Welcome to Excalibur CLI! As always, the if you have any questions : 1) Make sure you followed any directions 2) Review documentation included in this package, or online at http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/excalibur 3) Ask on the avalon-dev list. This is a great source of support information. To join, read http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html and then follow the link at the bottom to join the lists. incompat_options ---------------- This simple example shows how to make options incompatible with one another. In the application it demonstrates how to make two command line options (quiet and verbose) incompatible with each other. Compile it by running javac -classpath ../../build/lib/@dist.name@.jar *.java (Unix) or javac -classpath ..\..\build\lib\@dist.name@.jar *.java (Windows) Run it using the scripts provided: java -classpath ../../build/lib/@dist.name@.jar:. IncompatOptions (Unix) or java -classpath ..\..\build\lib\@dist.name@.jar;. IncompatOptions (Windows) Try passing both quiet and verbose options to the command.