APACHE PORTABLE RUNTIME APR-UTIL LIBRARY STATUS: -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Last modified at [$Date: 2010-07-25 15:17:51 -0500 (Sun, 25 Jul 2010) $] Branches: 2.0.0 : None/EOL - merged into apr/trunk/ 1.5.0 : in development on branches/1.5.x/ 1.4.0 : in development on branches/1.4.x/ Effective with the last binary compatible 1.x releases, apr-util becomes part of apr itself. To find version 2.0 apr-util functionality see; http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr/trunk http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/apr/apr/trunk (ViewCV browsable interface)