agimatec-validation =================== How to compile the project ========================== Requirements: 0. Sources require java1.5 or higher. (Tested with JDK 1.5.0_12 and 1.6.0_07) 1. The project is built with maven2 (Tested with 2.0.9, 2.0.10 and 2.2.0). You need to download and install maven2 from: 2. Invoke maven in the root directory or a module subdirectory. compile all projects: --------------------- mvn install (artifacts are generated into the target directories and your local .m2 repo) (Optional) generate site, javadoc: ---------------------------------- mvn site (Optional) generate source-jars: -------------------------------- mvn source:jar mvn source:test-jar (Optional) generate an IntelliJ project: ---------------------------------------- mvn idea:idea (Optional) generate Eclipse projects: ------------------------------------- mvn eclipse:eclipse (Optional) deploy maven-site and javadoc: ----------------------------------------- mvn site-deploy [ Note: You must set the properties ${agimatec-site-id} and ${agimatec-site-url} to adequate values. You can do that by adding them to your maven settings.xml. This is the place where the server credenticals for uploads are kept. ] (Optional) Publish SNAPSHOT or Release artifacts ------------------------------------------------ mvn clean deploy -Prelease [ Note: You will need to add the following information to your .m2/settings.xml so the release plugin can log into the site to deploy the artifacts - agimatec-snapshots ${ossrh-uid} ${ossrh-pwd} agimatec-releases ${ossrh-uid} ${ossrh-pwd} After deploying, log into, select Staging, right- click on the new com.agimatec-### staging repo in the bottom pane and select Close, then right-click and choose Promote to Agimatec Releases. Getting started --------------- Refer to the project page and WIKI at: You can checkout latest sources and releases from there. You can also refer to the test cases in src/test/java/** for examples. Feedback, questions, contribution ================================= ** Feedback is welcome! ** Roman Stumm, agimatec GmbH, 2008, 2009 email: