#import "redback-rest-api.h" #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 2.1 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) group { return _group; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setGroup: (NSString *) newGroup { [newGroup retain]; [_group release]; _group = newGroup; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) roleNames { return _roleNames; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoleNames: (NSArray *) newRoleNames { [newRoleNames retain]; [_roleNames release]; _roleNames = newRoleNames; } - (void) dealloc { [self setGroup: nil]; [self setRoleNames: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "ldapGroupMapping". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping *_ldapGroupMapping = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element ldapGroupMapping."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "ldapGroupMapping", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}ldapGroupMapping."); #endif _ldapGroupMapping = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}ldapGroupMapping."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping. Expected element ldapGroupMapping. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping. Expected element ldapGroupMapping. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _ldapGroupMapping; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping to XML under element name "ldapGroupMapping". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _ldapGroupMapping The LdapGroupMapping to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "ldapGroupMapping", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}ldapGroupMapping. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}ldapGroupMapping for root element {}ldapGroupMapping..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}ldapGroupMapping for root element {}ldapGroupMapping..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}ldapGroupMapping. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "group", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}group of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}group of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setGroup: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleNames", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roleNames of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roleNames of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self roleNames]) { [self setRoleNames: [[self roleNames] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setRoleNames: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self group]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "group", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}group."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}group..."); #endif [[self group] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}group..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}group."]; } } if ([self roleNames]) { __enumerator = [[self roleNames] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleNames", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roleNames."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roleNames..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roleNames..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roleNames."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 2.0 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) username { return _username; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUsername: (NSString *) newUsername { [newUsername retain]; [_username release]; _username = newUsername; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) password { return _password; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPassword: (NSString *) newPassword { [newPassword retain]; [_password release]; _password = newPassword; } - (void) dealloc { [self setUsername: nil]; [self setPassword: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "loginRequest". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest *_loginRequest = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element loginRequest."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "loginRequest", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}loginRequest."); #endif _loginRequest = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}loginRequest."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest. Expected element loginRequest. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest. Expected element loginRequest. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _loginRequest; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest to XML under element name "loginRequest". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _loginRequest The LoginRequest to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "loginRequest", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}loginRequest. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}loginRequest for root element {}loginRequest..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}loginRequest for root element {}loginRequest..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}loginRequest. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "username", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}username of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}username of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUsername: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "password", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}password of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}password of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPassword: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self username]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "username", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}username."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}username..."); #endif [[self username] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}username..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}username."]; } } if ([self password]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "password", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}password."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}password..."); #endif [[self password] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}password..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}password."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LoginRequest_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 1.4 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *) operation { return _operation; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setOperation: (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *) newOperation { [newOperation retain]; [_operation release]; _operation = newOperation; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *) resource { return _resource; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setResource: (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *) newResource { [newResource retain]; [_resource release]; _resource = newResource; } - (void) dealloc { [self setName: nil]; [self setOperation: nil]; [self setResource: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "permission". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission *_permission = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element permission."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "permission", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}permission."); #endif _permission = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}permission."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission. Expected element permission. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission. Expected element permission. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _permission; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission to XML under element name "permission". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _permission The Permission to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "permission", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}permission. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}permission for root element {}permission..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}permission for root element {}permission..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}permission. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "operation", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}operation of type {}operation."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}operation of type {}operation."); #endif [self setOperation: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "resource", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}resource of type {}resource."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}resource of type {}resource."); #endif [self setResource: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self operation]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "operation", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}operation."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}operation..."); #endif [[self operation] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}operation..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}operation."]; } } if ([self resource]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "resource", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}resource."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}resource..."); #endif [[self resource] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}resource..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}resource."