.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one .. or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file .. distributed with this work for additional information .. regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file .. to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the .. "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance .. with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software .. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .. limitations under the License. .. highlight:: cql Appendices ---------- .. _appendix-A: Appendix A: CQL Keywords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CQL distinguishes between *reserved* and *non-reserved* keywords. Reserved keywords cannot be used as identifier, they are truly reserved for the language (but one can enclose a reserved keyword by double-quotes to use it as an identifier). Non-reserved keywords however only have a specific meaning in certain context but can used as identifier otherwise. The only *raison d’être* of these non-reserved keywords is convenience: some keyword are non-reserved when it was always easy for the parser to decide whether they were used as keywords or not. +--------------------+-------------+ | Keyword | Reserved? | +====================+=============+ | ``ADD`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``AGGREGATE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ALL`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ALLOW`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ALTER`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``AND`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``APPLY`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``AS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ASC`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ASCII`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``AUTHORIZE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``BATCH`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``BEGIN`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``BIGINT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``BLOB`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``BOOLEAN`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``BY`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``CALLED`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``CLUSTERING`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``COLUMNFAMILY`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``COMPACT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``CONTAINS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``COUNT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``COUNTER`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``CREATE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``CUSTOM`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DATE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DECIMAL`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DELETE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DESC`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DESCRIBE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DISTINCT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DOUBLE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``DROP`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ENTRIES`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``EXECUTE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``EXISTS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FILTERING`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FINALFUNC`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FLOAT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FROM`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FROZEN`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FULL`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FUNCTION`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``FUNCTIONS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``GRANT`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``IF`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``IN`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INDEX`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INET`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INFINITY`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INITCOND`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INPUT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INSERT`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``INTO`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``JSON`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``KEY`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``KEYS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``KEYSPACE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``KEYSPACES`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``LANGUAGE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``LIMIT`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``LIST`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``LOGIN`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``MAP`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``MODIFY`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``NAN`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``NOLOGIN`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``NORECURSIVE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``NOSUPERUSER`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``NOT`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``NULL`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``OF`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ON`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``OPTIONS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``OR`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ORDER`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``PASSWORD`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``PERMISSION`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``PERMISSIONS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``PRIMARY`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``RENAME`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``REPLACE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``RETURNS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``REVOKE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ROLE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``ROLES`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``SCHEMA`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``SELECT`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``SET`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``SFUNC`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``SMALLINT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``STATIC`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``STORAGE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``STYPE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``SUPERUSER`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TABLE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TEXT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TIME`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TIMESTAMP`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TIMEUUID`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TINYINT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TO`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TOKEN`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TRIGGER`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TRUNCATE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TTL`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TUPLE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``TYPE`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``UNLOGGED`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``UPDATE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``USE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``USER`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``USERS`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``USING`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``UUID`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``VALUES`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``VARCHAR`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``VARINT`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``WHERE`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``WITH`` | yes | +--------------------+-------------+ | ``WRITETIME`` | no | +--------------------+-------------+ Appendix B: CQL Reserved Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following type names are not currently used by CQL, but are reserved for potential future use. User-defined types may not use reserved type names as their name. +-----------------+ | type | +=================+ | ``bitstring`` | +-----------------+ | ``byte`` | +-----------------+ | ``complex`` | +-----------------+ | ``enum`` | +-----------------+ | ``interval`` | +-----------------+ | ``macaddr`` | +-----------------+ Appendix C: Dropping Compact Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting version 4.0, Thrift and COMPACT STORAGE is no longer supported. 'ALTER ... DROP COMPACT STORAGE' statement makes Compact Tables CQL-compatible, exposing internal structure of Thrift/Compact Tables: - CQL-created Compact Tables that have no clustering columns, will expose an additional clustering column ``column1`` with ``UTF8Type``. - CQL-created Compact Tables that had no regular columns, will expose a regular column ``value`` with ``BytesType``. - For CQL-Created Compact Tables, all columns originally defined as ``regular`` will be come ``static`` - CQL-created Compact Tables that have clustering but have no regular columns will have an empty value column (of ``EmptyType``) - SuperColumn Tables (can only be created through Thrift) will expose a compact value map with an empty name. - Thrift-created Compact Tables will have types corresponding to their Thrift definition.