Welcome to Excalibur CLI! As always, the if you have any questions : 1) Make sure you followed any directions 2) Review documentation included in this package, or online at http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/excalibur 3) Ask on the avalon-dev list. This is a great source of support information. To join, read http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html and then follow the link at the bottom to join the lists. basic ----- This simple example shows how to use the CLI Component for basic command line parsing. It also demonstrates generating a usage message from list of options. Compile it by running javac -classpath ../../build/lib/@dist.name@.jar *.java (Unix) or javac -classpath ..\..\build\lib\@dist.name@.jar *.java (Windows) Run it using the scripts provided: java -classpath ../../build/lib/@dist.name@.jar:. BasicCLI (Unix) or java -classpath ..\..\build\lib\@dist.name@.jar;. BasicCLI (Windows) Try passing it the "--help" command line option to see which other command line options are available. The experiment by passing in different options. Some combinations to try out include --help -h h --version