# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Translation instructions. # 1. Each message line is of the form key=value. # Translate the value, DO NOT translate the key. # 2. The messages may contain arguments that will be filled in # by the runtime. These are of the form: {0}, {1}, etc. # These must appear as is in the message, though the order # may be changed to support proper language syntax. # 3. If a single quote character is to appear in the resulting # message, it must appear in this file as two consecutive # single quote characters. # 4. Lines beginning with "#" (like this one) are comment lines # and may contain translation instructions. They need not be # translated unless your translated file, rather than this file, # will serve as a base for other translators. #------------------------------------- # # General Sandesha messages # #------------------------------------- cannotInitInMemoryStorageManager=Cannot initialize the given in-memory storage manager due to exception {0}. cannotInitPersistentStorageManager=Cannot initialize the given persistent storage manager due to exception {0}. cannotGetStorageKey=Sandesha2 Internal Error: could not obtain the sandesha2 storage key in order to store the message. cannotGetStorageManager=Sandesha2 Internal Error: could not load the specified storage manager. storageManagerMustImplement=StorageManager must implement the org.apache.sandesha2.storage.StorageManager interface. cannotInitSecurityManager=Cannot initialize the given security manager due to exception {0}. securityManagerMustImplement=SecurityManager {0} must implement the org.apache.sandesha2.storage.StorageManager interface. cannotInitEPRDecorator=Cannot initialize the given epr decorator due to exception {0}. eprDecoratorMustImplement=EPRDecorator {0} must implement the org.apache.sandesha2.addressing.EPRDecorator interface. cannotInitContextManager=Cannot initialize the given context manager due to exception {0}. contextManagerMustImplement=ContextManager {0} must implement the org.apache.sandesha2.context.ContextManager interface. cannotPauseThread=Cannot pause a non-running thread. internalError=An internal error was encountered due to an unexpcted condition. rollbackError=Exception thrown when trying to rollback the transaction: {0}. noTransaction=Sandesha2 Internal Error: current thread does not have a transaction. inMsgError=Sandesha2 got an exception when processing an in message: {0}. outMsgError=Sandesha2 got an exception when processing an out message: {0}. invokeMsgError=Sandesha2 got an exception when invoking message: {0}. sendMsgError=Sandesha2 got an exception when sending a message: {0}. cannotSendMsgAsSequenceClosed=Sandesha2 could not send the message on sequence {0} as the sequence has been closed. cannotSendMsgAsSequenceTerminated=Sandesha2 could not send the message on sequence {0} as the sequence has been terminated. cannotSendMsgAsSequenceTimedout=Sandesha2 could not send the message on sequence {0} as the sequence has timed out. cannotSendMsgAsEPRWrong=Sandesha2 could not send the message {0} on sequence {1} as the message exchange pattern does not match that of the sequence: a sequence supports either synchronous use or asynchronous use, not both. sequenceMEPWarning=The received CreateSequence message with ID {0} is attempting to offer a response WS-ReliableMessaging sequence {1} that does include an addressable endpoint reference. With some clients this can affect the reliability and efficiency of the message exchange. noValidSyncResponse=Sandesha2 sender thread has not received a valid synchronous response. classLoaderNotFound=Module class loader not found. defaultPropertyBeanNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'DefaultPropertyBean' is not set. propertyBeanNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'PropertyBean' is not set. optionsObjectNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'Options' object is not set. serviceContextNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'ServiceContext' is not set. sequenceIdBeanNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'SequenceIdBean' is not set. configContextNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'ConfigurationContext' is not set. soapEnvNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: SOAP envelope is not set. soapBodyNotPresent=Invalid SOAP message: the body is not present. unknownSoapVersion=Unknown SOAP version {0}. axisServiceIsNull=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'AxisService' is null. msgContextNotSet=Sandesha2 Internal Error: 'MessageContext' is null. transportOutNotPresent=Sandesha2 Internal Error: original transport sender is not present. workAlreadyAssigned=Work ''{0}'' is already assigned to a different Worker. Will try the next one. reallocationFailed=Reallocation of msgs from sequence ''{0}'' was unsuccessful. Undelivered messages will need to be administered manually. reallocationForSyncRequestReplyNotSupported=Reallocation for sync requestReply not supported. couldNotFindOperation=Could not find operation for message type {0} and spec level {1}. cannotChooseAcksTo=Could not find an appropriate acksTo for the reply sequence, given inbound sequence {0} and bean info {1}. cannotChooseSpecLevel=Could not find an appropriate specification level for the reply sequence, given inbound sequence {0} and bean info {1}. invalidMsgNumber=Sandesha2 Internal Error: invalid message number {0}. nonUniqueResult=Sandesha2 Internal error: A search for a unique object resulted in several matches. Match 1 {0}, Match 2 {1}. invalidStringArray=Sandesha2 Internal error: invalid String array : {0}. cannotCointinueSender=Sandesha2 Internal error: cannot continue the Sender due to exception: {0}. sendHasUnavailableMsgEntry=Sandesha2 Internal error: sender has an unavailable message entry {0}. invalidRange=The specified range was invalid: {0}, {1}. policyBeanNotFound=Cant find a Sandesha2 policy bean. policyHasNotBeenSet=WSRM Policy ''{0}'' has not been set for this endpoint. rmEnforceFailure=The message with MessageID ''{0}'' is not WSRM enabled but the service enforces WSRM. referenceMessageNotSetForSequence=ReferenceMessage has not been set for the sequence ''{0}'' moduleNotSet=Sandesha Module has not been set at the initiation noPolling=An application message has been waiting for a MakeConnection call. The message will continue to wait, but there may be a problem with the client configuration. The sequence ID is {0}. The internal sequence ID is {1}. noPollingProtocol=A WS-Reliable messaging protocol message {0} has been waiting for a MakeConnection call. The message will continue to wait, but there may be a problem with the client configuration. The sequence ID is {1}. The internal sequence ID is {2}. freeingTransport=Freeing transport resources. A message has held the transport for too long, check the log for other failures. makeConnection=MakeConnection element can only be added to a SOAP Body #------------------------------------- # # Protocol Oriented Messages # #------------------------------------- unknownWSAVersion=Unknown WS-Addressing version {0}. emptyAckRequestSpecLevel=Empty AckRequest messages can only be sent with the v1_1 spec. You are using spec version {0}. closeSequenceSpecLevel=Close sequence messages can only be sent with the v1_1 spec. You are using spec version {0}. unknownSpec=Unknown specification version {0}. unknownRMNamespace=Unknown rm namespace value {0}. unknownNamespace=Unsupported namespace {0}. cannotDecideRMVersion=Message does not has a valid RM namespace value - cannot decide the RM version. couldNotSendCreateSeqResponse=Could not send a CreateSequenceResponse message due to exception {0}. couldNotSendTerminate=Could not send the terminate message due to error {0}. couldNotSendClose=Could not send the close sequence message due to error {0}. couldNotSendTerminateResponse=Could not send the terminate sequence response. Check linked exception for details. couldNotSendCloseResponse=Could not send the CloseSequenceResponse due to exception {0}. couldNotSendTerminateSeqNotFound=Internal sequenceID {0} was not found: cannot send the terminate message. cannotSendAckRequestException=Could not send the ackRequest message on sequence {0} due to an exception: {1} ackRequestMultipleParts=Passed message has more than one AckRequest. You can have only one. noAckRequestPartFound=No AckRequested part was present in the message. noSequenceEstablished=A sequence with the given sequence ID {0} has not been established, has been terminated or could not be found. invalidInternalSequenceID=Sandesha2 Internal Error: The internal sequence ID {0} is not valid. createSeqEntryNotFound='Create Sequence' entry is not found. toEPRNotValid=The ''To'' endpoint reference address is not set correctly: {0}. cannotFindSequence=Cannot find the sequence with ID {0}. msgNumberMustBeLargerThanZero=Message number {0} is invalid: this value has to be larger than zero. msgNumberNotLargerThanLastMsg=The message number {0} is not larger than the last message sent on this sequence {1}. msgNumberLargerThanLastMsg=The message number {0} is larger than the value {1}, which was previously declared as the last message. cannotHaveFinalWithNack=The 'Final' element cannot be present when there are Nack elements under the SequenceAcknowledgement. accptButNoSequenceOffered=Error: An 'accept' was received but there was no offered sequence entry. relatesToNotAvailable=Invalid create sequence message: 'RelatesTo' part is not available. cannotDerriveAckInterval=Cannot derive the ''Acknowledgement Interval'' from the passed string {0}. cannotDerriveRetransInterval=Cannot derive the ''Retransmission Interval'' from the passed string {0}. cannotDerriveInactivityTimeout=Cannot derive the ''Inactivity Timeout'' from the passed string {0}. noCreateSeqParts=No 'CreateSequence' part is present in the create sequence message. reliableMessagingNotEnabled=A createSequenceRefused fault was generated since WS-ReliableMessaging is not enabled for the service with name {0}. noAcceptPart=An 'Accept' part has not been generated for the 'create sequence request' with an offer part. noAcksToPartInCreateSequence=No 'AcksTo' part is present in the create sequence message. tempSeqIdNotSet=Error: 'TempSequenceId' is not set. ackRandDoesNotHaveCorrectValues=The ack range {0} does not have correct values for Upper and Lower attributes. acksToStrNotSet=acksToStr Seqeunce property is not set correctly. invalidSequenceID=invalid sequence ID: {0}. cantSendMakeConnectionNoTransportOut=Cannot send the MakeConnection reply since the message does not has a TransportOutDescription. makeConnectionDisabled=Cannot handle synchronous 2-way connections because MakeConnection is not enabled. Either enable MakeConnection or reconfigure your application to use asynchronous connections. makeConnectionWarning=Warning: Synchronous 2-way connections with WS-RM 1.1 require MakeConnection, and it is not enabled. If your application invokes synchronous 2-way operations then it will fail. noCreateSeqResponse='CreateSequenceResponse' part is not available. noTerminateSeqPart='Terminate Sequence' part is not available. nackDoesNotContainValidLongValue=''Nack'' element does not contain a valid long value {0}. noneNotAllowedNamespace=The given namespace {0} does not allow the ''None'' part to be added to the ''sequenceAcknowledgement'' element. noneNotAllowedAckRangesPresent=The 'None' element cannot be present when there are acknowledgement range elements under the 'sequenceAcknowledgement' element. noneNotAllowedNackPresent=The 'None' element cannot be present when there are Nack elements under the 'sequenceAcknowledgement' element. finalNotAllowedNamespace=The given namespace {0} does not allow the ''Final'' part to be added to the ''sequenceAcknowledgement'' element. noSeqFaultInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''Sequence Fault'' element. noSeqOfferInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''SequenceOffer'' part. noTerminateSeqInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''terminate sequence'' part. noTerminateSeqResponseInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''terminate sequence response'' part. noAcceptPartInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain an ''Accept'' part. noUpperOrLowerAttributesInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain upper or lower attributes. noSequencePartInElement=The passed element does not contain a 'Sequence' part. noCloseSequencePartInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''close sequence'' part. noMessageNumberPartInElement=The passed sequnce element {0} does not contain a ''message number'' part. noCloseSeqResponsePartInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''close sequence response'' part. noExpiresPartInElement=The passed elemenet {0} does not contain an ''Expires'' part. noCreateSeqPartInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''create sequence'' part. noCreateSeqResponsePartInElement=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''create seqence response'' part. noFaultCodePart=The passed element {0} does not contain a ''Fault Code'' part. cannotFindAddressText=The passed element {0} does not have a valid address text. nullPassedElement=The