datetime Aggregated Timestamp 05fd550b-ff6c-4fd0-b1f6-b27df905076f System set date and time when the child aggregation or record was created in, or added to, its current aggregation single, oncreate, optional id Applied Template Identifier 65a2d42c-dfe3-4fbf-a894-8db373ac2d45 Template that was applied when the function was performed to add contextual metadata elements to entities multi, oncreate, optional boolean Automatic Deletion Flag 4a9c44df-a9ac-4b06-8c87-d5940cd76046 Flag that indicates whether the content of the component can be automatically deleted by the system when its record is destroyed single, oncreate, required id Class Identifier 7d935531-e7e6-4a28-a474-431c68522cfa The classification of the entity, used by child aggregations and records to override the class they inherit from their parent aggregation single, readwrite, optional datetime Closed Timestamp b0194c04-bd20-4582-af83-5da3d55c258a System set date and time when the aggregation was closed single, oncreate, optional integer Confirmation Period Duration Number 4d99feb-2654-4c09-accd-a00417f78596 Number of days or weeks allowed for confirming the disposal of the record single, readwrite, optional string enum: 1=DAYS; 2=WEEKS; Confirmation Period Interval Code 30cd2d6f-9957-4904-b0a7-ade8f181cb68 Unit of measurement of time as either days or weeks single, readwrite, optional id Contextual Metadata Element Definition Identifier 1b4ee523-d46d-4614-a3a6-edad609f46ab Contextual metadata element included in a template that can be applied to entities as additional contextual metadata multi, readwrite, optional datetime Created Timestamp 466a4378-db7d-4b2c-b35e-696722f58c6b System set date and time when the entity was created single, oncreate, required string (xml) Datatype e7f28bcc-0857-4361-b6e4-1bebffdd7578 XML datatype definition giving the precise format required for the value of a system or contextual metadata element single, readwrite, required id Default Disposal Schedule Identifier b5a0997f-3285-4606-a20b-1d938b1415c7 The disposal schedule for the class which is inherited by default by records with this classification single, readwrite, required id Default Language Identifier ad13c98d-6ff4-4e0d-9ccd-a7d7238591f8 The default language for a service or a metadata element definition, used as a default by textual metadata elements (only) single, oncreate, optional string (?dynamic?) Default Value ae0b3b8e-f6fa-49e7-b411-d03bda7013f4 The default value for a metadata element when it is first applied to an entity multi, readwrite, optional id Deleted Event Function Definition Identifier eec57404-3539-4c24-b3f5-bf55f1a8f99e Function or functions indicating the type or types of event that have been deleted from the event history of the entity multi, oncreate, optional id Deleted Metadata Element Definition Identifier bb2a7c80-a367-4734-9676-a2bb2fab2e26 Metadata element definition or definitions indicating the type or types of metadata elements that have been deleted from the entity multi, oncreate, optional string Description c7e6aad5-27dd-47a4-97a6-ab541b47b37f Description of the entity single, readwrite, optional datetime Destroyed Timestamp dbcf3076-c193-41fb-8043-635c8bc299b2 System set date and time when the entity was destroyed single, oncreate, optional string enum: 0=RETAIN ON HOLD; 1=RETAIN PERMANENTLY; 2=REVIEW; 3=TRANSFER; 4=DESTROY; Disposal Action Code 83de3514-3888-4eff-88bd-d58cfb043cc7 Code describing the action to be taken on disposal of the record single, readwrite, required datetime (date) Disposal Action Due Date 92e083e8-fe2b-4594-a287-685fad30c2b7 The calculated date that the record is due for disposal single, readwrite, optional datetime (date) Disposal Confirmation Due Date 39971796-dfd3-47b4-b36c-b2d5d0d770c7 The calculated date by which confirmation of carrying out the disposal action is due single, readwrite, optional datetime (date) Disposal Overdue Alert Timestamp df4d965b-6e65-4131-b58b-0840c0bfd69d System set date and time when an alert was sent because the record was overdue for disposal single, oncreate, optional id Disposal Schedule Identifier aee900e0-bb8b-4b9b-b714-738ed3bc14a3 The disposal schedule for the record when the inherited disposal schedule from