Apache > Beehive

Mailing Lists

Use the links below to send mail to, subscribe, unsubscribe or check the archives of the Beehive mailing lists. Subscribing and unsubscribing is performed by simply sending a blank email to one of the addresses linked below.

Beehive Users List Subscribe Unsubscribe Archives
Beehive Developer List Subscribe Unsubscribe Archives
Beehive SVN/Wiki Change List Subscribe Unsubscribe Archives
Beehive Private/PMC List

If you have used the unsubscribe links on this page and you are still receiving email from one or more of the Beehive mailing lists, then the likely reason is that you are subscribed under a different address than you currently use. The ezmlm mail program is used to manage the mailing lists and it will happily unsubscribe an address that isn't on the mailing list, so it may not be clear when unsubscribe requests are in vain. Follow these steps if you are having trouble unsubscribing:

If you still have problems, then send email to the list owner ( beehive-user or beehive-dev ) telling them that you have attempted to unsubscribe the address from the Return Path and have been unsuccessful.