0.5.0 beta * Allow multiple simultaneous flushes, improving flush throughput on multicore systems (CASSANDRA-401) * Split up locks to improve write and read throughput on multicore systems (CASSANDRA-444, CASSANDRA-414) * More efficient use of memory during compaction (CASSANDRA-436) * autobootstrap option: when enabled, all non-seed nodes will attempt to bootstrap when started, until bootstrap successfully completes. -b option is removed. (CASSANDRA-438) * Unless a token is manually specified in the configuration xml, a bootstraping node will use a token that gives it half the keys from the most-heavily-loaded node in the cluster, instead of generating a random token. (CASSANDRA-385, CASSANDRA-517) * Miscellaneous bootstrap fixes (several tickets) * Ability to change a node's token even after it has data on it (CASSANDRA-541) * Ability to decommission a live node from the ring (CASSANDRA-435) * Semi-automatic loadbalancing via nodeprobe (CASSANDRA-192) * Add ability to set compaction thresholds at runtime via JMX / nodeprobe. (CASSANDRA-465) * Add "comment" field to ColumnFamily definition. (CASSANDRA-481) * Additional JMX metrics (CASSANDRA-482) * JSON based export and import tools (several tickets) * Hinted Handoff fixes (several tickets) * Add key cache to improve read performance (CASSANDRA-423) * Simplified construction of custom ReplicationStrategy classes (CASSANDRA-497) * Add DCQUORUM, DCQUORUMSYNC consistency levels and corresponding ReplicationStrategy / EndpointSnitch classes. Experimental. (CASSANDRA-492) * Web client interface added to contrib (CASSANDRA-457) * More-efficient flush for Random, CollatedOPP partitioners for normal writes (CASSANDRA-446) and bulk load (CASSANDRA-420) * Add MemtableFlushAfterMinutes, a global replacement for the old per-CF FlushPeriodInMinutes setting (CASSANDRA-463) * Datacenter quorum consistency levels (CASSANDRA-492) * optimizations to slice reading (CASSANDRA-350) and supercolumn queries (CASSANDRA-510) * force binding to given listenaddress for nodes with multiple interfaces (CASSANDRA-546) * stress.py benchmarking tool improvements (several tickets) * optimized replica placement code (CASSANDRA-525) * faster log replay on restart (CASSANDRA-539, CASSANDRA-540) * optimized local-node writes (CASSANDRA-558) * added get_range_slice, deprecating get_key_range (CASSANDRA-344) * expose TimedOutException to thrift (CASSANDRA-563) 0.4.2 * Add validation disallowing null keys (CASSANDRA-486) * Fix race conditions in TCPConnectionManager (CASSANDRA-487) * Fix using non-utf8-aware comparison as a sanity check. (CASSANDRA-493) * Improve default garbage collector options (CASSANDRA-504) * Add "nodeprobe flush" (CASSANDRA-505) * remove NotFoundException from get_slice throws list (CASSANDRA-518) * fix get (not get_slice) of entire supercolumn (CASSANDRA-508) * fix null token during bootstrap (CASSANDRA-501) 0.4.1 * Fix FlushPeriod columnfamily configuration regression (CASSANDRA-455) * Fix long column name support (CASSANDRA-460) * Fix for serializing a row that only contains tombstones (CASSANDRA-458) * Fix for discarding unneeded commitlog segments (CASSANDRA-459) * Add SnapshotBeforeCompaction configuration option (CASSANDRA-426) * Fix compaction abort under insufficient disk space (CASSANDRA-473) * Fix reading subcolumn slice from tombstoned CF (CASSANDRA-484) * Fix race condition in RVH causing occasional NPE (CASSANDRA-478) 0.4.0 * fix get_key_range problems when a node is down (CASSANDRA-440) and add UnavailableException to more Thrift methods * Add example EndPointSnitch contrib code (several tickets) 0.4.0 RC2 * fix SSTable generation clash during compaction (CASSANDRA-418) * reject method calls with null parameters (CASSANDRA-308) * properly order ranges in nodeprobe output (CASSANDRA-421) * fix logging of certain errors on executor threads (CASSANDRA-425) 0.4.0 RC1 * Bootstrap feature is live; use -b on startup (several tickets) * Added multiget api (CASSANDRA-70) * fix Deadlock with SelectorManager.doProcess and TcpConnection.write (CASSANDRA-392) * remove key cache b/c of concurrency bugs in third-party CLHM library (CASSANDRA-405) * update non-major compaction logic to use two threshold values (CASSANDRA-407) * add periodic / batch commitlog sync modes (several tickets) * inline BatchMutation into batch_insert params (CASSANDRA-403) * allow setting the logging level at runtime via mbean (CASSANDRA-402) * change default comparator to BytesType (CASSANDRA-400) * add forwards-compatible ConsistencyLevel parameter to get_key_range (CASSANDRA-322) * r/m special case of blocking for local destination when writing with ConsistencyLevel.ZERO (CASSANDRA-399) * Fixes to make BinaryMemtable [bulk load interface] useful (CASSANDRA-337); see contrib/bmt_example for an example of using it. * More JMX properties added (several tickets) * Thrift changes (several tickets) - Merged _super get methods with the normal ones; return values are now of ColumnOrSuperColumn. - Similarly, merged batch_insert_super into batch_insert. 0.4.0 beta * On-disk data format has changed to allow billions of keys/rows per node instead of only millions * Multi-keyspace support * Scan all sstables for all queries to avoid situations where different types of operation on the same ColumnFamily could disagree on what data was present * Snapshot support via JMX * Thrift API has changed a _lot_: - removed time-sorted CFs; instead, user-defined comparators may be defined on the column names, which are now byte arrays. Default comparators are provided for UTF8, Bytes, Ascii, Long (i64), and UUID types. - removed colon-delimited strings in thrift api in favor of explicit structs such as ColumnPath, ColumnParent, etc. Also normalized thrift struct and argument naming. - Added columnFamily argument to get_key_range. - Change signature of get_slice to accept starting and ending columns as well as an offset. (This allows use of indexes.) Added "ascending" flag to allow reasonably-efficient reverse scans as well. Removed get_slice_by_range as redundant. - get_key_range operates on one CF at a time - changed `block` boolean on insert methods to ConsistencyLevel enum, with options of NONE, ONE, QUORUM, and ALL. - added similar consistency_level parameter to read methods - column-name-set slice with no names given now returns zero columns instead of all of them. ("all" can run your server out of memory. use a range-based slice with a high max column count instead.) * Removed the web interface. Node information can now be obtained by using the newly introduced nodeprobe utility. * More JMX stats * Remove magic values from internals (e.g. special key to indicate when to flush memtables) * Rename configuration "table" to "keyspace" * Moved to crash-only design; no more shutdown (just kill the process) * Lots of bug fixes Full list of issues resolved in 0.4 is at https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=12310865&fixfor=12313862&resolution=1&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC 0.3.0 RC3 * Fix potential deadlock under load in TCPConnection. (CASSANDRA-220) 0.3.0 RC2 * Fix possible data loss when server is stopped after replaying log but before new inserts force memtable flush. (CASSANDRA-204) * Added BUGS file 0.3.0 RC1 * Range queries on keys, including user-defined key collation * Remove support * Workarounds for a weird bug in JDK select/register that seems particularly common on VM environments. Cassandra should deploy fine on EC2 now * Much improved infrastructure: the beginnings of a decent test suite ("ant test" for unit tests; "nosetests" for system tests), code coverage reporting, etc. * Expanded node status reporting via JMX * Improved error reporting/logging on both server and client * Reduced memory footprint in default configuration * Combined blocking and non-blocking versions of insert APIs * Added FlushPeriodInMinutes configuration parameter to force flushing of infrequently-updated ColumnFamilies