DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT This is a DRAFT document and not official policy, pending some sort of approval by the Board. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT
The ASF provides the following services to PMCs:
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The ASF has the following requirements of Apache PMCs. Questions about any specific policy should be addressed to the appropriate officer and/or to the board.
Project technical decisions MUST be made on public and archived mailing lists.
Project discussions and interactions SHOULD be public in accessible, asynchronous and archived places, unless there are specific documented reasons to hold discussions on private@.
Project discussions SHOULD use normal ASF-hosted dev@, user@, and similar mailing lists.
Projects MAY use their own documented consensus process, or a VOTE, to decide on any new committers or PMC members.
Contributors MUST sign an iCLA before committer access to projects is granted.
Projects MUST use the Apache LICENSE, NOTICE, and source headers for code developed and released at Apache.
Projects MUST NOT include software with unapproved or restricted licenses in Apache project releases unless following documented exceptions.
Projects MAY include software with approved compatible licenses in Apache project releases.
Project websites MUST comply with the Apache Project Branding Requirements.
Project PMCs MUST be responsible for maintaining their project's trademarks and brand.
Project PMCs MAY include links to relevant technical or corporate websites when they are appropriate to their community.
Projects MUST work with VP, Marketing and Publicity on any formal press releases that use ASF boilerplate.
Projects SHOULD work with press@ to help coordinate any press, media, or analyst relations.
Projects MUST work with VP, Fundraising whenever accepting or using financial donations.
Projects MUST NOT use ASF donated funds to pay for primary development on any Apache project. (citation needed)
Copyright 2017, The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.