APACHE PORTABLE RUNTIME APR-ICONV LIBRARY STATUS: -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Last modified at [$Date$] Releases: 1.2.2 : in development 1.2.1 : released November 26, 2007 1.2.0 : released June 7, 2007 1.1.1 : released November 23, 2005 1.1.0 : not released 1.0.1 : released November 19, 2004 1.0.0 : released September 1, 2004 0.9.7 : released October 11, 2005 0.9.6 : not released 0.9.5 : released November 16, 2004 0.9.4 : released September 26, 2003 0.9.3 : tagged March 30, 2002 0.9.2 : released March 22, 2002 (alpha) RELEASE SHOWSTOPPERS: RELEASE NON-SHOWSTOPPERS BUT WOULD BE REAL NICE TO WRAP THESE UP: * Drop modules.c code and replace much functionality with the apr dso methods, etc. Other bugs that need fixing: * APR-util ./testall demonstrates that on finalization (when the users calls with NULL inbuf and their target outbuf) that the utf-7 converter doesn't exit the shift-state. Not certain that this is in fact a bug in the code, an unimplemented feature or a mistaken assumption in the apr-util/test/testxlate.c code. Other features that need writing: Documentation that needs writing: * API documentation Status: Available Patches: Open Issues: