--- layout: docpage title: "Documentation" is_homepage: false is_sphinx_doc: true doc-parent: "Cassandra Tools" doc-parent: "SSTable Tools" doc-title: "sstablemetadata" doc-header-links: ' ' doc-search-path: "../../search.html" extra-footer: ' ' ---


Print information about an sstable from the related Statistics.db and Summary.db files to standard output.

ref: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-7159 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10838

Cassandra must be stopped before this tool is executed, or unexpected results will occur. Note: the script does not verify that Cassandra is stopped.


sstablemetadata <options> <sstable filename(s)>

–gc_grace_seconds <arg> The gc_grace_seconds to use when calculating droppable tombstones

Specify gc grace seconds

To see the ratio of droppable tombstones given a configured gc grace seconds, use the gc_grace_seconds option. Because the sstablemetadata tool doesn’t access the schema directly, this is a way to more accurately estimate droppable tombstones – for example, if you pass in gc_grace_seconds matching what is configured in the schema. The gc_grace_seconds value provided is subtracted from the curent machine time (in seconds).

ref: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-12208


sstablemetadata /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace1/standard1-41b52700b4ed11e896476d2c86545d91/mc-12-big-Data.db | grep "Estimated tombstone drop times" -A4
Estimated tombstone drop times:
1536599100:         1
1536599640:         1
1536599700:         2

echo $(date +%s)

# if gc_grace_seconds was configured at 100, all of the tombstones would be currently droppable
sstablemetadata --gc_grace_seconds 100 /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace1/standard1-41b52700b4ed11e896476d2c86545d91/mc-12-big-Data.db | grep "Estimated droppable tombstones"
Estimated droppable tombstones: 4.0E-5

# if gc_grace_seconds was configured at 4700, some of the tombstones would be currently droppable
sstablemetadata --gc_grace_seconds 4700 /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace1/standard1-41b52700b4ed11e896476d2c86545d91/mc-12-big-Data.db | grep "Estimated droppable tombstones"
Estimated droppable tombstones: 9.61111111111111E-6

# if gc_grace_seconds was configured at 100, none of the tombstones would be currently droppable
sstablemetadata --gc_grace_seconds 5000 /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace1/standard1-41b52700b4ed11e896476d2c86545d91/mc-12-big-Data.db | grep "Estimated droppable tombstones"
Estimated droppable tombstones: 0.0

Explanation of each value printed above

Value Explanation
SSTable prefix of the sstable filenames related to this sstable
Partitioner partitioner type used to distribute data across nodes; defined in cassandra.yaml
Bloom Filter FP precision of Bloom filter used in reads; defined in the table definition
Minimum timestamp minimum timestamp of any entry in this sstable, in epoch microseconds
Maximum timestamp maximum timestamp of any entry in this sstable, in epoch microseconds
SSTable min local deletion time minimum timestamp of deletion date, based on TTL, in epoch seconds
SSTable max local deletion time maximum timestamp of deletion date, based on TTL, in epoch seconds
Compressor blank (-) by default; if not blank, indicates type of compression enabled on the table
TTL min time-to-live in seconds; default 0 unless defined in the table definition
TTL max time-to-live in seconds; default 0 unless defined in the table definition
First token lowest token and related key found in the sstable summary
Last token highest token and related key found in the sstable summary
Estimated droppable tombstones ratio of tombstones to columns, using configured gc grace seconds if relevant
SSTable level compaction level of this sstable, if leveled compaction (LCS) is used
Repaired at the timestamp this sstable was marked as repaired via sstablerepairedset, in epoch milliseconds
Replay positions covered the interval of time and commitlog positions related to this sstable
totalColumnsSet number of cells in the table
totalRows number of rows in the table
Estimated tombstone drop times approximate number of rows that will expire, ordered by epoch seconds
Count Row Size Cell Count two histograms in two columns; one represents distribution of Row Size and the other represents distribution of Cell Count
Estimated cardinality an estimate of unique values, used for compaction
EncodingStats* minTTL in epoch milliseconds
EncodingStats* minLocalDeletionTime in epoch seconds
EncodingStats* minTimestamp in epoch microseconds
KeyType the type of partition key, useful in reading and writing data from/to storage; defined in the table definition
ClusteringTypes the type of clustering key, useful in reading and writing data from/to storage; defined in the table definition
StaticColumns a list of the shared columns in the table
RegularColumns a list of non-static, non-key columns in the table
  • For the encoding stats values, the delta of this and the current epoch time is used when encoding and storing data in the most optimal way.