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) username { return _username; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUsername: (NSString *) newUsername { [newUsername retain]; [_username release]; _username = newUsername; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) applicationUrl { return _applicationUrl; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setApplicationUrl: (NSString *) newApplicationUrl { [newApplicationUrl retain]; [_applicationUrl release]; _applicationUrl = newApplicationUrl; } - (void) dealloc { [self setUsername: nil]; [self setApplicationUrl: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "username", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}username of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}username of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUsername: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "applicationUrl", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}applicationUrl of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}applicationUrl of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setApplicationUrl: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self username]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "username", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}username."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}username..."); #endif [[self username] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}username..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}username."]; } } if ([self applicationUrl]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "applicationUrl", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}applicationUrl."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}applicationUrl..."); #endif [[self applicationUrl] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}applicationUrl..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}applicationUrl."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0ResetPasswordRequest_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 1.4 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) assignable { return _assignable; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setAssignable: (BOOL) newAssignable { _assignable = newAssignable; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) childRoleNames { return _childRoleNames; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setChildRoleNames: (NSArray *) newChildRoleNames { [newChildRoleNames retain]; [_childRoleNames release]; _childRoleNames = newChildRoleNames; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) permissions { return _permissions; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPermissions: (NSArray *) newPermissions { [newPermissions retain]; [_permissions release]; _permissions = newPermissions; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) permanent { return _permanent; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPermanent: (BOOL) newPermanent { _permanent = newPermanent; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) parentRoleNames { return _parentRoleNames; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setParentRoleNames: (NSArray *) newParentRoleNames { [newParentRoleNames retain]; [_parentRoleNames release]; _parentRoleNames = newParentRoleNames; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) parentsRolesUsers { return _parentsRolesUsers; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setParentsRolesUsers: (NSArray *) newParentsRolesUsers { [newParentsRolesUsers retain]; [_parentsRolesUsers release]; _parentsRolesUsers = newParentsRolesUsers; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) users { return _users; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUsers: (NSArray *) newUsers { [newUsers retain]; [_users release]; _users = newUsers; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) otherUsers { return _otherUsers; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setOtherUsers: (NSArray *) newOtherUsers { [newOtherUsers retain]; [_otherUsers release]; _otherUsers = newOtherUsers; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) removedUsers { return _removedUsers; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRemovedUsers: (NSArray *) newRemovedUsers { [newRemovedUsers retain]; [_removedUsers release]; _removedUsers = newRemovedUsers; } - (void) dealloc { [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setChildRoleNames: nil]; [self setPermissions: nil]; [self setParentRoleNames: nil]; [self setParentsRolesUsers: nil]; [self setUsers: nil]; [self setOtherUsers: nil]; [self setRemovedUsers: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Role; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "role". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role *_role = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element role."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "role", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}role."); #endif _role = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}role."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role. Expected element role. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role. Expected element role. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _role; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role to XML under element name "role". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _role The Role to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "role", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}role. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}role for root element {}role..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}role for root element {}role..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}role. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "assignable", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setAssignable: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "childRoleNames", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}childRoleNames of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}childRoleNames of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self childRoleNames]) { [self setChildRoleNames: [[self childRoleNames] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setChildRoleNames: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "permissions", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}permissions of type {}permission."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Permission readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}permissions of type {}permission."); #endif if ([self permissions]) { [self setPermissions: [[self permissions] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setPermissions: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "permanent", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPermanent: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "parentRoleNames", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}parentRoleNames of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}parentRoleNames of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self parentRoleNames]) { [self setParentRoleNames: [[self parentRoleNames] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setParentRoleNames: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "parentsRolesUsers", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}parentsRolesUsers of type {}user."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}parentsRolesUsers of type {}user."); #endif if ([self parentsRolesUsers]) { [self setParentsRolesUsers: [[self parentsRolesUsers] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setParentsRolesUsers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "users", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}users of type {}user."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}users of type {}user."); #endif if ([self users]) { [self setUsers: [[self users] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setUsers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "otherUsers", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}otherUsers of type {}user."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}otherUsers of type {}user."); #endif if ([self otherUsers]) { [self setOtherUsers: [[self otherUsers] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setOtherUsers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "removedUsers", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}removedUsers of type {}user."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}removedUsers of type {}user."); #endif if ([self removedUsers]) { [self setRemovedUsers: [[self removedUsers] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setRemovedUsers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "assignable", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}assignable."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}assignable..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_assignable); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}assignable..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}assignable."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}assignable."]; } } if ([self childRoleNames]) { __enumerator = [[self childRoleNames] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "childRoleNames", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}childRoleNames."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}childRoleNames..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}childRoleNames..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}childRoleNames."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self permissions]) { __enumerator = [[self permissions] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "permissions", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}permissions."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}permissions..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}permissions..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}permissions."]; } } //end item iterator. } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "permanent", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}permanent."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}permanent..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_permanent); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}permanent..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}permanent."