The demo project demonstrates the setup of a http server and context within which
he handle the serving of static and dynamic content. The block for this project is
declared with the build.xml file and covers the inclusion of the http server block,
the inclusion of a context containing a static handler, redirect handler, model
handler and a number of error handlers. Finally, the block contains a component
that we use to handle some dynamic content:
The block is configured using the a targets file. The file includes three target
overrides, one dealing with the context definition, the second demonstrating some
redirection capability, and the third demonstrating http path to component path
The static content handler is configured to use the current directory as the default
root content basedir (signified by the context-path and resource-base element value).
The following target overrides the configuration for a url forwarding handler. It
simply forwards a 'from' path to a 'to' path. For example, if you enter a url such
as http://localhost/src/java you will be redirected to http://localhost/src/main.
The following target override directs incomming urls with the path '/hello' to the
component at the address '/demo/hello'.
To build the server do the following:
$ cd avalon <--- your root avalon/trunk directory
$ ant <--- build al of avalon
$ cd planet\facilities\http\blocks
$ ant
$ cd demo
To test the server you can either execute the generated block from the local file system
of from magic's repository.
Executing the block from the local filesystem:
$ merlin target\deliverables\blocks\avalon-http-demo-SNAPSHOT.block -config etc\config.xml
Executing the block from the repository (the following assumes that you have merlin.repository
referencing the magic repository)
$ merlin artifact:block:avalon/http/avalon-http-demo#SNAPSHOT -config etc\config.xml
Open a browser and enter the following url:
You should see the contents of the local directory in your browser.
You should see a simple "Hello" message created by the HelloComponent.