Developers Guide This section introduces some <> programming fundamentals. TOC * {{{./dev-data-extraction.html}Data Extraction}} Explains how to extract RDF data from HTTP resources with <>. * {{{./dev-data-conversion.html}Data Conversion}} Shows how to perform RDF data conversion with <>. * {{{./dev-validation-fix.html}Validation and Fixing}} Demonstrates how to define validation and correction rules for HTML content with <>. * {{{./dev-xpath-extractor.html}XPath Extractor}} Explains how to write custom scraping rules for extracting RDF data from any HTML content with <>. * {{{./dev-microformat-extractors.html}Microformat Extractors}} Explains how to write new Microformat extractors with <> and also report interesting notes on microformat nesting representation. * {{{./dev-microdata-extractor.html}Microdata Extractor}} Explains how it works the Microdata Extractor embedded in <>.