Apache Archiva ============== To get involved in Archiva development, contact dev@archiva.apache.org. NOTE: you will need a MAVEN_OPTS with some memory setup as sample : export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx768m -Xms768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" Running from Source Code ======================== As webapp js is in dev and won't probably be released soon, the module is not activated by default and it's included only in a profile mvn tomcat7:run -pl :archiva-webapp-js -am (to save fingers :-) use sh ./t7.sh ) or mvn tomcat6:run -pl :archiva-webapp-js -am hit your browser: http://localhost:9091/archiva/index.html Test Registration email ======================== Redback can send email on registration by default the mail jndi si configured to use localhost. You can use your gmail accout for testing purpose In your ~/.m2/settings.xml add a property with a path to a tomcat context file: /Users/olamy/dev/tomcat-context-archiva-gmail.xml This file must contains: jrebel generate files: mvn org.zeroturnaround:jrebel-maven-plugin:1.1.3:generate -Pjs