Title: Apache Accumulo Git WIP Nav: nav_git Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. [Git](http://git-scm.com) is an open source, distributed version control system which has become very popular in large, complicated software projects due to its efficient handling of multiple, simultaneously and independently developed branches of source code.\ ## Workflow Background Likely the most contested subject matter regarding switching an active team from one SCM tool to another is a shift in the development paradigm. Some background, the common case, as is present with this team, is that developers coming from a Subversion history are very light on merging being a critical consideration on how to perform development. Because merging in Subversion is typically of no consequence to the complete view of history, not to mention that Subversion allows "merging" of specific revisions instead of sub-trees. As such, a transition to Git typically requires a shift in mindset in which a fix is not arbitrarily applied to trunk (whatever the main development is called), but the fix should be applied to the earliest, non end-of-life (EOL) version of the application. For example, say there is a hypothetical application which has just released version-3 of their software and have shifted their development to a version-4 WIP. Version-2 is still supported, while version-1 was just EOL'ed. Each version still has a branch. A bug was just found which affects all released versions of this application. In Subversion, considering the history in the repository, it is of no consequence where the change is initially applied, because a Subversion merge is capable of merging it to any other version. History does not suffer because Subversion doesn't have the capacities to accurately track the change across multiple branches. In Git, to maintain a non-duplicative history, it is imperative that the developer choose the correct branch to fix the bug in. In this case, since version-1 is EOL'ed, version-2, version-3 and the WIP version-4 are candidates. The earliest version is obviously version-2; so, the change should be applied in version-2, merged to version-3 and then the version-4 WIP. The importance of this example is making a best-attempt to preserve history when using Git. While Git does have commands like cherry-pick which allow the contents of a commit to be applied from one branch to another which are not candidates to merge without conflict (which is typically the case when merging a higher version into a lower version), this results in a duplication of that commit in history when the two trees are eventually merged together. While Git is smart enough to not attempt to re-apply the changes, history still contains the blemish. The purpose of this extravagant example is to outline, in the trivial case, how the workflow decided upon for development is very important and has direct impact on the efficacy of the advanced commands bundled with Git. ## Proposed Workflow This is a summary of what has been agreed upon by vocal committers/PMC members on [dev@accumulo.apache.org](mailto:dev@accumulo.apache.org). Enumeration of every possible situation out of the scope of this document. This document intends to lay the ground work to define the correct course of action regardless of circumstances. Some concrete examples will be provided to ensure the explanation is clear. 1. Active development is performed concurrently over no less than two versions of Apache Accumulo at any one point in time. As such, the workflow must provide guidance on how and where changes should be made which apply to multiple versions and how to ensure that such changes are contained in all applicable versions. 2. Releases are considered extremely onerous and time-consuming so no emphasis is placed on rapid iterations or development-cycles. 3. New features typically have lengthy development cycles in which more than one developer contributes to the creation of the new feature from planning, to implementation, to scale testing. Mechanisms/guidance should be provided for multiple developers to teach contribute to a remote-shared resource. 4. The repository should be the irrefutable, sole source of information regarding the development of Apache Accumulo, and, as such, should have best-efforts given in creating a clean, readable history without any single entity having to control all write access and changes (a proxy). In other words, the developers are the ones responsible for ensuring that previous releases are preserved to meet ASF policy, for not rewriting any public history of code not yet officially released (also ASF policy relevant) and for a best-effort to be given to avoid duplicative commits appearing in history created by the application of multiple revisions which have different identifying attributes but the same contents (git-rebase and git-cherry-pick). # The implementation ## Contributors Use the following steps, original derived from Apache Kafka's [simple contributor workflow][1]. To be specific, let's consider a contributor wanting to work on a fix for the Jira issue ACCUMULO-12345 that affects 1.5.0 release. 1. Ensure you configured Git with your information `git config --global user.name 'My Name' && git config --global user.email 'myname@mydomain.com'` 2. Clone the Accumulo repository: `git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/accumulo.git accumulo` 3. or update your local copy: `git fetch && git fetch --tags` 4. For the given issue you intend to work on, choose the 'lowest' fixVersion and create a branch for yourself to work in. This example is against the next release of 1.5 `git checkout -b ACCUMULO-12345-my-work origin/1.5` 5. Make commits as you see fit as you fix the issue, referencing the issue name in the commit message: `git commit -av` Please include the ticket number at the beginning of the log message, and in the first line, as it's easier to parse quickly. For example: `ACCUMULO-2428 throw exception when rename fails after compaction` Consider following the git log message format described in [Zach Holman's talk](http://zachholman.com/talk/more-git-and-github-secrets/) (specifically slides 78-98, beginning at 15:20 into the video). Essentially, leave a short descriptive message in the first line, skip a line, and write more detailed stuff there, if you need to. For example: `ACCUMULO-2194 Add delay for randomwalk Security teardown` `If two Security randomwalk tests run back-to-back, the second test may see that the table user still exists even though it was removed when the first test was torn down. This can happen if the user drop does not propagate through Zookeeper quickly enough. This commit adds a delay to the end of the Security test to give ZK some time.