Axis2 Release Notes

This is the 0.93 release of the Apache Axis2.

What's in this release?

This release includes the following features:

What's new in this release ?

Experimental features list

  1. DOOM - DOM implementation over OM
  2. Java2WSDL
  3. RPC Support

Major changes since last release

  1. Refactored org.apache.axis2.clientapi to org.apache.axis2.client
  2. Introduction of Options to configure clients
  3. Renaming of descriptors. OperationDescription -> AxisOperation, ServiceDescription -> AxisService, ServiceGroupDescription -> AxisServiceGroup

What's still to do?

Please see a list of what we think needs doing - and please consider helping out if you're interested & able!

Axis2 is taking shape, this 0.93 release is a glimpse of 1.0 that should be comming soon. If you happen to have vision of how the next generation of the Web Service should be, and like to contribute to Apache Axis2 please help us to shape the Apache Axis2. Any contribution in the form of coding, testing, submiting improvements to the documentation, and reporting bugs are always welcome.

Thanks for your interest in Axis2!

-- The Axis Development Team