configuration Configuration Configuration for the Maven Repository Manager. package org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration Configuration 1.0.0 repositories 1.0.0 RepositoryConfiguration * proxiedRepositories 1.0.0 ProxiedRepositoryConfiguration * syncedRepositories 1.0.0 SyncedRepositoryConfiguration * localRepository 1.0.0 String The location of the local repository. indexPath 1.0.0 String The location of the Lucene index to use for the repository. The default is the .index subdirectory of the repository. minimalIndexPath 1.0.0 String The location of the reduced Lucene index to use for the repository. The default is the .small-index subdirectory of the repository. dataRefreshCronExpression 1.0.0 String When to run the data refresh task. Default is every 30 mins (translated as every 0 and 30 minute reading of every hour) 0 0,30 * * * ? proxy 1.0.0 Proxy The network proxy to use for outgoing requests. 1.0.0 AbstractRepositoryConfiguration true 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 String true The repository identifier. name 1.0.0 String true The descriptive name of the repository. layout 1.0.0 String true The layout of the repository. Valid values are "default" and "legacy". default 1.0.0 AbstractRepositoryConfiguration RepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0 urlName 1.0.0 String true The URL name for this repository. Used to create the WebDAV URL for the repository such like -${urlName}/ directory 1.0.0 String true The location of the repository to monitor. includeSnapshots 1.0.0 boolean Whether to include snapshot versions in the discovery process false indexed 1.0.0 boolean Whether to index the artifacts in this repository. true blackListPatterns 1.0.0 Blacklisted patterns in the discovery process String * AbstractRepositoryConfiguration ProxiedRepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0 url 1.0.0 String true The URL of the remote repository to proxy. managedRepository 1.0.0 true String The ID of the managed repository to use as the local storage for proxied artifacts. snapshotsPolicy 1.0.0 String disabled The policy for snapshots: one of disabled, daily, hourly, interval, never (allow snapshots, but never update once retrieved). snapshotsInterval 1.0.0 int The interval in minutes before updating snapshots if the policy is set to 'interval'. releasesPolicy 1.0.0 String daily The policy for releases: one of disabled, daily, hourly, interval, never (allow releases, but never update once retrieved). checksumPolicy 1.0.0 String fail The policy for checksum: one of fail, warn, ignore. releasesInterval 1.0.0 int The interval in minutes before updating releases if the policy is set to 'interval'. useNetworkProxy 1.0.0 boolean false Whether to use the network proxy, if one is configured for the protocol of this repository. cacheFailures 1.0.0 boolean false Whether to cache failures to avoid re-attempting them over the network. The cache will last for the duration of the intervals specified above depending on whether it a release or snapshot. hardFail 1.0.0 boolean false Whether to cause the entire request to fail if attempts to retrieve from this proxy fail. AbstractRepositoryConfiguration SyncedRepositoryConfiguration true 1.0.0 managedRepository 1.0.0 true String The ID of the managed repository to use as the local storage for proxied artifacts. cronExpression 1.0.0 String When to run the sync mechanism. Default is every hour on the hour. 0 0 * * * ? method 1.0.0 String The type of synchronization to use. rsync properties 1.0.0 Properties Configuration for the repository synchronization. String * Proxy 1.0.0 protocol 1.0.0 String http username 1.0.0 String password 1.0.0 String port 1.0.0 int 8080 host 1.0.0 String true nonProxyHosts 1.0.0 String