` 6. Assuming others are developing against the version you also are, as you work, or before you create your patch, rebase your branch against the remote to lift your changes to the top of your branch. The branch specified here should be the same one you used in step 4. `git pull --rebase origin 1.5` 7. At this point, you can create a patch file from the upstream branch to attach to the ACCUMULO-12345 Jira issue. The branch specified here should be teh same one you used in step 4. `git format-patch --stdout origin/1.5 > ACCUMULO-12345.patch` An alternative to creating a patch is submitting a request to pull your changes from some repository, e.g. Github. Please include the repository and branch name merge in the notice to the Jira issue, e.g. repo=git://github.com//accumulo.git branch=ACCUMULO-12345 A second alternative is to use Github's "Pull Requests" feature against the [Apache Accumulo account](https://github.com/apache/accumulo). Notifications of new pull-requests from Github should automatically be sent to [dev@accumulo.apache.org](mailto:dev@accumulo.apache.org). Ignoring specifics, contributors should be sure to make their changes against the earlier version in which the fix is intended, `git-rebase`'ing their changes against the upstream branch so as to keep their changes co-located and free of unnecessary merges. ## Developers ### Primary Development Primary development should take place in `master` which is to contain the most recent, un-released version of Apache Accumulo. Branches exist for minor releases for each previously released major version. Using long-lived branches that track a major release line simplifies management and release practices. Developers are encouraged to make branches for their own purposes, for large features, release candidates or whatever else is deemed useful. ### Reviewing contributor changes It is always the responsibility of committers to determine that a patch is intended and able to be contributed. From the [new committer's guide](http://www.apache.org/dev/new-committers-guide.html#cla): "Please take care to ensure that patches are original works which have been clearly contributed to the ASF in public. In the case of any doubt (or when a contribution with a more complex history is presented) please consult your project PMC before committing it." Extra diligence may be necessary when code is contributed via a pull request. Committers should verify that the contributor intended to submit the code as a Contribution under the [Apache License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt). When pulling the code, committers should also verify that the commits pulled match the list of commits sent to the Accumulo dev list in the pull request. #### Patches Developers should use the following steps to apply patches from contributors: 1. Checkout the branch for the major version which the patch is intended: `git checkout 1.5` 2. Verify the changes introduced by the patch: `git apply --stat ACCUMULO-12345.patch` 3. Verify that the patch applies cleanly: `git apply --check ACCUMULO-12345.patch` 4. If all is well, apply the patch: `git am --signoff < ACCUMULO-12345.patch` 5. When finished, push the changes: `git push origin 1.5` 6. Merge where appropriate: `git checkout master && git merge 1.5` #### Github Pull-Requests If the contributor submits a repository and branch to pull from, the steps are even easier: 1. Add their repository as a remote to your repository `git remote add some_name ${repository}` 2. Fetch the refs from the given repository `git fetch ${repository}` 3. Merge in the given branch to your local branch `git merge some_name/${branch}` 4. Delete the remote: `git remote remove some_name` If the branch doesn't fast-forward merge, you likely want to inform the contributor to update their branch to avoid the conflict resolution and merge commit. See the [Git manual](http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging) for more information on merging. When merging a pull-request, it's best to **not** include a signoff on the commit(s) as it changes the final commit ID in the Accumulo repository. This also has the negative of not automatically closing the Pull-Request when the changes are made public. ### Feature Branches Ease in creating and using feature branches is a desirable merit which Git provides with little work. Feature branches are a great way in which developers to work on multiple, long-running features concurrently, without worry of mixing code ready for public-review and code needing more internal work. Additionally, this creates an easily consumable series of commits in which other developers can track changes, and see how the feature itself evolved. To prevent developers' feature branches from colliding with one another, it was suggested to impose a "hierarchy" in which shared feature branches are prefixed with `/ACCUMULO-[-description]`. 1. Create a branch off of `master`. `git checkout /ACCUMULO- master` 2. Create the feature, commiting early and often to appropriately outline the "story" behind the feature and it's implementation. 3. As long as you have not collaborating with others, `git-rebase` your feature branch against upstream changes in `master` `git fetch && git rebase origin/master` 4. If you are actively collaborating with others, you should be nice and not change their history. Use `git-merge` instead. `git fetch && git merge origin/master` 5. Continue steps 2 through 4 until the feature is complete. 