the record's classification has been overridden single, readwrite, required id Duplicate Identifier b887bda3-f34d-4ddd-8069-630567d949d2 Reference to another entity that has been created by duplicating the record, component or event, and is an exact copy up to the event of duplication, with an identical provenance multi, oncreate, optional id Entity Reference Type Identifier 04ad1126-6673-4a73-a0c3-34871bb49905 Restricts the values of a metadata element that refers to another entity to entities of a particular type, or types multi, readwrite, optional string Event Comment 1f82121e-dcb9-475b-814e-6719031ca30b Comment giving additional detailed information about an event, or the reason for an event single, oncreate, optional id Event Function Identifier ea21de8f-1a0c-4bc5-939a-dc06dcff44c1 The function that was performed to generate the event single, oncreate, required datetime Event Timestamp b51c08ed-d332-4bb5-974c-7cee3cb5c753 System set date and time for when a function was performed single, oncreate, required datetime Export Commencing Timestamp a252f442-6ab5-4325-94e5-00adaf908614 System set date and time for when an export commenced multi, oncreate, optional datetime Export Completed Timestamp 4220eaa9-fc78-4e33-ae94-0394824d4616 System set date and time for when an export completed single, oncreate, optional id Export Identifier 885f5945-e724-466b-a84f-6ae3c603768b The system generated identifier for an individual export operation, used in the event history of all entities that are successfully exported single, oncreate, optional boolean Exported In Full Flag 633bd60f-50df-4709-ab22-32cf63790598 Flag indicating whether an entity was exported in full or as a placeholder single, oncreate, optional datetime First Used Timestamp a937d097-856d-472f-836b-a2fae1811550 System generated date and time indicating when an entity was first used generally taken as the last time it can be modified or deleted without formally destroying it single, oncreate, optional id Function Definition Identifier 55fcb00b-1d7a-4b6b-899c-3a9a9762dbf8 A function that is included in a role to allow users and groups assigned that role to perform the function multi, readwrite, optional boolean Generate Event Flag 50a7cd32-ed4f-47b6-bcbb-bc1112e06eb9 Flag indicating whether an event should be generated by the system, when a function is performed single, readwrite, required id Granted Role Identifier 1f50d91a-dac6-42ec-bb6e-d5dd5c0f4770 Indicator in an event of a role that was awarded to the participating user or group multi, oncreate, optional id Group Identifier 1d32086d-3855-4815-a294-f7d1977ce03a Group which the user is a member of multi, readwrite, optional id Held Aggregation Identifier 93856ba9-a0dd-4cfa-b8a9-edf031774076 Aggregation which is associated with a disposal hold and as a result no records in the aggregation, or its descendant aggregations, may be destroyed multi, readwrite, optional id Held Class Identifier 29abe491-0c58-4816-97c2-8f60be62d9fa Class which is associated with a disposal hold and as a result no records which have been classified with the class, may be destroyed multi, readwrite, optional id Held Record Identifier 374957cb-23ce-4987-81e9-5ccc00cfe9e3 Record which has been associated with a disposal hold and, as a result, may not be destroyed multi, readwrite, optional datetime Historical Date Time 8274fbf7-3145-4c23-a748-6c4682d6b7ed Date and time for which a report was run to obtain historical information about a user, group or role single, oncreate, optional id Implements Module Identifier 92bddc26-aae5-493d-9278-94fbb00a2e44 Compliance indicator providing assurance that the system implements the identified module of MoReq2010 multi, oncreate, optional id Implements Service Identifier 3960b7a5-624e-41e1-9976-248895b9352e Compliance indicator providing assurance that the system implements the core service of MoReq2010 that is identified multi, oncreate, required boolean Include Inherited Roles Flag 4ad73ab1-4df8-40b7-b863-f8d63a584037 Flag indicating whether administrative and/or non-administrative roles are inherited by an access control list single, readwrite, required boolean Is Administrative Role Flag d2e3b3da-a109-4ec0-ab26-5e6f53ad3673 Flag