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}permanent."]; } } if ([self parentRoleNames]) { __enumerator = [[self parentRoleNames] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "parentRoleNames", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}parentRoleNames."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}parentRoleNames..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}parentRoleNames..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}parentRoleNames."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self parentsRolesUsers]) { __enumerator = [[self parentsRolesUsers] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "parentsRolesUsers", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}parentsRolesUsers."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}parentsRolesUsers..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}parentsRolesUsers..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}parentsRolesUsers."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self users]) { __enumerator = [[self users] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "users", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}users."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}users..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}users..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}users."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self otherUsers]) { __enumerator = [[self otherUsers] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "otherUsers", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}otherUsers."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}otherUsers..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}otherUsers..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}otherUsers."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self removedUsers]) { __enumerator = [[self removedUsers] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "removedUsers", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}removedUsers."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}removedUsers..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}removedUsers..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}removedUsers."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Role_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList_M /** * jaxrs fail to return List {@link String} so use this contains for rest services returning that @author Olivier Lamy @since 2.1 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) strings { return _strings; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStrings: (NSArray *) newStrings { [newStrings retain]; [_strings release]; _strings = newStrings; } - (void) dealloc { [self setStrings: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "stringList". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList *_stringList = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element stringList."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "stringList", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}stringList."); #endif _stringList = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}stringList."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList. Expected element stringList. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList. Expected element stringList. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _stringList; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList to XML under element name "stringList". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _stringList The StringList to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "stringList", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}stringList. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}stringList for root element {}stringList..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}stringList for root element {}stringList..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}stringList. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "strings", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}strings of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}strings of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self strings]) { [self setStrings: [[self strings] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setStrings: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self strings]) { __enumerator = [[self strings] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "strings", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}strings."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}strings..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}strings..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}strings."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0StringList_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 2.0 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *) user { return _user; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUser: (REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *) newUser { [newUser retain]; [_user release]; _user = newUser; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) applicationUrl { return _applicationUrl; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setApplicationUrl: (NSString *) newApplicationUrl { [newApplicationUrl retain]; [_applicationUrl release]; _applicationUrl = newApplicationUrl; } - (void) dealloc { [self setUser: nil]; [self setApplicationUrl: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "userRegistrationRequest". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest *_userRegistrationRequest = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element userRegistrationRequest."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userRegistrationRequest", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}userRegistrationRequest."); #endif _userRegistrationRequest = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}userRegistrationRequest."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest. Expected element userRegistrationRequest. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest. Expected element userRegistrationRequest. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _userRegistrationRequest; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest to XML under element name "userRegistrationRequest". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _userRegistrationRequest The UserRegistrationRequest to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userRegistrationRequest", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}userRegistrationRequest. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}userRegistrationRequest for root element {}userRegistrationRequest..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}userRegistrationRequest for root element {}userRegistrationRequest..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}userRegistrationRequest. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "user", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}user of type {}user."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}user of type {}user."); #endif [self setUser: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "applicationUrl", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}applicationUrl of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}applicationUrl of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setApplicationUrl: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self user]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "user", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}user."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}user..."); #endif [[self user] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}user..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}user."]; } } if ([self applicationUrl]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "applicationUrl", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}applicationUrl."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}applicationUrl..."); #endif [[self applicationUrl] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}applicationUrl..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}applicationUrl."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0UserRegistrationRequest_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0User_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0User_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0User /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) username { return _username; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUsername: (NSString *) newUsername { [newUsername retain]; [_username release]; _username = newUsername; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) fullName { return _fullName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setFullName: (NSString *) newFullName { [newFullName retain]; [_fullName release]; _fullName = newFullName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) email { return _email; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setEmail: (NSString *) newEmail { [newEmail retain]; [_email release]; _email = newEmail; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) validated { return _validated; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setValidated: (BOOL) newValidated { _validated = newValidated; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) locked { return _locked; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLocked: (BOOL) newLocked { _locked = newLocked; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) password { return _password; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPassword: (NSString *) newPassword { [newPassword retain]; [_password release]; _password = newPassword; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) passwordChangeRequired { return _passwordChangeRequired; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPasswordChangeRequired: (BOOL) newPasswordChangeRequired { _passwordChangeRequired = newPasswordChangeRequired; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) permanent { return _permanent; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPermanent: (BOOL) newPermanent { _permanent = newPermanent; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) confirmPassword { return _confirmPassword; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setConfirmPassword: (NSString *) newConfirmPassword { [newConfirmPassword retain]; [_confirmPassword release]; _confirmPassword = newConfirmPassword; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) timestampAccountCreation { return _timestampAccountCreation; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTimestampAccountCreation: (NSString *) newTimestampAccountCreation { [newTimestampAccountCreation retain]; [_timestampAccountCreation release]; _timestampAccountCreation = newTimestampAccountCreation; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) timestampLastLogin { return _timestampLastLogin; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTimestampLastLogin: (NSString *) newTimestampLastLogin { [newTimestampLastLogin retain]; [_timestampLastLogin release]; _timestampLastLogin = newTimestampLastLogin; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) timestampLastPasswordChange { return _timestampLastPasswordChange; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTimestampLastPasswordChange: (NSString *) newTimestampLastPasswordChange { [newTimestampLastPasswordChange retain]; [_timestampLastPasswordChange release]; _timestampLastPasswordChange = newTimestampLastPasswordChange; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) previousPassword { return _previousPassword; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPreviousPassword: (NSString *) newPreviousPassword { [newPreviousPassword retain]; [_previousPassword release]; _previousPassword = newPreviousPassword; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) assignedRoles { return _assignedRoles; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setAssignedRoles: (NSArray *) newAssignedRoles { [newAssignedRoles retain]; [_assignedRoles release]; _assignedRoles = newAssignedRoles; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) readOnly { return _readOnly; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setReadOnly: (BOOL) newReadOnly { _readOnly = newReadOnly; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) userManagerId { return _userManagerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUserManagerId: (NSString *) newUserManagerId { [newUserManagerId retain]; [_userManagerId release]; _userManagerId = newUserManagerId; } - (void) dealloc { [self setUsername: nil]; [self setFullName: nil]; [self setEmail: nil]; [self setPassword: nil]; [self setConfirmPassword: nil]; [self setTimestampAccountCreation: nil]; [self setTimestampLastLogin: nil]; [self setTimestampLastPasswordChange: nil]; [self setPreviousPassword: nil]; [self setAssignedRoles: nil]; [self setUserManagerId: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0User */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0User (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0User (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0User (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0User from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0User defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0User alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0User; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0User according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0User to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0User from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "user". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0User. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *_user = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element user."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "user", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}user."); #endif _user = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0User *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0User readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}user."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0User. Expected element user. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0User. Expected element user. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _user; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0User to XML under element name "user". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _user The User to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0User to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "user", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}user. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}user for root element {}user..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}user for root element {}user..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}user. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "username", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}username of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}username of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUsername: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "fullName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}fullName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}fullName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setFullName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "email", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}email of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}email of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setEmail: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "validated", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setValidated: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "locked", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setLocked: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "password", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}password of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}password of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPassword: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "passwordChangeRequired", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPasswordChangeRequired: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "permanent", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPermanent: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "confirmPassword", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}confirmPassword of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}confirmPassword of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setConfirmPassword: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "timestampAccountCreation", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}timestampAccountCreation of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}timestampAccountCreation of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTimestampAccountCreation: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "timestampLastLogin", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}timestampLastLogin of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}timestampLastLogin of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTimestampLastLogin: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "timestampLastPasswordChange", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}timestampLastPasswordChange of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}timestampLastPasswordChange of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTimestampLastPasswordChange: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "previousPassword", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}previousPassword of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}previousPassword of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPreviousPassword: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "assignedRoles", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}assignedRoles of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}assignedRoles of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self assignedRoles]) { [self setAssignedRoles: [[self assignedRoles] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setAssignedRoles: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "readOnly", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setReadOnly: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userManagerId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}userManagerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}userManagerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUserManagerId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self username]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "username", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}username."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}username..."); #endif [[self username] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}username..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}username."]; } } if ([self fullName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "fullName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}fullName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}fullName..."); #endif [[self fullName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}fullName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}fullName."]; } } if ([self email]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "email", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}email."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}email..."); #endif [[self email] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}email..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}email."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "validated", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}validated."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}validated..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_validated); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}validated..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}validated."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}validated."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "locked", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}locked."