Here are the release notes of version 1.4-RC1. A new and noteworthy section is available on link:1.4.html[version 1.4 page]. You can download it here: * link:[binaries] * link:[sources] * link:[documentation] It includes 30 new features, 33 improvements and even more bug fixes since Ivy 1.3.1. [source] ---- version 1.4-RC1 - 2006-09-17 ================================= Incompatibility with previous versions: --------------------------------------- * usage: - no known major incompatiblity - build list task now requires a configured ivy instance (configure will automatically be called if you don't call it explicitly) - publish now requires the published ivy file to have the published revision (automatic if you use deliver) * API: - Numerous API changes especially in the BasicResolver class and subclasses due to the introduction of VersionMatcher, this may break some custom dependency resolvers or other tools or plugins depending directly on Ivy API Changes: -------- * thanks to Jayasoft: - NEW: ivy report generate full graph from automated build (link:[IVY-155]) - NEW: support for build number calculation (link:[IVY-276]) - NEW: find modules in repository (link:[IVY-275]) - NEW: explicitly specify artifact download URL (link:[IVY-271]) - NEW: introduce branch management (link:[IVY-269]) - NEW: resolve dependencies directly without using an ivy file (link:[IVY-268]) - NEW: ability to invoke any build scripts for dependencies (link:[IVY-68]) - NEW: support sftp repository (link:[IVY-267]) - NEW: pluggable version matcher (link:[IVY-219]) - NEW: support for version ranges (link:[IVY-295]) - NEW: dependency based on dependency status (link:[IVY-47]) - NEW: add possibility to define extra attributes in ivy files (link:[IVY-217]) - NEW: option to omit specific confs and allow the rest (link:[IVY-66]) - NEW: use custom classloader for plugins (link:[IVY-220]) - NEW: adding to SPECIAL_MEANINGS in LatestRevisionStrategy (link:[IVY-121]) - NEW: Allow use of system properties in ivyconf.xml (link:[IVY-228]) - IMPROVE: allow to use file-system repository directly without cache (link:[IVY-211]) - IMPROVE: deliver task use a default value for revision (link:[IVY-252]) - IMPROVE: better documentation distribution (link:[IVY-274]) - in progress - IMPROVE: define conflict manager per organisation/module in ivyconf (link:[IVY-270]) - IMPROVE: transitive parameter in resolve (link:[IVY-21]) - IMPROVE: add syncing feature in retrieve (link:[IVY-33]) - IMPROVE: use of md5 and/or sha1 files to check downloads (link:[IVY-27]) - IMPROVE: possible to use m2compatible without automatically using POMs as well (link:[IVY-263]) - IMPROVE: support for circular dependencies (link:[IVY-202]) - IMPROVE: make status list configurable (link:[IVY-242]) - IMPROVE: use only ivy patterns for listing revisions when module desciptor is required (allownomd = false) (link:[IVY-166]) - IMPROVE: implement strict haltonfailure if ivy.xml is not found (link:[IVY-110]) - IMPROVE: artifact's "name" attribute could be omitted (link:[IVY-231]) - IMPROVE: ivy standalone now return error status (link:[IVY-152]) - IMPROVE: log messages do not display most specfic resolver name (link:[IVY-170]) - IMPROVE: prints URL before downloading in verbose mode (link:[IVY-257]) - IMPROVE: incorrect value in status attribute causes silent failure (link:[IVY-259]) - IMPROVE: suport empty dependencies tag in an ivy file (link:[IVY-281]) - IMPROVE: isolate dependency resolution from artifact downloading (link:[IVY-254]) - IMPROVE: Pass artifact to repository when calling "put" (link:[IVY-192]) - IMPROVE: Do not publish ivy file with bad revision, and allow to force the deliver when calling publish task (link:[IVY-245]) - FIX: Problem with multiple artifact includes in transitive dependencies (link:[IVY-283]) - FIX: Endless recursion in report (link:[IVY-284]) - FIX: http url lister doesn't work when link text has spaces (link:[IVY-282]) - FIX: Incorrect ant log level (link:[IVY-279]) - FIX: Wrong resolution of dependencies if artifacts specified explicitly (link:[IVY-261]) - FIX: Multiple versions of dependencies appearing in retrieve (link:[IVY-264]) - FIX: Too many false CircularDependencyException errors thrown (link:[IVY-230]) - FIX: CircularDependencyException not always thrown (link:[IVY-184]) - FIX: NullPointer in BasicResolver (link:[IVY-258]) - FIX: Bad diagnostics message when no space left (link:[IVY-250]) - FIX: Maven2 