indicating that a role is an administrative role and will, as a result, always be inherited single, readwrite, required boolean Is Entity Reference Flag b52c2bbf-f27b-41c9-8885-3d906b4bd275 Flag indicating whether a metadata element contains a reference to an entity or a different datatype value single, readwrite, required boolean Is Modifiable Flag 7ff6a66e-b137-417c-aab0-aa327a0b119b Flag indicating whether a metadata element is modifiable by users single, readwrite, required boolean Is Textual Flag 7e5ec95d-423c-4ac9-ac94-a835d3713e91 Flag indicating whether a text based metadata element should be accompanied by a language identifier single, readwrite, optional datetime Last Addition Timestamp 71a6cf2d-c039-4b27-bd31-dcba471081ac System set date and time indicating when the most recent record or child aggregation was added to the parent aggregation single, oncreate, optional string Last Review Comment 7036ec2e-644a-4309-9690-178690a6bc4f Comment made by the user who last reviewed the record explaining the disposal decision made by that review single, oncreate, optional datetime Last Reviewed Timestamp dbbeb8a5-b019-46e1-983e-5f728f1dcc3a System set date and time of when the last review was completed single, oncreate, optional string Mandate a6986d60-1257-4046-bafe-fef680d5dc6c Textual reference to a legal or other instrument that provides the authority for a disposal schedule or a disposal hold single, readwrite, optional integer Max Levels Of Aggregation d0da657f-9345-4965-b2a8-17a0c300a896 The maximum number of levels of aggregation allowed below a root aggregation single, readwrite, optional integer Max Occurs 4a69e008-50df-4506-b9a7-d6279b0c21d5 The maximum number of values that can be assigned to a metadata element for a single entity single, readwrite, optional integer MCRS Certification Identifier bf8efec0-e182-47ec-bdfa-a83a24c602c8 Compliance indicator giving the DLM Forum issued identifier for a certificate of compliance against MoReq2010 multi, oncreate, optional id Metadata Element Definition Identifier 8afb23cd-a741-4be0-97fd-f76aef411503 Reference in an event to the metadata element of an entity that was changed when a function was performed single, oncreate, required integer Min Occurs 6e182700-4679-4ebf-938a-ef110828cba6 The minimum number of values that can be assigned to a metadata element for a single entity single, readwrite, optional string (?dynamic?) New Value d3d4f2ae-43f0-4567-99ae-ddd58e6cf2dd The value of a metadata element after a function was performed single, oncreate, optional string Overdue Disposal Action Code 0027dfb-2e3d-4456-b341-54737e83243c The disposal action that was overdue on the record at the time an alert was raised single, oncreate, optional datetime Overdue Disposal Action Due Date 75491c12-0c90-4f99-85ad-b583df082b45 The due date that was set for the disposal action that was overdue on a record at the time an alert was raised single, oncreate, optional datetime Overdue Disposal Confirmation Due Date 1ac9514a-7e0e-4fd8-a543-4956c22f4089 The due date that was set for confirmation of a disposal action that was overdue, causing an alert to be raised single, oncreate, optional datetime Originated Date Time 50864023-dc92-4b1e-8e8a-66c284d40942 The date and time of origin of a record or other entity which may vary from the creation date of the entity in the system single, readwrite, required string Owner Information ae99f4f8-3edf-4874-aea2-ea50fa7a73f9 Information provided by the owner of a system that may be used to identify the originating system when entities are later exported to another system single, readwrite, optional id Parent Aggregation Identifier a74597a5-190a-4874-a350-083ac030aa55 The parent aggregation for a child aggregation or record multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Aggregation Identifier daafbb4c-3183-40bd-9eff-759e88c725fc Aggregation that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Class Identifier f046bdfa-5ef5-4217-9c4f-e24d0f15ea9a Class that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Component Identifier 0686271b-b41f-40db-be27-9e6626b9ee54 Component that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Disposal Hold Identifier f9553093-24cb-4bd4-920e-c1341572b6f5 