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}locked..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_locked); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}locked..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}locked."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}locked."]; } } if ([self password]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "password", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}password."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}password..."); #endif [[self password] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}password..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}password."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "passwordChangeRequired", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}passwordChangeRequired."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}passwordChangeRequired..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_passwordChangeRequired); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}passwordChangeRequired..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}passwordChangeRequired."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}passwordChangeRequired."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "permanent", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}permanent."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}permanent..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_permanent); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}permanent..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}permanent."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}permanent."]; } } if ([self confirmPassword]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "confirmPassword", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}confirmPassword."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}confirmPassword..."); #endif [[self confirmPassword] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}confirmPassword..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}confirmPassword."]; } } if ([self timestampAccountCreation]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "timestampAccountCreation", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}timestampAccountCreation."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}timestampAccountCreation..."); #endif [[self timestampAccountCreation] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}timestampAccountCreation..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}timestampAccountCreation."]; } } if ([self timestampLastLogin]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "timestampLastLogin", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}timestampLastLogin."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}timestampLastLogin..."); #endif [[self timestampLastLogin] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}timestampLastLogin..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}timestampLastLogin."]; } } if ([self timestampLastPasswordChange]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "timestampLastPasswordChange", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}timestampLastPasswordChange."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}timestampLastPasswordChange..."); #endif [[self timestampLastPasswordChange] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}timestampLastPasswordChange..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}timestampLastPasswordChange."]; } } if ([self previousPassword]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "previousPassword", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}previousPassword."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}previousPassword..."); #endif [[self previousPassword] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}previousPassword..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}previousPassword."]; } } if ([self assignedRoles]) { __enumerator = [[self assignedRoles] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "assignedRoles", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}assignedRoles."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}assignedRoles..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}assignedRoles..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}assignedRoles."]; } } //end item iterator. } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "readOnly", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}readOnly."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}readOnly..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_readOnly); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}readOnly..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}readOnly."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}readOnly."]; } } if ([self userManagerId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userManagerId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}userManagerId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}userManagerId..."); #endif [[self userManagerId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}userManagerId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}userManagerId."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0User (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0User_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 2.0 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) identifier { return _identifier; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setIdentifier: (NSString *) newIdentifier { [newIdentifier retain]; [_identifier release]; _identifier = newIdentifier; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) namePrefix { return _namePrefix; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setNamePrefix: (NSString *) newNamePrefix { [newNamePrefix retain]; [_namePrefix release]; _namePrefix = newNamePrefix; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) delimiter { return _delimiter; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDelimiter: (NSString *) newDelimiter { [newDelimiter retain]; [_delimiter release]; _delimiter = newDelimiter; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) resource { return _resource; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setResource: (NSString *) newResource { [newResource retain]; [_resource release]; _resource = newResource; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) roles { return _roles; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) newRoles { [newRoles retain]; [_roles release]; _roles = newRoles; } - (void) dealloc { [self setIdentifier: nil]; [self setNamePrefix: nil]; [self setDelimiter: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setResource: nil]; [self setRoles: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "roleTemplate". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate *_roleTemplate = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element roleTemplate."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleTemplate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}roleTemplate."); #endif _roleTemplate = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}roleTemplate."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate. Expected element roleTemplate. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate. Expected element roleTemplate. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _roleTemplate; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate to XML under element name "roleTemplate". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _roleTemplate The RoleTemplate to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleTemplate", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}roleTemplate. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}roleTemplate for root element {}roleTemplate..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}roleTemplate for root element {}roleTemplate..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}roleTemplate. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setIdentifier: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "namePrefix", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}namePrefix of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}namePrefix of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setNamePrefix: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "delimiter", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}delimiter of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}delimiter of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDelimiter: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "resource", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}resource of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}resource of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setResource: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roles", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roles of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roles of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self roles]) { [self setRoles: [[self roles] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setRoles: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self identifier]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self identifier] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self namePrefix]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "namePrefix", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}namePrefix."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}namePrefix..."); #endif [[self namePrefix] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}namePrefix..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}namePrefix."]; } } if ([self delimiter]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "delimiter", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}delimiter."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}delimiter..."); #endif [[self delimiter] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}delimiter..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}delimiter."