# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class hadoop_cluster_node { $hadoop_namenode_host="$hadoop_head_node" $hadoop_namenode_port="17020" $hadoop_namenode_thrift_port="10090" # $hadoop_dfs_namenode_plugins="org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.NamenodePlugin" # $hadoop_dfs_datanode_plugins="org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.DatanodePlugin" $hadoop_jobtracker_host="$hadoop_head_node" $hadoop_jobtracker_port="8021" $hadoop_jobtracker_thrift_port="9290" # $hadoop_mapred_jobtracker_plugins="org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.ThriftJobTrackerPlugin" # $hadoop_mapred_tasktracker_plugins="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTrackerCmonInst" $hadoop_core_proxyusers = { oozie => { groups => 'root,hadoop,jenkins,oozie,users', hosts => "${hadoop_head_node},localhost," } } $hadoop_hbase_rootdir = "hdfs://$hadoop_namenode_host:$hadoop_namenode_port/hbase" $hadoop_hbase_zookeeper_quorum = "$hadoop_head_node" $hadoop_zookeeper_ensemble = ["$hadoop_head_node:2888:3888"] $namenode_data_dirs = ["/mnt/namenode"] $hdfs_data_dirs = ["/mnt/hdfs"] $mapred_data_dirs = ["/mnt/scratch"] if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { $kerberos_domain = "compute-1.internal" $kerberos_realm = "EXAMPLE.COM" $kerberos_kdc_server = "$hadoop_head_node" include kerberos::client kerberos::client::host_keytab { ["hdfs", "mapred", "hbase", "oozie"]: princs_map => { hdfs => [ "host", "hdfs" ], mapred => [ "mapred" ], hbase => [ "hbase" ], oozie => [ "oozie" ], }, } } } class hadoop_worker_node inherits hadoop_cluster_node { hadoop::datanode { "datanode": namenode_host => $hadoop_namenode_host, namenode_port => $hadoop_namenode_port, dirs => $hdfs_data_dirs, auth => $hadoop_security_authentication, } hadoop::tasktracker { "tasktracker": namenode_host => $hadoop_namenode_host, namenode_port => $hadoop_namenode_port, jobtracker_host => $hadoop_jobtracker_host, jobtracker_port => $hadoop_jobtracker_port, dirs => $mapred_data_dirs, auth => $hadoop_security_authentication, } hadoop-hbase::server { "hbase region server": rootdir => $hadoop_hbase_rootdir, zookeeper_quorum => $hadoop_hbase_zookeeper_quorum, kerberos_realm => $kerberos_realm, } } class hadoop_head_node inherits hadoop_cluster_node { if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { include kerberos::kdc, kerberos::kdc::admin_server } hadoop::namenode { "namenode": port => $hadoop_namenode_port, jobtracker_host => $hadoop_jobtracker_host, jobtracker_port => $hadoop_jobtracker_port, dirs => $namenode_data_dirs, # thrift_port => $hadoop_namenode_thrift_port, auth => $hadoop_security_authentication, } hadoop::secondarynamenode { "secondary namenode": namenode_host => $hadoop_namenode_host, namenode_port => $hadoop_namenode_port, auth => $hadoop_security_authentication, } hadoop::jobtracker { "jobtracker": namenode_host => $hadoop_namenode_host, namenode_port => $hadoop_namenode_port, host => $hadoop_jobtracker_host, port => $hadoop_jobtracker_port, dirs => $mapred_data_dirs, # thrift_port => $hadoop_jobtracker_thrift_port, auth => $hadoop_security_authentication, } hadoop-hbase::master { "hbase master": rootdir => $hadoop_hbase_rootdir, zookeeper_quorum => $hadoop_hbase_zookeeper_quorum, kerberos_realm => $kerberos_realm, } hadoop-oozie::server { "oozie server": kerberos_realm => $kerberos_realm, } hadoop-zookeeper::server { "zookeeper": myid => "0", ensemble => $hadoop_zookeeper_ensemble, } hadoop::create_hdfs_dirs { [ "/mapred", "/jobtracker", "/tmp", "/system", "/user", "/hbase", "/benchmarks", "/user/jenkins", "/user/hive" ]: hdfs_dirs_meta => { "/tmp" => { perm => "777", user => "hdfs" }, "/mapred" => { perm => "755", user => "mapred" }, "/jobtracker" => { perm => "755", user => "mapred" }, "/system" => { perm => "755", user => "hdfs" }, "/user" => { perm => "755", user => "hdfs" }, "/hbase" => { perm => "755", user => "hbase" }, "/benchmarks" => { perm => "777", user => "hdfs" }, "/user/jenkins" => { perm => "777", user => "jenkins"}, "/user/hive" => { perm => "777", user => "hive" } }, } } class hadoop_gateway_node inherits hadoop_head_node { # hadoop::client { "gateway": # namenode_host => $hadoop_namenode_host, # namenode_port => $hadoop_namenode_port, # jobtracker_host => $hadoop_jobtracker_host, # jobtracker_port => $hadoop_jobtracker_port, # # auth => $hadoop_security_authentication, # } hadoop-pig::client { "pig client": } hadoop-hive::client { "hive client": hbase_zookeeper_quorum => $hadoop_hbase_zookeeper_quorum, } hadoop-sqoop::client { "sqoop client": } hadoop-oozie::client { "oozie client": } hadoop-hbase::client { "hbase client": } hadoop-zookeeper::client { "zookeeper client": } hadoop-flume::client { "flume client": } }