Building the website: --------------------- In order to build the documentation, you will need to have a Java 1.2 JVM or higher installed. If you want to use a specific version of java, You will also need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, but /usr, is used by default. If you install Ant 1.3 or higher, it will make the process easier for you: If you have Ant installed, all you need to do is cd into this directory and type: ant If you do not have Ant installed, all you need to do is cd into this directory and type: ./ Modifying the website: ---------------------- To modify the website, all you need to do is edit the files in the xdocs directory and then rebuild the website. The format of the files is fairly straightforward. You should only add XHTML tags because the .xml files need to be parsed by an XML parser. Changing the look and feel of the entire website is easy. Just modify the site.vsl file located in the xdocs/stylesheets directory and rebuild. If you would like to add links to the left side navigation, simply edit the project.xml file in the xdocs/stylesheets directory and rebuild. Place your images in the xdocs/images directory. When you rebuild, the modified images will be copied over to the docs/images directory. Questions: ---------- If you have any questions, please subscribe to the mailing list described in the STATUS document.