Generate statistical HTML reports from your CVS repository logs

Quick News

April 2008, StatCVS has 2 new Project Admins, so expect a burst of activity shortly.

Why not checking out the beta website and the beta jar (stable)?

Quick Start

First, download StatCVS.

Check out a working copy of your project from CVS. You need the CVS command line client (CVS for Unix or CVSNT for Windows). Typically, the command looks like this:

cvs -d /cvsroot checkout modulename

Create a CVS log file:

cvs log > logfile.log

Run StatCVS:

java -jar /path/to/statcvs.jar /path/to/module/logfile.log /path/to/module

This command creates the HTML reports in the current directory.

More details are available from the Manual. It also has all the options for customizing the reports. If you run into problems, consider asking for help on the statcvs-users Mailing list.

Note: StatCVS can only generate reports for the main branch.

About StatCVS

StatCVS is still beta quality software.

StatCVS is open source software, licensed under the LGPL. The source code is available from our project page. StatCVS is written in Java.

Ant Task: StatCVS comes with a task for the Apache Ant build tool.

StatCVS uses JFreeChart to generate charts.

The StatCVS project was initiated by Lukasz Pekacki. The current maintainer is Richard Cyganiak. Other members of the development team are Anja Jentzsch, Manuel Schulze, Steffen Pingel and Tammo van Lessen. 2002 photo of the original development team

Feedback and Discussion

We welcome your comments and contributions!

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