The scenarios available here can be deployed using Simply give the scenario name as an argument to the script e.g. %sh scenario1 Make sure you have run the These scenarios will only copy the security policy xml files. To run the client use the script samples/client/sec_echo/ or samples/client/sec_echo/update_n_run.bat Following is a summary of scenarios available. Scenario Summary ------------------- 1. Timestamp 2. UsernameToken 3. Client Encrypt(DirectReference) 4. Client Encrypt(IssuerSerial/RefKeyIdentifier/Embedded) 5. Client Sign(DirectReference) 6. Client Sign(IssuerSerial/RefKeyIdentifier/Embedded) 7. Timestamp, UsernameToken, Encrypt, Sign (Encrypt before sign/ Sign before encrypt) 8. A complete scenario, where both client and server encrypt/sign, add Timestamps, Usernametokens. FAQ: --- * I am in a HURRY and I need to try a scenario -------------------------------------------- If you are in a real hurry and need to try a scenario please use the Usage : %sh scenarioX server-port e.g. %s scenario3 8080 * I need to try all the scenarios ------------------------------- In this case please use the script Usage: %sh server-port e.g. %sh 8080 * I need to see the messages exchanged -------------------------------------- For that you may use the TCP Monitor utility. Make sure that you give the correct port that you configured in TCPMon while running the scripts * I cannot run samples and the log says "[rampart][rampart_Engine] Cannot get policy" ---------------------------------------------------------- Check your descriptor file where you engaged rampart(i.e. services.xml or axis2.xml) Make sure that you have correct values for and * I cannot run samples and log says keys cannot be loaded -------------------------------------------------------- Check you rpolicy files. Make sure that you have correct paths specified for key/certificate files