any23: Anything To Triples

Parses microformats, RDFa, RDF/XML, Turtle and N-Triples.

Convert document at URI

Pick an output format and enter the URI of a web document:


Convert copy&pasted document

Input format: Output format:

API quick reference


Compact API

HTTP GET requests can be made to URIs of the shape


The response is the input document converted to the desired output format.

Form-style GET API

HTTP GET requests can be made to the URI http://.../ with the following query parameters:

uriURI of an input document
formatDesired output format; defaults to best

The response is the input document converted to the desired output format.


HTTP POSTing a document body to http://.../format will convert the document to the specified output format. The media type of the input has to be specified in the Content-Type HTTP header. Depending on the servlet container, a Content-Length header specifying the length of the input document in bytes might also be required. Typical media types for supported input formats are:

Input formatMedia type

Example POST request:

POST /rdfxml HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: text/turtle
Content-Length: 174

@prefix foaf: <> .

[] a foaf:Person;
    foaf:name "John X. Foobar";
    foaf:mbox_sha1sum "cef817456278b70cee8e5a1611539ef9d928810e";

Form-style POST API

A document body can also be converted by HTTP POSTing form data to http://.../. The Content-Type HTTP header must be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The following parameters are supported:

typeMedia type of the input, see the table above. If not present, auto-detection will be attempted.
bodyDocument body to be converted
formatDesired output format; defaults to best

Output formats

Supported output format identifiers are:

Error reporting

Processing errors are indicated via HTTP status codes and brief text/plain error messages. The following status codes can be returned:

200 OKSuccess
204 No ContentExtraction from input was successful, but yielded zero triples
400 Bad RequestMissing or malformed input parameter
404 Not FoundMalformed request URI
406 Not AcceptableNone of the media types specified in the Accept header are supported
415 Unsupported Media TypeDocument body with unsupported media type was POSTed
502 Bad GatewayInput document from a remote server could not be fetched or parsed

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