Overview --------- interop-client is a web service control sample. Serveral key features are demonstrated including: *) Web service control generation from a webservice WSDL URL. *) Using JUnit to test a web service control using the ControlTestContainer. The web service used by this sample is located at: http://mssoapinterop.org/asmx/xsd/round4XSD.wsdl If you like, switch to a different web service by modifing the build.properties file, note that if the web service is changed it will be necessary to modify the InteropTest Junit test class. External Dependencies ---------------------- In addition to a Beehive distribution the following must be present to run this sample: *) JUnit *) AXIS 1.3.x or later Running -------- *) Modifiy the build.properties file to include the location of AXIS and JUnit installations. *) Run 'ant clean build junit.test' from the command line. Generated Files ---------------- The following files are generated by the ant build script: build | |-- src mssoapinterop/Round4XSDTest.java (Generated WSC) mssoapinterop/round4XSD.wsdl (WSDL file used for WSC generation) | |-- beansrc generated controls artifacts | |-- typesrc classes generated from WSDL's complex types | | |-- classes generated class files | |-- junit-logs junit log files