In this part of the svn tree is maintained the website published at The website is composed of three part: * the Ant main site published at * the Ivy site published at * the IvyDE site published at Each website part has a 'sources' folder which contain the sources used to generate the final html files. The generated files are placed into the 'production' folder. To generate the site for Ant: $ cd site/ant $ ant docs To generate the site for Ivy or IvyDE: $ cd site/ivy(de) $ ant generate-site To force the generation of the entire website (usefull when we change the template) $ ant /all generate-site To generate a 'history' sub part of the website (here tunk): $ ant generate-history -Dhistory.version=trunk Once files are generated in the 'production' folder, commit them and they will go live in few seconds.