Apache > Beehive

Welcome to Apache Beehive

What is Beehive?

Welcome to Beehive! Our goal is to make J2EE programming easier by building a simple object model on J2EE and Struts. Using the new JSR-175 annotations, Beehive reduces the coding necessary for J2EE. The initial Beehive project has three pieces.

  • NetUI: An annotation-driven web application programming framework that is built atop Struts. NetUI centralizes navigation logic, state, metadata, and exception handling in a single encapsulated and reusable Page Flow Controller class. In addition, NetUI provides a set of JSP tags for rendering HTML / XHTML and higher-level UI constructs such as data grids and trees and has first-class integration with JavaServer Faces and Struts.
  • Controls: A lightweight, metadata-driven component framework for building that reduces the complexity of being a client of enterprise resources. Controls provide a unified client abstraction that can be implemented to access a diverse set of enterprise resources using a single configuration model.
  • Web Service Metadata (WSM): An implementation of JSR 181 which standardizes a simplified, annotation-driven model for building Java web services.

In addition, Beehive includes a set of system controls that are abstractions for low-level J2EE resource APIs such as EJB, JMS, JDBC, and web services.


  • 2006-12-04: Beehive releases 1.0.2
  • 2006-02-13: Beehive releases 1.0.1 (includes 90 bug fixes!)
  • 2005-09-30: Beehive releases 1.0!
  • 2005-07-28: Beehive becomes a top-level Apache project.
  • 2005-07-12: Beehive graduates from the Apache Incubator.

