.. _testing-database: Using an alternate database backend =================================== The unit tests don't really touch the db. The functional tests will, however, but if you're not using sqlite you need to setup the database yourself. Once it's set up, just set :envvar:`TRAC_TEST_DB_URI` to the connection string you would use for an :command:`trac-admin inittenv` and run the tests. .. index:: pair: Postgres; testing on pair: PostgreSQL; testing on Postgres -------- Testing against Postgres requires you to setup a postgres database and user for testing, then setting an environment variable. The test scripts will create a schema within the database, and on consecutive runs remove the schema. .. warning:: Do not run this against a live Trac db schema, the schema *will* be removed if it exists. On OS X and Linux, you can run the following to create the test database:: $ sudo -u postgres createuser -S -D -r -P -e tracuser $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O tracuser trac Windows:: > createuser -U postgres -S -D -r -P -e tracuser > createdb -U postgres -O tracuser trac Prior to running the tests, set the :envvar:`TRAC_TEST_DB_URI` variable. If you do not include a schema in the URI, the schema ``tractest`` will be used. OS X and Linux:: $ export TRAC_TEST_DB_URI=postgres://tracuser:password@localhost:5432/trac?schema=tractest $ make test Windows:: set TRAC_TEST_DB_URI=postgres://tracuser:password@localhost:5432/trac?schema=tractest Finally, run the tests as usual. Note that if you have already a test environment set up from a previous run, thesettings in testenv/trac/conf/trac.ini will be used. In particular, they will take precedence over the TRAC_TEST_DB_URI variable. Simply edit that trac.ini file or even remove the whole testenv folder if this gets in the way. If in some cases the tests go wrong and you can't run the tests again because the schema is already there, you can drop the schema manually like this: OS X and Linux:: > echo 'drop schema "tractest" cascade' | psql trac tracuser Windows:: > echo drop schema "tractest" cascade | psql trac tracuser If you later want to remove the test user and database, use the following: On OS X and Linux, you can run the following to create the test database:: $ sudo -u postgres dropdb tractest $ sudo -u postgres dropuser tractest Windows:: > dropdb -U postgres trac > dropuser -U postgres tracuser .. index:: pair: MySQL; testing on MySQL ----- Create the database and user as you normally would. See the MySqlDb_ page for more information. .. _MySqlDb: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/MySqlDb Example:: $ mysql -u root CREATE DATABASE trac DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; CREATE USER tracuser IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL ON trac.* TO tracuser; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ^D $ export TRAC_TEST_DB_URI=mysql://tracuser:password@localhost/trac $ make test ... $ mysql -u root DROP DATABASE trac DROP USER tracuser ^D If you have better ideas on automating this, please contact us. Troubleshooting --------------- If you hit the following error message:: trac.core.TracError: The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded. This is because the test environment clean-up stopped half-way: the testenv/trac environment is still there, but the testenv/trac/conf/trac.ini file has already been removed. The default ticket workflow then requests an environment upgrade. Simply remove manually the whole testenv folder and, when using Postgres, remove the tractest schema manually as explained above.