Any23 Plugins * Introduction This section describes the *Any23* initial support for plugins. *Any23* cames with a set of predefined plugins. Plugins are located under /plugins dir. Every plugin is a standard Maven2 module implementing at least the *ExtractorPlugin* interface. Currently it is possible to add only new *Extractor*s. * How to Build a Plugin *Any23* takes care to build and test plugins when distributed from its reactor pom. It is aways possible to rebuild a plugin using the command: +-------------------------------------- $ mvn clean compile +-------------------------------------- * How to Add a Plugin A plugin can be added to *Any23* simply adding its JAR to the Any23 classpath. *Any23* will auto detect the plugin and will register it to the extractors list. * How to Write a Plugin Currently only Extractors can be defined as plugin. To declare a new plugin it is needed to implement the {{{ExtractorPlugin}}} interface and to annotate the implementation with the {{{net.xeoh.plugins.base.annotations.@PluginImplementation}}} annotation. An example of plugin is defined below. +-------------------------------------- @PluginImplementation @Author(name="Michele Mostarda (") public class HTMLScraperPlugin implements ExtractorPlugin { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HTMLScraperPlugin.class); @Init public void init() {"Plugin initialization."); } @Shutdown public void shutdown() {"Plugin shutdown."); } public ExtractorFactory getExtractorFactory() { return HTMLScraperExtractor.factory; } } +-------------------------------------- * Available Plugins * The HTMLScraperPlugin is able to extract significant text from any HTML page and transform it to a literal. The plugin is documented {{{./plugin-html-scraper.html}here}}.