6. Depending on the nature, duration and history of the changes in your feature branch, you can choose to: * **'Simple' Merge**: `git checkout master && git merge /ACCUMULO-` * **Rebase and merge** -- keeps all feature-branch commits co-located: `git fetch && git rebase origin/master && git checkout master && git merge /ACCUMULO-` * **Merge with squash** -- feature branch history is a mess, just make one commit with the lump-sum of your feature branch changes: `git checkout master && git merge --squash /ACCUMULO-` ### Changes which affect multiple versions (a.k.a. merging) Merging can be a very confusing topic for users switching to Git, but it can be summarized fairly easily. 0. **Precondition**: choose the right branch to start! (lowest, applicable version for the change) 1. Get your changes fixed for that earliest version. 2. Switch to the next highest version which future minor versions will be released (non-EOL major release series). 3. `git-merge` the branch from #1 into the current. 4. In the face of conflicts, use options from `git-merge` to help you. * `git checkout new-version && git merge --stat old-version` * `git checkout new-version && git merge --no-commit old-version` 5. Treat your current branch as the branch from #2, and repeat from #2. When merging changes across major releases, there is always the possibility of changes which are applicable/necessary in one release, but not in any future releases, changes which are different in implementation due to API changes, or any number of other cases. Whatever the actual case is, the developer who made the first set of changes (you) is the one responsible for performing the merge through the rest of the active versions. Even when the merge may results in a zero-length change in content, this is incredibly important to record as you are the one who knows that this zero-length change in content is correct! ## Release Management Releases, although not a day to day task, have their own unique steps which are to be followed. Releases can be categorized in to minor and major releases. ### A minor release A minor release is some set of changes `z'` on top of a version `x.y.z`. Typically, `z'` is simply `z + 1`, e.g. given a release named '1.6.0', and the next minor release is '1.6.1'. These changes for `z'` should not break any client code which works against `z` and should absolutely not change the public API. By convention, the branch containing the changes `z'` should be named `x.y` (where the changes for `z'` are commits since `x.y.z`. The steps to take are as follows: 1. Prepare the release candidate. [Release Guide](/governance/releasing.html), [Maven Instructions](/releasing.html) 2. Create a branch for the release candidate from the `x.y` branch, named something like `x.y.z'-RCN`. 3. Test and Vote 4. Create a GPG-signed tag with the correct final name: `x.y.z'` 5. Push a delete of the remote branch `x.y.z'-RCN` This process is not firm and should not be viewed as requirements for making a release. The release manager is encouraged to make use branches/tags in whichever way is best. ### A major release A major release is a release in which multiple new features are introduced and/or the public API are modified. The major release `y'`, even when the client API is not modified, will typically contain many new features and functionality above the last release series `y`. A major release also resets the `z` value back to `0`. The steps to create a new major release are very similar to a minor release: 1. Prepare the release candidate. _reference release instructions_ 2. Create a tag of the release candidate from the `x.y` branch, named something like `x.y.0-RCN`. 3. Test and Vote 4. Create a GPG-signed tag with the correct final name: `x.y.0` 5. Push a delete of the remote branch `x.y.0-RCN` # The infrastructure This section deals with the changes that must be requested through INFRA. As with any substantial INFRA request, the VOTE and result from the mailing should be referenced so INFRA knows that the request has been acknowledged. Likely, a PMC member should be the one to submit the request. ## Repositories I believe that we will need multiple repositories to best align ourselves with how we currently track "Accumulo" projects. The repositories follow: 1. The main source tree. This will track the standard trunk, branches, tags structure from Subversion for Apache Accumulo. 2. One repository for every project in [contrib](https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/accumulo/contrib): Accumulo-BSP, Instamo Archetype, and the Wikisearch project. Each of these are considered disjoint from one another, and the main source tree, so they each deserve their own repository. Given the list of repositories that currently exist on the [ASF site](https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf) and a brief search over INFRA tickets, multiple repositories for a single Apache project is not an issue. Having this list when making the initial ticket will likely reduce the amount of work necessary in opening multiple INFRA tickets. ## Mirroring It should be noted in the INFRA requst that each repository will also need to be configured to properly mirror to the [ASF Github](https://github.com/apache) account to provide the same functionality with current have via the git+svn mirror. This should be noted in the INFRA request. Same change needs to be applied for the [Apache hosted](http://git.apache.org) mirror'ing. ## Mailing lists It should be noted in the INFRA request that commit messages should be sent to [commits@accumulo.apache.org](mailto:commits@accumulo.apache.org). The subject can be decided on using the [provided variables](https://git-wip-us.apache.org/docs/switching-to-git.html#contents). # Examples For the sake of clarity, some examples of common situations are included below. ## Releasing 1.6.0 1. Branch from `master` to `1.6` `git checkout master && git branch 1.6` 2. Tag `1.6.0-RC1` from the just created `1.6` branch `git tag 1.6.0-RC1 1.6` 3. Test, vote, etc. and tag from 1.6.0-RC1 `git -s tag 1.6.0 1.6.0-RC1` 4. Delete the RC tag, if desired. `git tag -d 1.6.0-RC1 && git push --delete origin 1.6.0-RC1` 5. Ensure `master` contains all features and fixes from `1.6.0` `git checkout master && git merge 1.6` 6. Update the project version in `master` to 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT [1]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Patch+submission+and+review#Patchsubmissionandreview-Simplecontributorworkflow