#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use IniFiles; use Net::SMTP; my $configuration = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "syncopate.conf" ); my $globalRepoDirectory = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "repoDirectory" ); my $repoDirectory = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "repoDirectory" ); my $standardOptions = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "options" ); my $rsyncUser = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "rsyncUser" ); my $reportDirectory = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "reportDirectory" ); my $smtpServer = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "smtpServer" ); my $reportUrl = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "reportUrl" ); if ( defined( $ARGV[0] ) ) { my $sourceConfiguration = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "conf/m1/$ARGV[0]" . ".conf" ); syncSource( $sourceConfiguration ); } else { syncSources(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub syncSources { my @sources = glob( "conf/m1/*.conf" ); for my $source (@sources) { my $sourceConfiguration = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $source ); my $batchDisabled = $sourceConfiguration->val( "info", "batchDisabled" ); if ( not defined( $batchDisabled ) ) { syncSource( $sourceConfiguration ); } } } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub syncSource() { my $sourceConfiguration = shift; print "Syncing " . $sourceConfiguration->val( "info", "name" ) . "\n"; my $address = $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "address" ); my $directory = $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "directory" ); my $options = $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "options" ); my $rsyncUser = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "rsyncUser" ); my $identity = $configuration->val( "syncopate", "identity" ); if ( $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "rsyncUser" ) ) { $rsyncUser = $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "rsyncUser" ); } if ( $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "identity" ) ) { $identity = "-i " . $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "identity" ); } if ( $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "repoDirectory" ) ) { $repoDirectory = $sourceConfiguration->val( "host", "repoDirectory" ); } my $cmd = "rsync $standardOptions $options --rsh=\"ssh -oBatchMode=yes $identity -T -l $rsyncUser\" $address:$directory/ $repoDirectory"; runRsync( $cmd, $sourceConfiguration ); $repoDirectory = $globalRepoDirectory; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runRsync() { my $cmd = shift; my $sourceConfiguration = shift; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now we want to run rsync and generate a small xdoc which describes the # syncronization that just occurred. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $id = $sourceConfiguration->val( "info", "id" ); my $name = $sourceConfiguration->val( "info", "name" ); my $reportName = "Synchronization report for " . $name; my @date = date(); my $date = $date[0] . "-" . $date[1] . "-" . $date[2]; my $dir = $date; $dir =~ s/-/\//g; $dir = $id . "/" . $dir; my $rdir = $reportDirectory . "/" . $dir; system( "mkdir -p $rdir > /dev/null 2>&1" ); my $base = $id . "-" . $date[0] . $date[1] . $date[2] . "-" . $date[3] . $date[4] . $date[5]; my $xmlReport = $rdir . "/" . $base . ".xml"; my $rawReport = $rdir . "/" . $base . ".txt"; open( REPORT, "> $xmlReport" ); open( RAW_REPORT, "> $rawReport" ); print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "meeper" . "\n"; print REPORT "$reportName" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "
" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; open( SYNC, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ); my $rawReportText; while( ) { # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # We have a line that tells us about an artifact that was synced. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( /^artifact/ ) { my @details = split; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; } else { $rawReportText = $rawReportText . $_; print RAW_REPORT; } } print REPORT "
ArtifactSize (in bytes)Date
" . $details[1] . "" . $details[2] . "" . $details[3] . " " . $details[4] . "
" . "\n"; print REPORT "

Raw report

"; print REPORT "
" . "\n"; print REPORT "" . "\n"; print REPORT "
" . "\n"; close( REPORT ); close( RAW_REPORT ); if ( $rawReportText ) { $rawReportText = $rawReportText . "\n\nYou can view the syncronization reports for today here: \n\n"; $rawReportText = $rawReportText . $reportUrl . "/" . $dir; notify( $sourceConfiguration, $reportName, $rawReportText ); } } sub date { my $second; my $minute; my $hour; my $day; my $month; my $year; ($second, $minute,$hour,$day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[0..5]; $year = $year + 1900; #got 2004 $month = $month + 1; $second = $second + 1; $minute = $minute + 1; $hour = $hour + 1; if ( $second <= 9 ) { $second = "0".$second; } if ( $minute <= 9 ) { $minute = "0".$minute; } if ( $hour <= 9 ) { $hour = "0".$hour; } if ( $day <= 9 ) { $day = "0".$day; } if ( $month <= 9) { $month = "0".$month; } return ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second); } sub notify() { my $sourceConfiguration = shift; my $subject = shift; my $text = shift; my $smtp = new Net::SMTP( $smtpServer ); $smtp->mail( "meeper\@maven.org" ); $smtp->to( $sourceConfiguration->val( "info", "contact" ) ); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend( "Subject: $subject\n" ); $smtp->datasend( "From: meeper\@maven.org\n" ); $smtp->datasend( "\n" ); $smtp->datasend( $text ); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); }