This sample works with sec_echo service. 1. HOW TO CONFIGURE SERVER? ----------------------- Go to rampart/samples/server/sec_echo and Run %make install This will deploy a sec_echo service and copy security enabled services.xml file. 2. HOW TO START SERVER --------------------- Start server in port 8080 ./axis2_http_server -p8080 3. HOW TO CONFIGURE TCP MONITOR (To view messages) ------------------------------ Listen port: 9090 [specified as in the client argument] Target port: 8080 [server port] NOTE: This step is OPTIONAL and can be avoided by starting the server without -p8080 option. HOW TO RUN CLIENT? ----------------- Using scripts ------------------------- 1. Run 2. Run Using the actual binary -------------------------------------- Run %echo
If everything is configured properly You should be able to see the security token(s) is/are attached to the header of the SOAP message in the TCP Monitor. NOTE: You need to change the passwordCallbackClass/authnModule and the en/decryptionPropFile in rampart/samples/client/enc_echo/data/client.axis2.xml and rampart/samples/server/sec_echo/services.xml to suit your environment.