This tutorial explains how to write a simple CORBA service and how to make it available as a web service using the Axis2 CORBA module. Let's start the tutorial by creating an IDL file.
Creating the IDL file
The Interface Definition Language (IDL) is used to describe the interface to a CORBA object. An IDL file can then be used to generate the source code for the CORBA server.
Copy the following listing and save as a text file named
// Address book system module
module example
// A data structure which contains two integer values
struct numbers
long first;
long second;
// Specify interface to our address book
interface calculator
// returns n.first + n.second
long add(in numbers n);
// returns n.first + n.second
long subtract(in numbers n);
Creating the CORBA server
Open a console window and type the following command. (Make sure JAVA_HOME/bin is included to the PATH environment variable)
idlj -fall calculator.idl
idlj generates several classes needed for CORBA servers and client. Typically, idlj command will generate the following file structure.
| calculator.idl
Goto the example subdirectory and create file as follows.
package example;
import example.calculatorPackage.numbers;
public class calculatorImpl extends calculatorPOA {
public int add(numbers n) {
return n.first + n.second;
public int subtract(numbers n) {
return n.first - n.second;
Go back to the root directory (the directory where calculator.idl is located) and create as follows.
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtHelper;
import example.calculatorImpl;
public class Server {
public static void main(String[] args) {
org.omg.CORBA_2_3.ORB orb =
(org.omg.CORBA_2_3.ORB) org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args, null);
try {
org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa =
org.omg.CORBA.Object o =
poa.servant_to_reference(new calculatorImpl());
if(args.length == 1) {
PrintWriter ps = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(args[0]));
} else {
NamingContextExt nc =
nc.bind(nc.to_name("calculator"), o);
} catch (Exception e) {
Compile all the Java classes by using the following command.
Creating the CORBA web service
Now we are ready to create a CORBA web service using the Axis2 CORBA module. First of all we have to prepare Axis2 to work with CORBA module.
1. Make sure axis2-corba-{version}.jar is available in AXIS2_HOME/lib directory.
2. Download latest Apache Yoko binary distribution form Extract the downloaded archive to a temporary directory and copy yoko-core-{version}.jar and yoko-spec-corba{version}.jar to AXIS2_HOME/lib directory. (Axis2 CORBA module can also work with other CORBA implementations. Refer 'Additional Configuration Details' section for more information.)
3. Add the following line to the <axisconfig> section of the axis2.xml file which is located in AXIS2_HOME/conf directory.
<deployer extension=".xml" directory="corba" class="org.apache.axis2.corba.deployer.CorbaDeployer"/>
4.Create a new directory named corba inside AXIS2_HOME/repository directory.
Now, your Axis2 server is ready to deploy CORBA web services. Copy calculator.idl file to the newly created corba directory and create a new file named
calculator.xml as follows inside the same directory.
<service name="Calculator">
<description>Calculator Service</description>
<parameter name="idlFile">calculator.idl</parameter>
<parameter name="interfaceName">example::calculator</parameter>
<parameter name="namingServiceUrl">corbaloc::localhost:900/NameService</parameter>
<parameter name="objectName">calculator</parameter>
Running the Example
Start a console window and execute the following command to start the CORBA name service.
tnameserv -ORBInitialPort 900
Start an other console window and goto the directory where is located. Execute the following command to start the CORBA server.
Start the Axis2 server. The EPR of the new Calculator web service will be
http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Calculator. The WSDL is located at
http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Calculator?wsdl. Now you can create a web service client and use it to invoke methods on the CORBA server.
1. Axis2 CORBA module uses Apache Yoko as the default CORBA implementation. If you want to use a CORBA implementation other than Apache Yoko, override orbClass and orbSingletonClass properties.
2. To run the above tutorial without a naming service:
java Server /path/to/a/new/file to start the server. Remove
namingServiceUrl and
objectName properties from the
calculator.xml file and add the following line to the same file.
<parameter name="iorFilePath">/path/to/a/new/file</parameter>