Release Notes

  1. Release Annoucement
  2. What is Apache IvyDE?
  3. Status of this release
  4. Major Changes in this Release
  5. Committers and Contributors for this Release
  6. List of Changes in this Release

Release Annoucement

The Apache IvyDE project is pleased to announce its 2.2.0 beta2 release.

The Apache IvyDE Eclipse plugin integrates Apache Ivy's dependency management into Eclipse. It lets you manage your dependencies declared in an ivy.xml in your Java Eclipse projects, or any other kind of project which needs dependency management. Apache IvyDE will contribute to the classpath of your Java project or you can make it retrieve your dependencies directly into your project. Last but not least Apache IvyDE offer editors of ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files with completion. Get some preview here:

Major changes in this release:

!!!!!!! TODO !!!!!!!!!

* this release is expected to work with every version of Ivy 2.1 or superior

This release is considered as beta since the important changes in IvyDE resolve feature. We encourage our early users to test it and report us any issue they found.

A more detailed release notes can be read there:

Issues should be reported to:

Download the 2.2.0 beta2 release at:

Or use directly the Apache IvyDE's updatesite:

More information can be found on the Apache IvyDE website:

What is Apache IvyDE?

Apache IvyDE is the Eclipse plugin which integrates Apache Ivy's dependency management into Eclipse™.

Apache IvyDE lets you manage your dependencies declared in an ivy.xml in your Java Eclipse projects, or any other kind of project which needs dependency management. Apache IvyDE will contribute to the classpath of your Java project or you can make it retrieve your dependencies directly into your project. Last but not least Apache IvyDE offer editors of ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files with completion. Get some preview here:

Status of this release

This release contains sevral major improvements along with some bug fixes. The major improvements are about the resolve scheduler and how retrieved artifact are handled.
Thus this release is considered as a beta one.

Major Changes in this Release

As for this release and the next ones, Apache IvyDE now expects to be installed in Eclipse 3.4 or superior.

Apache IvyDE has now a synchronous job to launch resolve of dependencies on the projets. So IvyDE will be able to order the resolve of the projects in the correct order regarding their inter dependencies. And the immediate effect is that Eclipse get notified only one time of a classpath change, and thus triggerin only one wrokspace build.

Apache IvyDE is now capable of having a classpath based on retrieved artifact rather than on the cached ones.

The existing retrieve configuration are now considered "standonale" ones, as they are independant of the classpath container. They can even now be part of non Java project.

Committers and Contributors

Here is the list of people who have contributed source code and documentation up to this release. Many thanks to all of them, and also to the whole IvyDE community contributing ideas and feedback, and promoting the use of Apache IvyDE !
  • Maarten Coene
  • Xavier Hanin
  • Nicolas Lalevée
  • Jon Schneider
  • Gilles Scokart
  • Daniel Becheanu
  • Peter Blstak
  • Clint Burghduff
  • Peter Chanthamynavong
  • Gregory Fernandez
  • Thomas Friol
  • Troy Gaines
  • Eugene Goldfarb
  • Matt Goldspink
  • Will Gorman
  • Miguel Griffa
  • Adam Karl
  • Ivica Loncar
  • Jeffrey M. Metcalf
  • Sébastien Moran
  • Marko Niemi
  • Peter Oxenham
  • Joe Sortelli
  • Phillip Webb
  • James Wilkins

List of Changes in this Release

List of changes since Apache IvyDE 2.2.0 beta1:
  • NEW: Support Accepted Types: * (IVYDE-306)
  • NEW: Support Workspace/Filesystem/Variables for "Ivy File" setting (IVYDE-304)
  • NEW: Retrieve list does not resolve workspace projects (IVYDE-308) (thanks to Peter Oxenham)
  • NEW: Allow to set the Ivy user directory globally or project by project (IVYDE-311)
  • NEW: Add support for the OSGi access rules
  • NEW: Source and Javadoc attachements can now be edited jar by jar
  • IMPROVE: The properties file paths can now be edited
  • IMPROVE: ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files are not better detected as such, so they can be open with the Ivy editors
  • FIX: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access with Eclipse Juno (IVYDE-313)
  • FIX: Divide by zero during IvyDE resolve (IVYDE-312) (thanks to Joe Sortelli)
  • FIX: Ivy report view stopped working on Linux (IVYDE-292)
  • FIX: Ivy settings URL is constructed incorrectly from environment variable (IVYDE-314)
  • FIX: Incomplete variable substitution for ivysettings.xml (IVYDE-318)
  • FIX: In case of a multi-resolve, one fail make them all fail (IVYDE-316)
  • FIX: Cannot change retrieve pattern at the workspace level (IVYDE-301)
  • FIX: Resolution failure when workspace has project & artifact sub-element exists (IVYDE-296, IVYDE-319)
  • FIX: IvyDE classpath containers become empty on eclipse/MyEclipse startup (IVYDE-317)

Most of our changes are logged in our JIRA, where you can find comments and links to our subversion:

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