== Changes log (2005-04-21) __A few bugs have been discovered in the 1.0-rc2, so here is the reason for this rc3, which should fix these bugs. If no bug is discovered, 1.0-rc3 should be promoted to 1.0 on *2005-04-26*__ - IMPROVE: added debug messages on variables setting - FIX: ivysettings now able to load a properties file given as url - FIX: deliver pub date now actually defaults to 'now' - FIX: all tasks attributes now substitute ivy variables == Downloads link:http://www.jayasoft.org/downloads/ivy/ivy-1.0-rc3-bin.zip[ivy-1.0-rc3-bin.zip] (1168 kB) link:http://www.jayasoft.org/downloads/ivy/ivy-1.0-rc3-src.zip[ivy-1.0-rc3-src.zip] (993 kB) link:http://www.jayasoft.org/downloads/ivy/ivy-1.0-rc3-src-withdep.zip[ivy-1.0-rc3-src-withdep.zip] (1256 kB)