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self resource]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "resource", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}resource."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}resource..."); #endif [[self resource] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}resource..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}resource."]; } } if ([self roles]) { __enumerator = [[self roles] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roles", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roles."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roles..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roles..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roles."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 1.4 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) identifier { return _identifier; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setIdentifier: (NSString *) newIdentifier { [newIdentifier retain]; [_identifier release]; _identifier = newIdentifier; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) pattern { return _pattern; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPattern: (BOOL) newPattern { _pattern = newPattern; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) permanent { return _permanent; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPermanent: (BOOL) newPermanent { _permanent = newPermanent; } - (void) dealloc { [self setIdentifier: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "resource". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *_resource = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element resource."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "resource", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}resource."); #endif _resource = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}resource."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource. Expected element resource. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource. Expected element resource. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _resource; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource to XML under element name "resource". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _resource The Resource to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "resource", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}resource. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}resource for root element {}resource..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}resource for root element {}resource..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}resource. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "identifier", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}identifier of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}identifier of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setIdentifier: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "pattern", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPattern: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "permanent", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPermanent: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self identifier]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "identifier", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}identifier."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}identifier..."); #endif [[self identifier] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}identifier..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}identifier."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "pattern", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}pattern."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}pattern..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_pattern); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}pattern..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}pattern."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}pattern."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "permanent", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}permanent."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}permanent..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_permanent); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}permanent..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}permanent."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}permanent."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Resource_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 1.4 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) key { return _key; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setKey: (NSString *) newKey { [newKey retain]; [_key release]; _key = newKey; } - (void) dealloc { [self setKey: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "registrationKey". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey *_registrationKey = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element registrationKey."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "registrationKey", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}registrationKey."); #endif _registrationKey = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}registrationKey."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey. Expected element registrationKey. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey. Expected element registrationKey. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _registrationKey; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey to XML under element name "registrationKey". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _registrationKey The RegistrationKey to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "registrationKey", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}registrationKey. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}registrationKey for root element {}registrationKey..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}registrationKey for root element {}registrationKey..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}registrationKey. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "key", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}key of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}key of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setKey: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self key]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "key", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}key."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}key..."); #endif [[self key] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}key..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}key."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0RegistrationKey_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 1.4 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) permanent { return _permanent; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPermanent: (BOOL) newPermanent { _permanent = newPermanent; } - (void) dealloc { [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "operation". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *_operation = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element operation."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "operation", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}operation."); #endif _operation = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}operation."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation. Expected element operation. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation. Expected element operation. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _operation; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation to XML under element name "operation". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _operation The Operation to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "operation", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}operation. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}operation for root element {}operation..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}operation for root element {}operation..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}operation. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "permanent", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPermanent: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "permanent", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}permanent."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}permanent..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_permanent); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}permanent..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}permanent."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}permanent."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Operation_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) ldapGroupMapping { return _ldapGroupMapping; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLdapGroupMapping: (NSArray *) newLdapGroupMapping { [newLdapGroupMapping retain]; [_ldapGroupMapping release]; _ldapGroupMapping = newLdapGroupMapping; } - (void) dealloc { [self setLdapGroupMapping: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest *_ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest."); #endif _ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. Expected element ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. Expected element ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest to XML under element name "ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest The LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest for root element {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest for root element {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}ldapGroupMappingUpdateRequest. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "ldapGroupMapping", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}ldapGroupMapping of type {}ldapGroupMapping."