Child Page Ordering

Child pages are by default, ordered by their position in the children YAML front matter field. This can be changed using the property section_position in the child YAML. For children defined in the front matter this is put in the child object of the children array.

For inline children, sourced using check_directory_for_children: true, this section_position property is put in the child file’s YAML front matter.

The format for section_position is that of software versioning, i.e A.B... Z where A, B etc are numbers of decreasing value. Position 1.1.0 would appear before version 1.0.4 for example. This allows an infinite number of sub pages between each section_position.

Any un-versioned pages are automatically numbered to add a new minor version from the last page if that was numbered or increment the minor if it was not. If no pages are yet numbered, the numbering is started at 1.1. For example, if a numbered page, 1.4 is followed by a non-numbered page, the non-numbered page would be auto-numbered as 1.4.1. If this page is followed by another non-numbered page it would be auto-numbered as 1.4.2.

For example, a set of children pages numbered like this:

- { path: /guide/start/, section_position: 3.1.2 }
- { path: /guide/misc/ }
- { path: /guide/concepts/ }
- { path: /guide/blueprints/ }
- { path: /guide/blueprints/java/ }
- { path: /guide/ops/, section_position: 2 }
- { path: /guide/misc/ }

Would end up numbered like this:

- { path: /guide/ops/, section_position: 2 }
- { path: /guide/misc/, section_position: 2.1 }
- { path: /guide/start/, section_position: 3.1.2 }
- { path: /guide/misc/, section_position: }
- { path: /guide/concepts/, section_position: }
- { path: /guide/yaml/, section_position: }
- { path: /guide/java/, section_position: }

This ordering affects both the position of the child in the html menu and the order of content included with child_content.