Introduction to Any23 * Library <> is a library, a web service and a command line tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web documents. Currently it supports the following input formats: * {{{}RDF/XML}}, {{{}Turtle}}, {{{}Notation 3}} * {{{}RDFa}} * {{{}Microformats}}: Adr, Geo, hCalendar, hCard, hListing, hResume, hReview, License, XFN and Species A full description of available extractors is {{{./extractors.html}here}}. <> is used in major Web of Data applications such as {{{}}} and {{{}}}. It is written in Java and licensed under the {{{}Apache License}}. <> can be used in various ways: * As a library in Java applications that consume structured data from the Web. * As a command-line tool for extracting and converting between the supported formats. * As online service API available at {{{}}}. You can <> the latest release from the {{{}download site at Google Code}}. * Documentation Content {{{./index.html}Introduction}}: this page. {{{./install.html}Install}}: how to install <> library and service. {{{./getting-started.html} Getting Started}}: start using <> command-line tools. {{{./supported-formats.html}Supported Formats}}: complete list of <> formats supported by <>. {{{./configuration.html}Configuration}}: learn how to change default library and service configuration. {{{./rest-service.html}REST Service}}: discover how to use the <>. {{{./plugins.html}Plugins}}: read how to install and configure the <> plugins. {{{./developers.html}Developers}}: understand the <> code internals, how to write plugins, fixing rules and customize the code. * Community Questions, comments? Get in touch on the {{{}mailing list}}! Bugs, feature requests, patches? Please submit to the {{{}issue tracker}}. You can access the source through Subversion, see the {{{./install.html}Installation Guide}} for details. * Acknowledgements The original code base comes from open-sourcing the <"RDFizer"> component of the {{{}Sindice}} search engine. The project is supported by {{{}DERI, NUI Galway}}, {{{}Web of Data - FBK}} and the {{{}OKKAM project (ICT-215032)}}. Individual developers who have contributed to <> include: Michele Catasta, Richard Cyganiak, Michele Mostarda, Davide Palmisano, Gabriele Renzi, Jürgen Umbrich.