Apache Avalon: Articles
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Avalon Articles

Avalon need not be as mysterious as its Arthurian counterpart. The following articles will help guide you on your own quest for understanding.

General Documentation
  • Developing With Avalon: An excellent white paper on the Avalon framework. Recommended reading!
  • An Introduction to COP: An introduction to Component Oriented Programming and the core Avalon Framework.
  • COP Development Principles: A look at design principles to consider when developing in Avalon and COP in general.
  • The Avalon Lifecycle: Introduces the standard Avalon lifecycle for components.
  • The Need For Avalon: In this document, Stefano introduces his vision for the Java Apache Server Framework project. He explain why he believes that open-source projects should invest more time in software engineering and why this may be worth while even in very successful and high quality software projects. [HISTOROICAL]
  • What Is A Server: Pierpaolo Fumagalli explains how a server could be developed using the benefits offered by the Java Apache Server Framework (Avalon) and introduces the reader to the concept of what a Block. [HISTORICAL]