IvyDE - http://www.jayasoft.org/ivyde ============================================ for detailed view of each issue, please consult http://jira.jayasoft.org/ version 1.2.0 =========================== - upgraded to Ivy 1.4.1 - NEW: Link Sources to Classes by Artifact Type in Classpath Container (IVYDE-12) (thanks to Peter Blstak) - FIX: No resolve messages in console (IVYDE-39) version 1.1.0 =========================== - NEW: enabling user to choose what types get added to the classpath (IVYDE-24) - NEW: Provide [create ivy aware library] when opening the context menu of an ivy.xml file (IVYDE-21) - NEW: report view (Windows -> Show View -> IvyDE > Report) (IVYDE-20) - IMPROVE: Deal with cancel resolve job (IVYDE-30) - IMPROVE: Support for relative path in the prefence fields when declaring location of ivyconf.xml file. (IVYDE-25) (thanks to Peter Chanthamynavong) - IMPROVE: store per project settings in a shareable file (namely .settings/org.jayasoft.ivyde.eclipse.prefs) (IVYDE-15) - FIX: junit classpath not resolved correctly with several IvyDE classpath containers (IVYDE-31) version 1.0.4 - =========================== - remove PDE plugin requirement - prevent NPE when ivy resolve failed version 1.0.3 - =========================== - add sources in distrib version 1.0.2 - =========================== - Include IVY 1.3.1 release - Fix common-logging classloader issue version 1.0.1 - =========================== - Include IVY 1.3 release version 0.9.8 - =========================== - Fix source attachment from class editor version 0.9.7 - =========================== - Fix source attachment for contained in ivycontainer version 0.9.6 - =========================== - Fix startup refresh problem version 0.9.3 - =========================== initial public version - integration of plugin formerly known as ivyeclipseui - added IvyClasspathContainer and configuration stuff