Any23 Installation Guide This page describes how to install <>. * Download a Stable Distribution Most users probably don't need to have day to day access to the source code as it changes. For these users we provide distribution packages via our {{{} downloads page}}. Download either the <<".zip">> or <<".tar.gz">> file and decompress the archive. * Access a Snapshot Version For the latest snapshot please checkout the code from the SVN code repository and build the library. Checkout the code from SVN: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ svn checkout any23-trunk-readonly +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Build <> The following instructions describe how to build the library with {{{}Maven 2.X.Y+}}. For specific information about Maven see: {{{}}} Go to the trunk folder: +----------- $ cd trunk/ +----------- and execute the following command: +----------- trunk$ mvn clean install +----------- This will install the <> artifact and its dependencies in your local M2 repository. * Generate Documentation To generate the project site locally execute the following command from the trunk dir: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- trunk$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx512m' mvn clean site +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can speed up the site generation process specifying the offline option ( -o ), but it works only if all the involved plugin dependencies has been already downloaded in the local M2 repository: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- trunk$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx512m' mvn -o clean site +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're interested in generating the Javadoc enriched with navigable UML graphs, you can activate the umlgraphdoc profile. This profile relies on {{{}Graphviz}} that must be installed in your system. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- trunk$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx256m' mvn -P umlgraphdoc clean site +---------------------------------------------------------------------------