Disposal hold that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Disposal Schedule Identifier dfaf8f03-b7eb-49c0-b889-2c9b61ce1e3c Disposal schedule that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Duplicate Identifier 51afb74e-8729-46be-aac2-761c56e1b7d1 Duplicate entity that was created by duplicating a record or a component multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Entity Type Identifier 7acf7c1d-d537-4548-a24d-ce92cf7cd68b Entity type that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Event Identifier b41e6d9c-c19d-41c1-8969-3090306b987f Event that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Function Definition Identifier 56ee4c6d-ad65-468f-9de2-b9d5cf8b0557 Function definition that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Group Identifier a6bf28b7-334b-465f-837b-34d8d09c7f2d Group that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Metadata Element Definition Identifier bbbef444-bf3c-49ba-8560-0b5dfaeb8a88 Metadata element definition that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating New Parent Identifier 236e52dd-b117-4b6a-b60b-286d5dc5acd0 The new parent for a child entity that has been created or moved into it single, oncreate, optional id Participating Previous Parent Identifier 736b0697-2078-4e50-b740-a52d4f16f18d Parent entity from which a child entity was moved single, oncreate, optional id Participating Record Identifier 74f1568c-bde8-45aa-895a-ac600c2de1c7 Record that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Role Identifier a55947ec-b23e-413a-a840-21566aae0b4b Role that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Service Identifier a5d104c2-e343-4c2b-82a3-8a30046e0e07 Service that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating Template Identifier 01afa124-8a2b-422b-888a-db7829564b4f Template that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating User Identifier 35d1c4e2-4821-4e23-add8-fa14b9e38ca5 User that is a participating entity in the function that was performed that generated an event multi, oncreate, optional id Participating User Or Group Identifier 2c159083-3b5b-4119-8bbd-ae39b2577ca2 User or group that is a participating entity in an event generated by granting or rescinding roles single, oncreate, optional id Performed By User Identifier ee568750-32b5-4441-b67b-d01ae9df5820 The user that performed the function that generated the event single, oncreate, optional integer Presentation Order 92c9459d-aa29-4784-8646-6fc663d08c87 A value used for determining the order in which items, such as metadata elements, should be logically presented, particularly by systems that are not the originating system single, readwrite, required string (?dynamic) Previous Value ce3ec75a-7193-4fd2-9811-1c70419c7185 The value of a metadata element prior to a function being performed single, oncreate, optional id Record Identifier 87daefe3-b429-4b7d-96ea-5dc9eabd8f56 The record that the component belongs to single, readwrite, required id Rescinded Role Identifier 6c20a22d-0ca8-4dbb-a932-c950a1fce1e5 Indicator in an event of a role that was rescinded from the participating user or group multi, oncreate, optional boolean Retain On Destruction Flag 222811d2-8c74-4f47-ae3f-c68698f55e2c Flag that indicates whether an event generated by performing a particular function, or a metadata element belonging to a particular metadata element definition, should be deleted when the entity it belongs to is destroyed single, readwrite, required integer Retention Period Duration Number 1cf79293-5818-4141-876e-761448ae465b Number of days, weeks, months or years specified for retaining a record after the retention period is triggered single, readwrite, optional string enum: 0=NO RETENTION PERIOD; 1=DAYS; 2=WEEKS; 3=MONTHS; 4=YEARS; Retention Period Interval Code 47aa0949-37a9-4f4f-ab0e-f33b0dd7d5fb Unit of measurement of time as either days, weeks, months or years single, readwrite, optional string enum: 0=NO OFFSET; 1=START OF NEXT MONTH; 2=START OF NEXT QUARTER; 3=START OF SPECIFIED MONTH; Retention Period Offset Code 3882b1a6-48d7-45a2-a539-5871856a1b95 Offset for the disposal of records if they fall due for disposal in a particular period multi, readwrite, optional string enum: 1=JANUARY; 2=FEBRUARY; 3=MARCH; 4=APRIL; 5=MAY; 6=JUNE; 7=JULY; 8=AUGUST; 9=SEPTEMBER; 10=OCTOBER; 11=NOVEMBER; 12=DECEMBER; Retention Period Offset Month Code 557d941f-4be7-4dad-8113-39757547530a Month to offset the disposal of records to if they fall due for disposal in a particular period single, readwrite, optional datetime (date) Retention Start Date 199494ea-0ca4-47ef-883a-4bcc5ccdcc02 System generated date calculated from the record’s disposal schedule indicating the start of its retention period single, readwrite, optional string enum: 0=FROM NOW; 1=FROM DATE OF LAST REVIEW; 2=FROM RECORD ORIGINATED DATE; 3=FROM AGGREGATION ORIGINATED DATE; 4=FROM DATE ADDED TO AGGREGATION; 5=FROM DATE OF LAST ADDITION TO AGGREGATION; 6=FROM AGGREGATION CLOSED DATE; 7=FROM RECORD METADATA DATE; 8=FROM AGGREGATION METADATA DATE; Retention Trigger Code 30891ecb-5b36-453d-baf0-9aaa19eba4a6 The specific conditions required for triggering the start of the retention period for a record single, readwrite, optional id Retention Trigger Element Identifier 72fc68f0-5437-4d8e-a719-b4c4ecd1b649 The metadata element associated with a record, or its parent aggregation, which contains the trigger date for a record's retention period multi, readwrite, optional id Role Identifier 0394b604-5865-42e2-ab23-2e983ecdf454 Role included in an access control entry so that it is granted to a user or a group multi, readwrite, required string Scope Notes c5c12c32-d263-44a3-91ae-26f80cb75a3c Guidance to authorised users indicating how best to apply a particular entity and stating any organisational policies or constraints on its use single, readwrite, optional string Search Query e7f82f8c-80de-4cb5-a28e-6761abca27b0 Description in an event of the search query used to search for, or report on, entities in the system single, oncreate, optional string Supplier Information 8276d84b-a3fe-4b49-82a4-a8a58de14a7e Information provided by the supplier of a system that may be used to identify the type of the originating system, including its particular hardware and software versions and configuration, especially when entities are exported to another system single, oncreate, optional id System Identifier 01806231-2c8c-4482-9bb1-8e47e747784f Universally unique identifier for an entity that is generated automatically by the system and stays with the entity forever single, oncreate, required id Template Class Identifier ee03c826-39ee-4cdf-b2c7-6cc0c2782967 Class associated with the template such that when new entities, such as aggregations or records, are created with that classification, the template will be automatically applied to them by the system, giving them additional contextual metadata elements multi, readwrite, optional id Template Entity Type Identifier caaaf2e6-2ed4-4a53-adba-9363385127ac Specifies the types of entities to which the template may be applied multi, readwrite, required id Template Service Identifier 2dd54e70-5b60-4d5a-89be-5f967735d515 Service associated with the template such that when new entities are created in that service, the template will be automatically applied to them by the system, giving them additional contextual metadata elements multi, readwrite, optional string Title 077fc367-48ba-44a8-8afb-012d05ed1a16 The identifying name or title of the entity single, readwrite, required integer Total Entities 2131929b-7c06-471d-a96c-19b3560069d8 The total number of entities returned by a search or included in a report single, oncreate, optiona datetime Transferred Timestamp 09c440b3-b040-465f-a79f-9dae3243cce6 System set date and time indicating when the transfer of the record was confirmed single, oncreate, optiona id User Or Group Identifier 2b1820f7-97ef-4010-8de8-f0745e0855c0 Identifier for a user, or for a group, that is granted one or more roles in an access control entry single, readwrite, required string Metadata Change Entry 7e32c9c9-e00a-4dbe-8c5f-c05421e632c2 Compound metadata structure used by events to track the changes made to metadata when functions are performed multi, readwrite, optional id Hierarchical Parent Class Identifier caa1ff78-8cf9-40ac-9e2f-6ca75b87637e The parent class for a hierarchical class single, readwrite, optional