ObjectService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IObjectService { public ObjectService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public string CreateDocument(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IContentStream contentStream, VersioningState? versioningState, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = (folderId != null ? GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId) : GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId)); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreateDocument); composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamVersioningState] = versioningState; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; composer.Stream = contentStream; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); return (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public string CreateDocumentFromSource(string repositoryId, string sourceId, IProperties properties, string folderId, VersioningState? versioningState, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = (folderId != null ? GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId) : GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId)); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreateDocumentFromSource); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamSourceId] = sourceId; composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamVersioningState] = versioningState; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); return (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public string CreateFolder(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreateFolder); composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); return (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public string CreateRelationship(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreateRelationship); composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); return (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public string CreatePolicy(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = (folderId != null ? GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId) : GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId)); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreatePolicy); composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); return (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public string CreateItem(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = (folderId != null ? GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId) : GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId)); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCreateItem); composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); return (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public IAllowableActions GetAllowableActions(string repositoryId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorAllowableActionS); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertAllowableActions(json); } public IProperties GetProperties(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorProperties); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); if (Succinct) { ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertSuccinctProperties(json, null, typeCache); } else { return JsonConverter.ConvertProperties(json, null); } } public IList GetRenditions(string repositoryId, string objectId, string renditionFilter, BigInteger? maxItems, BigInteger? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorRenditions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertRenditions(json); } public IObjectData GetObject(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorObject); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPolicyIds, includePolicyIds); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAcl, includeAcl); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); } public IObjectData GetObjectByPath(string repositoryId, string path, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetPathUrl(repositoryId, path, BindingConstants.SelectorObject); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPolicyIds, includePolicyIds); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAcl, includeAcl); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); } public IContentStream GetContentStream(string repositoryId, string objectId, string streamId, BigInteger? offset, BigInteger? length, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorContent); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamStreamId, streamId); // get the content IResponse resp = Session.GetHttpInvoker().InvokeGET(url, Session, (long?)offset, (long?)length); // check response code if ((resp.StatusCode != 200) && (resp.StatusCode != 206)) { throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null); } // build result object ContentStream result; if (resp.StatusCode == 206) { result = new PartialContentStream(); } else { result = new ContentStream(); } result.FileName = resp.Filename; result.Length = resp.ContentLength; result.MimeType = resp.ContentType; result.Stream = resp.Stream; return result; } public void UpdateProperties(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, ref string changeToken, IProperties properties, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need an object ID if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionUpdateProperties); composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamChangeToken] = (changeToken == null || Session.GetValue(SessionParameter.OmitChangeTokens, false) ? null : changeToken); // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); SetChangeToken(ref changeToken, newObj); } public IList BulkUpdateProperties(string repositoryId, IList objectIdAndChangeToken, IProperties properties, IList addSecondaryTypeIds, IList removeSecondaryTypeIds, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need object ids if (objectIdAndChangeToken == null || objectIdAndChangeToken.Count == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object IDs must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionBulkUpdate); composer.ObjectIdsAndChangeTokens = objectIdAndChangeToken; composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.AddSecondaryTypeIds = addSecondaryTypeIds; composer.RemoveSecondaryTypeIds = removeSecondaryTypeIds; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertBulkUpdate(json); } public void MoveObject(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, string targetFolderId, string sourceFolderId, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need an object id if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionMove); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamTargetFolderId] = targetFolderId; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamSourceFolderId] = sourceFolderId; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public void DeleteObject(string repositoryId, string objectId, bool? allVersions, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionDelete); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamAllVersions] = allVersions; // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } public IFailedToDeleteData DeleteTree(string repositoryId, string folderId, bool? allVersions, UnfileObject? unfileObjects, bool? continueOnFailure, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, folderId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionDeleteTree); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamAllVersions] = allVersions; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamUnfileObjects] = unfileObjects; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamContinueOnFailure] = continueOnFailure; // send IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); if (resp.StatusCode == 200 && resp.ContentLength > 0 && (!resp.Stream.CanSeek || resp.Stream.Length > 0)) { try { JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertFailedToDelete(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CmisConnectionException("Cannot read response!", e); } } return new FailedToDeleteData(); } public void SetContentStream(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, bool? overwriteFlag, ref string changeToken, IContentStream contentStream, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need an object id if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionSetContent); composer.Stream = contentStream; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamOverwriteFlag] = overwriteFlag; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamChangeToken] = (changeToken == null || Session.GetValue(SessionParameter.OmitChangeTokens, false) ? null : changeToken); // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); SetChangeToken(ref changeToken, newObj); } public void AppendContentStream(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, bool? isLastChunk, ref string changeToken, IContentStream contentStream, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need an object id if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionAppendContent); composer.Stream = contentStream; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ControlIsLastChunk] = isLastChunk; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamChangeToken] = (changeToken == null || Session.GetValue(SessionParameter.OmitChangeTokens, false) ? null : changeToken); // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); SetChangeToken(ref changeToken, newObj); } public void DeleteContentStream(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, ref