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Statistics Report

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Latest Statistics Comparison Report

Repository Total File Count Total Size Artifact Count Group Count Project Count Plugins Archetypes Jars Wars Deployments Downloads
${stats.repositoryId} ${stats.fileCount} ${stats.totalSize} ${stats.artifactCount} ${stats.groupCount} ${stats.projectCount} ${stats.pluginCount} ${stats.archetypeCount} ${stats.jarCount} ${stats.warCount} ${stats.deploymentCount} ${stats.downloadCount}

Statistics for Repository '${selectedRepo}'

Date of Scan Total File Count Total Size Artifact Count Group Count Project Count Plugins Archetypes Jars Wars Deployments Downloads
${stats.dateOfScan} ${stats.fileCount} ${stats.totalSize} ${stats.artifactCount} ${stats.groupCount} ${stats.projectCount} ${stats.pluginCount} ${stats.archetypeCount} ${stats.jarCount} ${stats.warCount} ${stats.deploymentCount} ${stats.downloadCount}