passed element is null. incomingSequenceNotValidID=The ID for the incoming sequence is not valid: ''{0}''. terminateSeqCannotBeAddedToNonBody=Cannot add 'terminate sequence' to a non-body element. terminateSeqResponseCannotBeAddedToNonBody=Cannot add 'terminate sequence response' to a non-body element. closeSeqCannotBeAddedToNonBody=Cannot add 'close sequence' to a non-body element. closeSeqResponseCannotBeAddedToNonBody=Cannot add 'close sequence response' to a non-body element. createSeqCannotBeAddedToNonBody=Cannot add 'create sequence' part to a non-body element. createSeqResponseCannotBeAddedToNonBody=Cannot get 'create sequnce response' from a non-body element. closeSeqPartNullID=Cannot add 'close sequence' part since identifier is not set. closeSeqResponsePartNullID=Cannot add 'close sequence response' part since identifier is not set. invalidIdentifier=The passed element {0} does not contain a valid identifier part. ackRequestNullID=Cannot add 'ack request' part since the identifier is not set. createSeqNullAcksTo=Cannot add a 'create seqeunce part' since 'acksTo' is not set. acceptNullAcksTo=Cannot add 'Accept' part since 'acksTo' is not set. noAcksToPart=The passed element {0} does not contain an ''acksTo'' part. cannotProcessExpires=Cannot process 'Expires' since the duration value is not valid. noFaultCode=Cannot add 'Fault Code' since the the value is not set correctly. cannotSetAcksTo=Cannot set the of the AcksTo element address as the value is not valid {0}. cannotSetEndpoint=Cannot set the address of the Elndpoint element as the value is not valid {0}. setAValidMsgNumber=Set A Valid Message Number {0}. addressNotValid=Cannot set the address - the address value is not valid. elementMustForSpec=Element ''{0}'' must be present for the spec ''{1}''. couldNotSendFaultDueToException=Could not send the fault ''{0}'' due to the exception ''{1}''; acksToInvalid=The acksTo ''{0}'' is not valid. #------------------------------------- # # Client messages # #------------------------------------- incommingSequenceReportNotFound=An incoming sequence report is not present for the given sequenceID {0}. cannotFindReportForGivenData=Cannnot find a sequence report for the given data {0}. outSeqIDIsNull='OutSequenceId' is null. newSeqIdIsNull=New sequence Id is null. terminateAddedPreviously=Terminate was added previously. nullMsgId=Key (MessageId) is null. Cannot insert. failedToStoreMessage=Failed to store message due to exception {0}. failedToLoadMessage=Failed to load message due to exception {0}. entryNotPresentForUpdating=Entry is not present for updating. appMsgIsNull=Application message is null. toBeanNotSet=The 'To' Sequence Property Bean has not been set for the sequence. invalidElementFoundWithinElement=Found invalid ''{0}'' element within ''{1}'' element. cannotSetPolicyBeanServiceNull=Cannot set the given SandeshaPolicyBean since the AxisService is not present #------------------ # Security messages #------------------ secureDummyNoProof=Dummy security manager cannot check proof of possession secureDummyNoToken=Dummy security manager cannot serialise or recover security tokens secureDummyNoSTR=Dummy security manager cannot parse or write security token references errorRetrievingSecurityToken=Error retrieving security token from token storage. proofOfPossessionNotVerified=Proof of possession not verified. noSecurityResults=No Security results. noSecConvTokenInPolicy=No SecureConversationToken in policy. couldNotLoadModulePolicies=Could not load module policies. Using default values. modulePoliciesLoaded=Module policies were successfully loaded. referencedMessageNotFound=Reference message is not present for the sequence with property key {0} createSequenceRefused=The Create Sequence request has been refused by the RM Destination messageNumberRollover=The maximum value for wsrm:MessageNumber has been exceeded. sequenceTerminatedFault=The Sequence has been terminated due to an unrecoverable error. unknownSequenceFault=The value of wsrm:Identifier is not a known Sequence identifier. invalidAckFault=The SequenceAcknowledgement violates the cumulative Acknowledgement invariant. cannotAcceptMsgAsSequenceClosedFault=The Sequence is closed and cannot accept new messages. unsuportedSelectionFault=The extension element used in the message is not supported by the MakeConnection receiver. missingSelectionFault=The MakeConnection element did not contain any selection criteria.