# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. task :release do # First, we need to get all the staged files from Apache to _release. mkpath '_release' lambda do url = "people.apache.org:~/public_html/#{spec.name}/#{spec.version}" puts "Populating _release directory from #{url} ..." sh 'rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', url, '_release' puts "[X] Staged files are now in _release" end.call # Upload binary and source packages and new Web site lambda do target = "people.apache.org:/www/www.apache.org/dist/#{spec.name}/#{spec.version}" puts "Uploading packages to www.apache.org/dist ..." host, remote_dir = target.split(':') sh 'ssh', host, 'rm', '-rf', remote_dir rescue nil sh 'ssh', host, 'mkdir', remote_dir sh 'rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', "_release/#{spec.version}/dist/", target puts "[X] Uploaded packages to www.apache.org/dist" target = "people.apache.org:/www/#{spec.name}.apache.org/" puts "Uploading new site to #{spec.name}.apache.org ..." sh 'rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', '--delete', "_release/#{spec.version}/site/", target sh 'ssh', 'people.apache.org', 'chmod', '-R', 'g+w', "/www/#{spec.name}.apache.org/*" puts "[X] Uploaded new site to #{spec.name}.apache.org" end.call # Upload binary and source packages to RubyForge. lambda do files = FileList["_release/#{spec.version}/dist/*.{gem,tgz,zip}"] puts "Uploading #{spec.version} to RubyForge ... " rubyforge = RubyForge.new.configure rubyforge.login rubyforge.userconfig.merge!('release_changes'=>"_release/#{spec.version}/CHANGES", 'preformatted' => true) rubyforge.add_release spec.rubyforge_project.downcase, spec.name.downcase, spec.version.to_s, *files puts "Posting news to RubyForge ... " changes = File.read("_release/#{spec.version}/CHANGES")[/.*?\n(.*)/m, 1] rubyforge.post_news spec.rubyforge_project.downcase, "Buildr #{spec.version} released", "#{spec.description}\n\nNew in Buildr #{spec.version}:\n#{changes.gsub(/^/, ' ')}\n" puts "[X] Uploaded gems and source files to #{spec.name}.rubyforge.org" end.call # Create an SVN tag for this release. lambda do info = `svn info` + `git svn info` # Using either svn or git-svn if url = info[/^URL:/] && info.scan(/^URL: (.*)/)[0][0] new_url = url.sub(/(trunk$)|(branches\/\w*)$/, "tags/#{spec.version}") unless url == new_url sh 'svn', 'copy', url, new_url, '-m', "Release #{spec.version}" do |ok, res| if ok puts "[X] Tagged this release as tags/#{spec.version} ... " else puts "Could not create tag, please do it yourself!" puts %{ svn copy #{url} #{new_url} -m "Release #{spec.version}"} end end end end end.call # Update CHANGELOG to next release number. lambda do next_version = spec.version.to_s.split('.').map { |v| v.to_i }. zip([0, 0, 1]).map { |a| a.inject(0) { |t,i| t + i } }.join('.') modified = "#{next_version} (Pending)\n\n" + File.read('CHANGELOG') File.open 'CHANGELOG', 'w' do |file| file.write modified end puts "[X] Updated CHANGELOG and added entry for next release" end.call # Update source files to next release number. lambda do next_version = spec.version.to_s.split('.').map { |v| v.to_i }. zip([0, 0, 1]).map { |a| a.inject(0) { |t,i| t + i } }.join('.') ver_file = "lib/#{spec.name}.rb" if File.exist?(ver_file) modified = File.read(ver_file).sub(/(VERSION\s*=\s*)(['"])(.*)\2/) { |line| "#{$1}#{$2}#{next_version}#{$2}" } File.open ver_file, 'w' do |file| file.write modified end puts "[X] Updated #{ver_file} to next release" end spec_file = "#{spec.name}.gemspec" if File.exist?(spec_file) modified = File.read(spec_file).sub(/(s(?:pec)?\.version\s*=\s*)(['"])(.*)\2/) { |line| "#{$1}#{$2}#{next_version}#{$2}" } File.open spec_file, 'w' do |file| file.write modified end puts "[X] Updated #{spec_file} to next release" end end.call # Prepare release announcement email. lambda do changes = File.read("_release/#{spec.version}/CHANGES")[/.*?\n(.*)/m, 1] email = <<-EMAIL To: users@buildr.apache.org, announce@apache.org Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Buildr #{spec.version} released #{spec.description} New in this release: #{changes.gsub(/^/, ' ')} To learn more about Buildr and get started: http://buildr.apache.org/ Thanks! The Apache Buildr Team EMAIL File.open 'announce-email.txt', 'w' do |file| file.write email end puts "[X] Created release announce email template in 'announce-email.txt'" puts email end end task(:clobber) { rm_rf '_release' }