Development Roles


In phoenix-based development, we identify several roles. Each of these has its own guide. If you plan to aid in the development of phoenix itself, or if you are responsible for all these aspects, you should read all the guides. Otherwise, you should be able to learn everything you need to know from the guide that fits your role.

The Administrator

The administrator is responsible for getting phoenix to run and for keeping it running. He typically controls the startup and shutdown of the standalone server or daemon, and uses a management console to keep the server in top condition.

Administrator's Guide

The Deployer

The deployer manages (un/re)deployment of the applications hosted withing phoenix, typically through a management console. In real life, this is often the same person as the adminstrator.

Deployer's Guide

The Assembler

The assembler takes pre-written blocks and glues these together to create a server application. Assemblers usually work closely with block developers.

Assembler Guide

The Block Developer

The block developer creates reusable components (called blocks) that can be wired together to form a server applications.

Block Developers Guide

by Leo Simons