reporting Reporting Storage database for reporting results in the repository. package org.apache.maven.archiva.reporting.model Reporting 1.0.0 artifacts 1.0.0 ArtifactResults * metadata 1.0.0 MetadataResults * ArtifactResults 1.0.0 groupId true 1.0.0 String true The group ID of the artifact in the result. artifactId 1.0.0 true String true The artifact ID of the artifact in the result. version 1.0.0 true String true The version of the artifact in the result. artifactType 1.0.0 String true true The type of the artifact in the result. classifier 1.0.0 String true The classifier of the artifact in the result. failures 1.0.0 ResultReason * warnings 1.0.0 ResultReason * notices 1.0.0 ResultReason * MetadataResults 1.0.0 groupId 1.0.0 String true true The group ID of the metadata in the result. artifactId 1.0.0 String true The artifact ID of the metadata in the result. version 1.0.0 String true The version of the metadata in the result. failures 1.0.0 ResultReason * warnings 1.0.0 ResultReason * notices 1.0.0 ResultReason * lastModified 1.0.0 long true The time that the metadata was last modified. ResultReason 1.0.0 reason 1.0.0 String The reason given for the result. true processor 1.0.0 String The processor identifier for the report that triggered the problem. This matches the role-hint of a report processor. true problem 1.0.0 String The problem identifier for the problem that occurred. This is so that the processor can identify how to fix the problem. It may be null if it cannot be fixed automatically. 1.0.0