string changeToken, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need an object id if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionDeleteContent); composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamChangeToken] = (changeToken == null || Session.GetValue(SessionParameter.OmitChangeTokens, false) ? null : changeToken); // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); SetChangeToken(ref changeToken, newObj); } } internal class VersioningService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IVersioningService { public VersioningService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public void CheckOut(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, IExtensionsData extension, out bool? contentCopied) { // we need an object id if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCheckOut); composer.Succinct = Succinct; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); contentCopied = null; } public void CancelCheckOut(string repositoryId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCancelCheckOut); // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } public void CheckIn(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, bool? major, IProperties properties, IContentStream contentStream, string checkinComment, IList policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension) { // we need an object id if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!"); } // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionCheckIn); composer.Stream = contentStream; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamMajor] = major; composer.Properties = properties; composer.Succinct = Succinct; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamCheckinComment] = checkinComment; composer.Policies = policies; composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); IObjectData newObj = JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); objectId = (newObj == null ? null : newObj.Id); } public IObjectData GetObjectOfLatestVersion(string repositoryId, string objectId, string versionSeriesId, bool? major, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorObject); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter, renditionFilter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPolicyIds, includePolicyIds); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAcl, includeAcl); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamReturnVersion, (major == true ? ReturnVersion.LatestMajor : ReturnVersion.Latest)); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObject(json, typeCache); } public IProperties GetPropertiesOfLatestVersion(string repositoryId, string objectId, string versionSeriesId, bool? major, string filter, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorProperties); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamReturnVersion, (major == true ? ReturnVersion.LatestMajor : ReturnVersion.Latest)); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); if (Succinct) { ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertSuccinctProperties(json, null, typeCache); } else { return JsonConverter.ConvertProperties(json, null); } } public IList GetAllVersions(string repositoryId, string objectId, string versionSeriesId, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorVersions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjects(json, typeCache); } } internal class DiscoveryService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IDiscoveryService { public DiscoveryService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public IObjectList Query(string repositoryId, string statement, bool? searchAllVersions, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, BigInteger? maxItems, BigInteger? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionQuery); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamStatement] = statement; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamSearchAllVersions] = searchAllVersions; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions] = includeAllowableActions; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamRelationships] = includeRelationships; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamRenditionfilter] = renditionFilter; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems] = maxItems; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamSkipCount] = skipCount; composer.DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat; // Important: No succinct flag here!!! // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjectList(json, typeCache, true); } public IObjectList GetContentChanges(string repositoryId, ref string changeLogToken, bool? includeProperties, string filter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, BigInteger? maxItems, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetRepositoryUrl(repositoryId, BindingConstants.SelectorContentChanges); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamChangeLogToken, changeLogToken); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamProperties, includeProperties); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamPolicyIds, includePolicyIds); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAcl, includeAcl); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); if (changeLogToken != null && json != null) { object token = json[BrowserConstants.JsonObjectListChangeLogToken]; if (token is string) { changeLogToken = (string)token; } } ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjectList(json, typeCache, false); } } internal class RelationshipService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IRelationshipService { public RelationshipService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public IObjectList GetObjectRelationships(string repositoryId, string objectId, bool? includeSubRelationshipTypes, RelationshipDirection? relationshipDirection, string typeId, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, BigInteger? maxItems, BigInteger? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorRelationships); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSubRelationshipTypes, includeSubRelationshipTypes); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamRelationshipDirection, relationshipDirection); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjectList(json, typeCache, false); } } internal class MultiFilingService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IMultiFilingService { public MultiFilingService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public void AddObjectToFolder(string repositoryId, string objectId, string folderId, bool? allVersions, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionRemoveObjectToFolder); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamFolderId] = folderId; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamAllVersions] = allVersions; // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } public void RemoveObjectFromFolder(string repositoryId, string objectId, string folderId, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionRemoveObjectFromFolder); composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamFolderId] = folderId; // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } } internal class PolicyService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IPolicyService { public PolicyService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public void ApplyPolicy(string repositoryId, string policyId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionApplyPolicy); composer.PolicyId = policyId; // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } public void RemovePolicy(string repositoryId, string policyId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionRemovePolicy); composer.PolicyId = policyId; // send PostAndConsume(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); } public IList GetAppliedPolicies(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorPolicies); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamFilter, filter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamSuccinct, SuccinctParameter); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatParameter); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonArray json = ParseArray(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); ITypeCache typeCache = new ClientTypeCache(repositoryId, this); return JsonConverter.ConvertObjects(json, typeCache); } } internal class AclService : AbstractBrowserBindingService, IAclService { public AclService(BindingSession session) { Session = session; } public IAcl GetAcl(string repositoryId, string objectId, bool? onlyBasicPermissions, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId, BindingConstants.SelectorAcl); url.AddParameter(BindingConstants.ParamOnlyBasicPermissions, onlyBasicPermissions); // read and parse IResponse resp = Read(url); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertAcl(json); } public IAcl ApplyAcl(string repositoryId, string objectId, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation, IExtensionsData extension) { // build URL UrlBuilder url = GetObjectUrl(repositoryId, objectId); // prepare form data FormDataComposer composer = new FormDataComposer(BindingConstants.CmisActionApplyAcl); composer.AddAces = addAces; composer.RemoveAces = removeAces; composer.Parameters[BindingConstants.ParamAclPropagation] = aclPropagation; // send and parse IResponse resp = Post(url, composer.CreateHttpContent()); JsonObject json = ParseObject(resp.Stream, resp.Charset); return JsonConverter.ConvertAcl(json); } } }