Contributing Documentation to Beehive ===================================== Introduction ------------ Beehive documentation is created using Apache Forrest--a tool for building web sites from XML source docs. To contribute documentation you must first install Forrest on your local machine. For installation details see: beehive/trunk/BUILDING.txt Forrest documentation is in the form of XML files, so it is a good idea to use a tool that is able to validate XML during authoring. The XML source files must be valid for the Beehive documentation to build successfully. Note, the paths below are referenced relative to the SVN root: beehive/trunk In addition, instructions for updating the Beehive website are included below. Authoring Documentation ------------------------ Beehive stores its Forrest XML files in one of two directories: docs/forrest/release/src/documentation/content/xdocs contains the documentation for a specific Beehive release and is made available at the URL: The directory: docs/forrest/site/src/documentation/content/xdocs contains the documentation for the Beehive website and maps to the URL: The command-line examples below assumes that you are authoring documentation for a Beehive release. The XML source files are transformed by the Forrest tool into an HTML web site. Forrest XML contains many idiomatic shorthand expressions for referencing common HTML elements, esp. HTML links. For details on this shorthand see The basic development cycle for Beehive documentation runs as follows: (1) Turn on the Jetty Server The Jetty server is a web server / Servlet container provided by Forrest used to view/test the Forrest docs while they are development. To turn on the Jetty Server, run the following Ant command: docs/forrest/release> ant run Once the Jetty Server has been turned on, it is automatically aware of the Forrest XML files in: /docs/forrest/src/documentation/content/xdocs Any changes you make to these XML files, will automatically be reflected in the HTML served up the Jetty server. (2) Edit the Forrest XML source Make the desired changes to the Forrest XML source files. Your changes should result in valid XML documents according to the appropriate Forrest DTDs, specifically that available at: While editing Forrest XML files, it is helpful to use an authoring environment that can validate XML files. Invalid XML files will break the Beehive build. (3) View the changes to the documentation During authoring, changes can be viewed dynamically via a web browser by visiting: http://localhost:8888/index.html Repeat steps (2) and (3) to make iterative edits to the Forrest XML files. (4) Committing changes to documentation Changes to the Forrest XML files should be committed after ensuring that the release / site documentation builds succeed successfully. To ensure that the release build succeeds, run: docs/forrest> ant build.release To ensure that the website build succeeds, run: docs/forrest> ant Additional instructions for editing the website are included below. Updating the Website -------------------- The website is decoupled from the Beehive release documentation, though at the time of this writing, they are both checked into trunk/. To update the website, make any modifications in docs/forrest/site/. Then, build the documentation with: cd docs/forrest ant The build should complete without any errors. Once this is complete, the website can be staged using: ant This will copy the website atop the docs/forrest/www directory. Run 'svn status' and ensure that the Forrest files you changed are reflected in the HTML / PDF files that Forrest generated. Once this is done, run 'svn commit' to submit the changes to docs/forrest/www to source control. The website can be updated by checking it out of Subversion onto the Apache web server. To do this, run: svn commit ssh cd /www/ svn update