Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Apache BVal :: bval-coreBVal Metadata Engine
Apache BVal :: bval-xstream (optional)BVal XML Metadata with XStream
Apache BVal :: bval-jsr303Implementation specific classes for JSR 303 Bean Validation 1.0
Apache BVal :: org.apache.bval.bundleApache BVal - Aggregate OSGi Bundle (bval-core + bval-jsr303)
Apache BVal :: bval-json (optional)BVal - Optional JSON Component
Apache BVal :: bval-guice (optional)BVal - Google Guice Integration
Apache BVal :: bval-tck (TCK Runner)Aggregates dependencies and runs the JSR-303 TCK
Apache BVal :: bval-extras (optional)BVal - non-JSR303 routines and constraints