--- Maven Repository Synchronization Refactor: Summary of Changes --- John Casey --- 2005-April-06 --- ~~ Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation. ~~ ~~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ~~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ~~ You may obtain a copy of the License at ~~ ~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ~~ ~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ~~ limitations under the License. ~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see: ~~ http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-apt-format.html Summary of Changes for the Maven Repository Synchronization Process *Abstract In order to support the impending release of maven2 from a production-ready repository on ibiblio.org, several things had to be changed. Most importantly, we had to somehow find a way to synchronize the maven1 repository and feeds with maven2's repository, and find a way to integrate this conversion process with the synchronization already taking place on beaver.codehaus.org. What follows is a description of the changes I made to the original maven1 synchronization process in order to accommodate maven2's release. *Conversion First, we needed a reliable tool to convert a maven1 repository into a maven2 repository. There are several tasks involved in this process: [[1]] Parsing artifact paths for artifact information. [[2]] Moving artifacts from source repo to target repo, reformatting the relative artifact paths along the way (to conform with the new repo layout for m2). [[3]] Translating m1 POMs into m2 POMs, and creating skeletal POMs where they were missing, using the artifact information parsed in [1] above. [[4]] Repairing and/or moving MD5 checksums for each artifact from source to target repository. [[5]] Preserving a good log of errors encountered during the conversion process, for later auditing. Since I had limited time with which to implement a solution, and didn't have much familiarity with pre-existing repository conversion tools made by Carlos et al. I decided to design my own solution to the problem, and worry about merging with other tools later. The solution I have created is called repoclean, and can be found in <<>>. It's a plexus application, with some basic bash shell scripts used to install and run the application. The steps enumerated above were implemented as separate components, then stitched together with a Main class and controller component which serves as the entry point for Main. As a final point, the reporting takes place both at the entire-process level for operations such as artifact discovery, and at the per-artifact level. A report is only written in the event of an error or warning, and per-artifact reports are mentioned in the entire-process report if they contained an error. In the event that an error was detected, the entire-process report should be mailed to the m2-dev list with a subject similar to: <<[REPOCLEAN] Error(s) occurred while converting the repository>>. Other reports can be found in the reports directory of the sync work directory (mentioned below). *Synchronization Now, the synchronization process as-is was only maintaining a maven1 repository from a set of feeds. In order to refactor this into a maintenance process for both maven1 and maven2 repositories, I had to make a few minor changes. In order to aid in understanding this process, I moved the tools suite into $HOME/repository-tools. I moved the synchronization work directory (the directory into which all feeds will copy, and which the outbound rsync will use as a source) into $HOME/repository-staging. The tools suite (in $HOME/repository-tools) does NOT contain the only copy of syncopate and the outbound rsync script, only the copies I made and modified for the new synchronization process...this was an insurance policy made to allow rollback. As I said, I made some minor changes to the existing process. These mainly consisted of reconfiguring syncopate and the outbound rsync script to use the new directory structures, along with adding a control script which would be called from cron, and which would inject a call to repoclean into the middle of the process. The new controller script was used to consolidate all synchronization logic into the repository-tools directory, and expose it all equally as scripts to be maintained as a unit. Now, the crontab entry is very simple, only referencing the controller script. The new synchronization process executes the following operations: [[1]] Run syncopate to collect new artifacts from the feeder repositories. <> $HOME/repository-tools/syncopate <> $HOME/repository-staging/to-ibiblio/maven [[2]] Run repoclean to convert any new added or updated artifacts to the maven2 repository work directory. <> $HOME/repository-tools/repoclean <> $HOME/repository-staging/to-ibiblio/maven <> $HOME/repository-staging/to-ibiblio/maven2 [[3]] Run the rsync to ibiblio. <> $HOME/repository-tools/ibiblio-sync/synchronize-codehaus-to-ibiblio.sh <<*NOTE:>> This is accomplished as two separate rsync operations, to avoid unwanted directories being added to the outbound rsync (which would land in /public/html on ibiblio...a big no-no). All of the old synchronization stuff is still in place, with the exception of the old version of the canonical repositories, which were removed to keep our space usage to a minimum on beaver.codehaus.org.