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMapping readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}ldapGroupMapping of type {}ldapGroupMapping."); #endif if ([self ldapGroupMapping]) { [self setLdapGroupMapping: [[self ldapGroupMapping] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setLdapGroupMapping: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self ldapGroupMapping]) { __enumerator = [[self ldapGroupMapping] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "ldapGroupMapping", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}ldapGroupMapping."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}ldapGroupMapping..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}ldapGroupMapping..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}ldapGroupMapping."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0LdapGroupMappingUpdateRequest_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy @since 2.0 */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) globalRoles { return _globalRoles; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setGlobalRoles: (NSArray *) newGlobalRoles { [newGlobalRoles retain]; [_globalRoles release]; _globalRoles = newGlobalRoles; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) roleTemplates { return _roleTemplates; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoleTemplates: (NSArray *) newRoleTemplates { [newRoleTemplates retain]; [_roleTemplates release]; _roleTemplates = newRoleTemplates; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) resources { return _resources; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setResources: (NSArray *) newResources { [newResources retain]; [_resources release]; _resources = newResources; } - (void) dealloc { [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setGlobalRoles: nil]; [self setRoleTemplates: nil]; [self setResources: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "applicationRole". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles *_applicationRoles = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element applicationRole."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "applicationRole", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}applicationRole."); #endif _applicationRoles = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}applicationRole."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles. Expected element applicationRole. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles. Expected element applicationRole. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _applicationRoles; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles to XML under element name "applicationRole". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _applicationRoles The ApplicationRoles to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "applicationRole", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}applicationRole. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}applicationRoles for root element {}applicationRole..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}applicationRoles for root element {}applicationRole..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}applicationRole. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "globalRoles", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}globalRoles of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}globalRoles of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self globalRoles]) { [self setGlobalRoles: [[self globalRoles] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setGlobalRoles: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleTemplates", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roleTemplates of type {}roleTemplate."); #endif __child = [REDBACK_REST_APINS0RoleTemplate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roleTemplates of type {}roleTemplate."); #endif if ([self roleTemplates]) { [self setRoleTemplates: [[self roleTemplates] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setRoleTemplates: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "resources", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}resources of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}resources of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self resources]) { [self setResources: [[self resources] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setResources: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self globalRoles]) { __enumerator = [[self globalRoles] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "globalRoles", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}globalRoles."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}globalRoles..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}globalRoles..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}globalRoles."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self roleTemplates]) { __enumerator = [[self roleTemplates] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleTemplates", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roleTemplates."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roleTemplates..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roleTemplates..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roleTemplates."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self resources]) { __enumerator = [[self resources] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "resources", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}resources."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}resources..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}resources..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}resources."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0ApplicationRoles_M */ #ifndef DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application_M #define DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application_M /** * @author Olivier Lamy */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) version { return _version; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setVersion: (NSString *) newVersion { [newVersion retain]; [_version release]; _version = newVersion; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) identifier { return _identifier; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setIdentifier: (NSString *) newIdentifier { [newIdentifier retain]; [_identifier release]; _identifier = newIdentifier; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) longDescription { return _longDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLongDescription: (NSString *) newLongDescription { [newLongDescription retain]; [_longDescription release]; _longDescription = newLongDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setVersion: nil]; [self setIdentifier: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setLongDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application *) [REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application (JAXB) @end /*interface REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application *_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application = [[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application autorelease]; return _rEDBACK_REST_APINS0Application; } /** * Initialize this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "application". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application *_application = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element application."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "application", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}application."); #endif _application = (REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application *)[REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}application."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application. Expected element application. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application. Expected element application. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _application; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application to XML under element name "application". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _application The Application to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "application", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}application. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}application for root element {}application..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}application for root element {}application..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}application. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "version", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}version of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}version of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setVersion: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setIdentifier: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "longDescription", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}longDescription of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}longDescription of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLongDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; id __item_copy; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self version]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "version", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}version."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}version..."); #endif [[self version] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}version..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}version."]; } } if ([self identifier]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self identifier] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self longDescription]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "longDescription", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}longDescription."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}longDescription..."); #endif [[self longDescription] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}longDescription..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}longDescription."]; } } } @end /* implementation REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_REDBACK_REST_APINS0Application_M */