POM support can find groupId from "parent" element (link:[IVY-262]) - FIX: Parent version is expected to be equal to the module version in POM (link:[IVY-241]) - FIX: problem with cache and returnFirst (link:[IVY-207]) - FIX: modules splitted across a chain are not handled correctly (link:[IVY-206]) - FIX: problem with conf extension and latest revisions (link:[IVY-240]) - FIX: The clean-cache target in /src/example/hello-ivy/build.xml file refers to ${user.home}/.ivy-cache instead of ${user.home}/.ivy/cache/ (link:[IVY-265]) * thanks to Ivy Community: - NEW: SSH Resolver added and aligned with SFTP resolver (link:[IVY-273]) (thanks to Andreas Sahlbach) - NEW: ability to turn off transitivity at configuration level (link:[IVY-103]) (thanks to Karl Baum and Maarten Coene) - NEW: a conflict manager that is able to allow implementation changes but not api changes (1.2.x - OK), (1.x.x - Not OK) (link:[IVY-223]) (thanks to Anders Janmyr) - NEW: enhance standalone mode to execute java program by creating classloader of dependant jars from cache (link:[IVY-210]) (thanks to Peter Hayes) - NEW: addition of Vfs Resolver which uses Commons-Vfs to resolve files (link:[IVY-128]) (thanks to Glen Marchesani, Matt Inger and Stephen Nesbitt) - IMPROVE: use global properties in the recursive delivery (link:[IVY-222]) (with the contribution of Roshan Punnoose) - IMPROVE: better handling of authentication (thanks to Christian Riege) - FIX: Ant log messsages not embedded in task log (link:[IVY-280]) (thanks to Gilles Scokart) - FIX: Ivy fails when downloading from a server that supports NTLM authentication (link:[IVY-213]) (thanks to Damon Rand) - FIX: Delivered Ivy files with incomplete last line. (link:[IVY-125]) (thanks to Matthias Kilian) - FIX: the vfs resolver should not log passwords (link:[IVY-292]) (thanks to Antoine Levy-Lambert) * thanks to Maarten Coene: - NEW: add failureproperty parameter to the resolve task (link:[IVY-285]) - NEW: Add type filtering to retrieve task (link:[IVY-260]) - NEW: Add selectors to the configuration mapping (link:[IVY-253]) - NEW: Add Ant task to retrieve information from an Ivy file without doing a resolve (link:[IVY-255]) - NEW: add option to cachepath task to create a path with local artifact paths (link:[IVY-221]) - NEW: allow extending configurations to override the mapping of their super configurations (link:[IVY-218]) - IMPROVE: Retain artifact filenames along the publish/resolve/retrieve process (link:[IVY-54]) - IMPROVE: report Ant-task doesn't process the reports in batch (link:[IVY-247]) - IMPROVE: make ReportOutputter pluggable and customizable (link:[IVY-205]) - IMPROVE: add wildcard support for extending configurations (link:[IVY-235]) - IMPROVE: add support for xslt parameters in the report task (link:[IVY-227]) - IMPROVE: comments now aren't lost when delivering ivy files (link:[IVY-226]) - IMPROVE: add sort of 'fallback'-mapping to the defaultconfmapping attribute (link:[IVY-215]) - IMPROVE: artifact origin is not included in the default report (link:[IVY-251]) - FIX: VFS Resolve fails when trying to resolve a + version (link:[IVY-237]) - FIX: report Ant-task doesn't use outputpattern for generating graphml reports (link:[IVY-246]) - FIX: report Ant-task doesn't call init() on the internal XSLTProcess (link:[IVY-248]) - FIX: value of confmappingoverride from imported configurations is lost when writing Ivy file (link:[IVY-239]) - FIX: including configurations doesn't import the confmappingoverride setting (link:[IVY-238]) - FIX: NullPointerException when the creation of Ivy file in cache fails (link:[IVY-234]) - FIX: Ivy file containing 2 different versions of the same module is not deliverd correctly (link:[IVY-229]) - FIX: ModuleRevisionId encode/decode doesn't work if revision is empty (link:[IVY-233]) - FIX: cachepath task should preserve the order of the dependencies (link:[IVY-225]) - FIX: specifying a defaultconfmapping adds dependencies of each unlisted configuration (link:[IVY-214]) * thanks to Johan Stuyts: - NEW: always update artifacts when revision matches a regex pattern (link:[IVY-189]) - NEW: provide Ant task for generating report about artifacts depended upon (link:[IVY-194]) - IMPROVE: change default cache artifact pattern to handle missing extension (link:[IVY-196]) * thanks to Karl Baum: - NEW: "this" symbol for configuration mappings (link:[IVY-183]) - IMPROVE: performances improved (link:[IVY-187]) ----